38- 𝘐 𝘹 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘹 𝘕𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘹 𝘠𝘰𝘶

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"Gon has such a radiant personality that you don't know how to classify him. Y/n on the other hand, tricks you into a sense of security you're just not sure how to describe. You don't actually desire their friendship." Illumi continued.

"No..." Killua whispered.

"If you stay with them, one day you'll end up wanting to kill them. You'll wonder if you can, and you'll want to find out because, you are by nature, a murderer." Illumi's tangent continued, making Killua shake. 

"Killua!" Leorio spoke up. "I couldn't care less if this guy's your brother, all right? He's a worthless piece of crap, so don't listen to him! Just beat the crap out of him like usual and win! You wanna become friends with Gon and Y/n? Are you kidding me?! You're already friends, how do you not know that? Even Y/n themselves admitted it!" He shouted, pointing a finger at the pair.

"It's true, Killua! And you know I'd never lie to you. I care about you too much!" I smiled, my voice booming. Killua quickly whipped around to look at us, gasping a little bit. 

"Is that right?" Illumi spoke, turning his attention towards us.

"Hell yeah, it's right, ya idiot!" Leorio grinned.

"I love Killua! And he loves me! We're best friends, and best friends never turn their backs on each other!" I yelled. "I love you, Killua!" I shouted even louder and I was sure everyone else's ears were bleeding by now.

"Oh no, that Isn't good." Illumi sighed. "So they both already consider Kil a friend? And this one says they love him..." He pondered for a while. "Fine! Then I'll just kill them both." Illumi pointed his finger in the air and Killua let out a gasp and other examinees were sure to follow. Illumi got out a few pins, but I just stepped a bit closer. "Assasins have no use for friends. They only get in the way. Where can I find Gon?" Illumi asked, turning to the door. "I'll take care of you after." He pointed at me.

"Please, wait a second! The match-" A referee started but was quickly silenced by one of Illumi's needles stabbing him in the face. His facial features were quickly deformed into a mush of eyes, a nose, and a mouth on a seemingly potato-shaped canvas as he let out a scream of pain.

"Where?" Illumi repeated.

"He's in the waiting room, right over there." The referee winced.

"Thank you." Illumi continued walking. Kurapika, Leorio, Hanzo, and I stepped in front of the door. While the three were much larger than me and could probably do more, I felt powerful in blocking a grown man from an exit. "Oh what a pain. I need to acquire a hunter's license right now so I can do my job. But if I kill them, I'll fail and then Kil will pass automatically. Oh no! The same thing will happen if I kill Gon!" He tilted his head. "Wait. I'll pass the exam and then kill Gon!"

"You bastard!" Leorio grunted.

"If I pass the exam first, I can keep my license and kill everyone here, isn't that right?" Illumi asked, turning to Netero.

"Well, yes, according to the rulebook." The old man responded.

"Did you hear that, Kil? If you really want to save Gon and Y/n, you're going to have to beat me." Illumi walked closer to Killua, making me grow even more worried. "Will you fight me to save your friends? You can't do it, can you? Because deep down, you're more worried about whether you can defeat me than anything else. Aren't you?" Killua let out a loud gasp once again and Illumi's manipulative scheme seemed far from over. "And you already know the answer. "I'm not strong enough to beat my big brother" " He said, mocking Killua. "Remember the lesson I drilled into you? Never go up against a superior opponent." Illumi's hand outstretched, almost as though he were reaching out for the boy in front of him. I watched as his breathing only became heavier and his expression grew more fearful. "Don't move. Move one more inch and I'll assume the fight has begun. The same goes for if our bodies come in contact with each other, the fight starts. There is only one way to stop me, and you know it. But don't forget, if you decide you won't fight me, your dear friends will certainly die."

"Killua, please. Just give up. I don't care if my life ends, just, please. Get out of here..." I whispered, desperately wishing I had more control over the situation.

"Take him out, Killua!" Leorio shouted. "We'll protect you! He won't kill you, Gon, or Y/n!" Illumi's hand inched closer. "Go on, let him have it!"

"You win Illumi, I admit defeat." Killua tilted his head down, just avoiding Illumi's fingers. The other people in front of the door let out a small gasp, but I didn't make a sound. My lip quivered a bit, but other than that, I tried to keep all emotions hidden.

"Oh, Excellent." Illumi's usually blank expression changed into a smile as he clapped his hands. "So there's no need for us to fight then, huh?" He pat Killua on the shoulder, laughing a bit. "I lied Kil. I was never going to kill your friends. That was only a test to see what you're made of! And now I know for certain, you are simply not qualified to make friends." Illumi then pat his head. My eyes couldn't help but make their way to Killua's expression, which seemed so broken and numb. "Not that you need any. You'll keep doing what you've always done, the job Dad and I trained you to do. I'll order you to take the hunter exam when the time is right, but not now."

Killua walked back when it was time for Leorio's match to start. "Killua? Are you okay? I'm sorry that happened to you." I tried to comfort him, reaching for his arm. He pulled away and gave me a look.

"Fine. Nothing to worry about, 'kay?" He said dully.

"I..." My mouth was incredibly dry. "Okay." I sighed.

Right as the match was about to begin, Killua seemingly teleported behind the old man Leorio was up against. His expression was dark and almost empty. It was cold and seemingly un-human. Killua's nails were sharpened as he held them at both his sides and he looked ready to destroy anything in his path. He quickly stabbed the man in the abdomen, blood flowing slowly to the floor with a slight dropping sound. I wanted to tell him to stop. I wanted to shout. I wanted to scream, cry, hit, anything that would get his attention and cause this violence to stop. But I couldn't. I tried, but nothing I did would work. The man's corpse fell to the floor and the red substance coated Killua's fingers, clothes, and face. His expression was still null and unreadable and yet so troubled. He turned towards the door, opening it slightly.

"Killua, wait! Please!" I whimpered, feeling salty tears drip down my face.

"Y/n..." He whispered, his expression softening for just a moment. "I have to go back, I'm sorry." This only made me weep harder. "Hey, hey, don't cry. You'll be alright without me. Take good care of Gon, okay?" He said, hugging me tightly.

"I won't be okay Killua! I won't be! Because life without you is painful and bothersome. I still need you!" I cried, soaking his shirt. Killua pushed me off of him.

"Goodbye, Y/n." He walked away, and from my blurry, tear-filled vision, I watched the boy that made me feel like flying disappear from my life.

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