77- 𝘈𝘶𝘳𝘢 𝘹 𝘕𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘴

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So, before this chapter begins, I just want to let you all know that a very strange Vietnamese website has been plagiarizing this book and some of my others. They've marked up my account to make it look like how it does now, and I don't know what to do. I've clicked the contact button to ask them to take it down, but it didn't open anything. I'm very worried and not too sure what to do. So I'm making this author's note just to tell everyone that I will tell you if I get an account on any other writing website. Stuck with me (along with my other books) will not be uploaded on any site except for Wattpad. If you find any other uploads on different sites, please let me know and give me the link so I can take it down. Thank you, and enjoy the chapter!

-Jazzi / Apollo

"Under normal circumstances, you would spend your time training, in meditation. Learning how to sense your own aura that surrounds you, slowly and carefully allowing those nodes to open." Wing explained. "Even a natural talent like Zushi here required 3 months. But considering your abilities, you could've accomplished it in a week or less."

"Wow, way to put down Zushi." I frowned, feeling a bit bad for the kid.

"I'm okay!" Zushi chuckled. "Please, let Master Wing finish."

"That fact is why it is unfortunate that we are being forced to use the drastic method." The adult continued. 

"I don't really get it," Killua admitted, putting his hands to the back of his head. "What's the problem? I thought faster is always better, isn't it?"

"This method is a cheat and is highly frowned upon." Wing pushed up his glasses. "We are skipping the proper steps. If I was inexperienced or bore any malicious intent, I could kill you."

"Yeah, but you aren't inexperienced or malicious." Gon stated. "So, we're safe with you. Right?" Wing just let out a small sigh, his hand on the top of his head.

"And that's why I've been wondering..." Killua spoke. "What made you decide to teach us the real 4 exercises all of a sudden?"

"Because you are very close to getting it." He replied. "If you were to enter the 200th floor without any of this knowledge, you would suffer greatly. You see, up there, everyone knows how to manipulate Nen. And it is customary to initiate any new arrivals who are ignorant of Nen by attacking with it."

"That's a bit...strange." I replied, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"In other words, they do what I'm about to, but without the necessary restraint. They do not care if people die. It's all the same to them." Wing continued. "Only those who prove they are strong enough to survive are welcome to stay there as the chosen."

"The chosen?" I repeated.

"Yes. They have paid a high price for the privilege. That is why it's important for you to be prepared." Wing shut his eyes. "I don't expect any of that was very encouraging. But through this method, I believe you will awaken." He outstretched his hand, an energy surrounding his body. "It is clear you have the talent and ability. Take off your jackets, face away from me and put down all your belongings."

I obeyed, putting down my bag filled with bowls and other really weird stuff. I slipped off the sweater I had stolen from Killua's backpack and put it on top of my pack gently. I watched as Killua took off his sweater, lazily throwing it on one of the chairs in the room, and glanced at Gon as he did the same. The environment was tense, to say the least, but we did what he said.

"Killua and Y/n, you two go first." He demanded. We both walked up and turned our backs to him, as sweat dripped down my face reacting to the hot air that was his aura. Killua's sweaty hand intertwined with mine, as I felt the need for some comfort. The air only seemed to get warmer for whatever reason. "Now I'll begin." Wing said from the spot behind us.

"Killua...I feel really scared." I tried to speak, but my words only came out at the volume of a scarce whisper.

"I...I know, I'm scared too." His eyes were wide. "But we'll get through together."

"Okay!" I clenched my eyes shut, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "A-After this, We'll go and check in to our room, then we'll...go get snacks!"

"Mhm!" He grunted.

I couldn't even speak after that. The aura intensified, and all I could do was let out a strangled cry. I listened to Killua let out a similar noise, making my fear only grow. Finally, Wing pulled his hand back, and the aura stopped.

"And now, every aura node in your bodies has been opened." He frowned. My head collapsed on Killua's chest as we just stood there for a bit. I felt exhausted and yet relieved at the same time.

"Killua..." I muttered, gripping onto his shirt. "Can we stay like this for a bit?"

"Yes please." He replied, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Please."

"Are you okay?" I frowned.

"Mhm. Are you? You seemed pretty shaken up." Killua sighed, rubbing circles on my back gently.

"Fine. Just a bit scared." I responded, my voice quiet. Gon walked over to us once the process was finished on him, turning mine and Killua's little cuddle session into a group hug. I felt a bit relieved knowing that both of my friends were still with me.

"It's okay to be scared. I was pretty freaked out too. It kind of hurt." Gon smiled. "But we're okay, and now we can go and register."

"Right!" I grinned, leaving our hug. I looked down at my arms, taking note of a white mist surrounding my body, which I assumed to be aura.

"Thi-This is..." Killua's mouth hung open as he looked down at his body.

"That is your aura, also known as life energy." Wing explained. "You can see it now because the nodes in your eyes were also opened."

"It feels...fuzzy." I smiled. "I like it."

"It almost looks like steam rising off the spout of a tea kettle." Gon glanced at his hands. "It's so crazy!"

"It's rushing out from every part of my body!" Killua exclaimed. "And it doesn't look like it's stopping. No way...this can't be good!"

"Yeah it can, that means that we can learn it a bit easier." I smiled, not looking away from the life energy rushing out of my hands.

"You dummy, if life energy is rushing out, that means we can die of exhaustion!" He grunted, panic filling his eyes.

"He's correct. Expend all of your aura, and you will die of fatigue." Wing sighed.

"Fuck!" My eyes widened upon the realization I could be in danger.

"Listen to me carefully, you must keep your focus on containing your aura within your body. Now close your eyes!" Wing instructed. I shut them, just as he said, growing a bit nervous for what was to come.

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