35- 𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘖𝘧 𝘹 𝘈 𝘹 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘰

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"Me? You think I'll stop you?" Kurapika retorted "Don't worry, there's no chance of that!" Kurapika hissed, his eyes turning a gorgeous shade of red. Gon was still on the ground, holding his left arm.

"I'm sure you're in too much pain to listen, but hear this," Hanzo said, before placing his hand on the ground. "I'm a descendant of a clandestine group called the shinobi." He now did a handstand with only one arm. It would be impressive if he wasn't such an asshat. "From the day I was born, I've been subjected to intensive training-"

"Yeah, well so has Killua but you don't see him beating the ever-loving shit out of children," Quinn interjected. Hanzo just glared at them and continued on his tangent.

"From the day I was born, I've been subjected to intensive training in order to master the special art of ning-po. For the past 18 years, I've tirelessly trained my body and honed my technique. By the time I was your age, I had already killed." Hanzo's eyes were still closed. I glanced at Killua, who stared back and put a finger to his lips. I winked and nodded, understanding the message. "At this point in time, you have no hope of defeating me in combat. I'm being nice. So just admit defeat." He said, slowly opening his eyes. The minute he did so, Gon kicked him square in the face.

"Yeah Gon, you got it! Kick his ass!" I cheered, practically leaping with joy. Gon lost his balance and collapsed onto the ground, but Hanzo went down with him this time.

"Oww! Damn it..." Gon sighed, grabbing onto his broken left arm and standing up. However, the environment seemed more light-hearted than before. "Between the pain and you blabbing, I don't know what cleared my head up more!" He grumbled.

"Hell yeahhhh! Attaboy!" Leorio shouted, pointing at Gon. "Now kick him while he's down and he's finished!" I giggled at Leorio's encouragement. 

"He's right you know! You're doing great, so keep it up!" I shouted. Gon stood up all the way, still clutching onto his arm.

"If you're 18, then you're just 6 years older than me! Besides, this isn't a battle to see who's stronger. It's to see who's throwing in the towel first!" Gon said.

"He's spitting mad facts right now!" Quinn shouted. Hanzo got up, and I watched the blood drip from his nose.

"I let you kick me because I wanted to!" Hanzo tried to defend himself.

"You're a liar!" Leorio yelled. 

"You must be confused." He said sternly, wiping the blood off of his face. "That was not a warning! It was a direct order. Was it too hard for you to understand? I'm quite happy to break it down for you." He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, almost as if he were praying.

"Oh pack it up, Dr.Phil! Just give up already!" Quinn smiled at their nickname for the ninja. Hanzo ignored them and pulled out a dagger from one of the bandages that wrapped around his hand.

"I'll cut off your legs so that they can't be reattached." He threatened. "A permanent injury should open up your eyes to the current situation. But before we must resort to such things, I want to hear you surrender." He grinned wickedly.

"Well, that's a problem!" Gon said, surrounding the crowd in a wave of shock. "I don't wanna have my legs cut off! But I don't wanna surrender either! How 'bout we find a different way to fight?" Gon proposed.

"What the hell?!" The man in front of him shouted, growing angrier by the minute. "Have you not been paying attention?!" He screamed. Laughter was spread out amongst us, causing the environment to be happy and light. It was a nice contrast to the dark and almost threatening aura the scene was giving off earlier. "Are you really making demands? You messing with me? I'm seriously about to cut your legs off!"

"You do what you want, but I won't give up!" Gon declared. "Besides, if you cut my legs off, I'll probably just bleed to death." He said as though it were no big deal. 

"What?" The man gaped.

"Mr. Masta!" Gon glanced at the referee. "He'd be disqualified for that, right?" 

"Uh...Yes." He replied.

"See? And that'd be bad for the both of us." Gon frowned. "So, let's think of a better way." He stared as Hanzo made small grunts of frustration.

"I think Gon is okay." Kurapika chuckled. "He's in control now!" His eyes turned back to their usual, calming shade of brown.

"He's just so damn stubborn!" Leorio replied, his posture stiffening a bit.

"But he's also convincing. To Hanzo and the rest of us." Kurapika smiled. "Impressive..."

I glanced at Killua, who appeared bothered by something. "You alright?" I whispered, grasping his hand and smiling at him. He just nodded. "You sure?"

"Now's not a good time to talk about it. Later, okay?" He grinned back.

"Okay." I squeezed his hand gently and turned my attention back to the fight.

Hanzo stepped forward and pointed his sharp blade at Gon's forehead, poking it just enough for trickles of blood to flow. Gon remained poker-faced and didn't move an inch. "I see you're not getting it," Hanzo spoke. "So, I'll try again. Die and you'll never get another chance. If I kill you right here and now, I only need to come back and take the exam again next year. We are not on equal footing!" He shouted. Gon just stared back at him as the tension in the room increased once again. "What's wrong? It's just a stupid sentence! Think! Give up and you can still try again next year." Gon was still silent. "Is your pride truly all you care about? Even more than your life? Is it worth dying for?" Hanzo screamed as Gon continued to just stare.

"I'm gonna go see my dad." Gon's determination could be heard through just his voice. 

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