15- 𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰!

885 23 11

"Y/n, it's time to wake up." Killua cooed, shaking me gently. I sat up groggily, trying my best to rub the sleep from my eyes. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Mm...Slept fine." I yawned. "You?"

"I slept okay. I got us some breakfast. Want any?" He offered.

"No. Thanks though." I sighed. As weird as it sounded, I think the thing was that my mind was so full of thoughts that my stomach could barely handle food without vomiting. Of course, I'd have to eat at some point, but I didn't want to worry about that. "What's on the agenda today? I don't think I really wanna sit around and do nothing."

"We'll just be selling stuff today." Gon piped up.

"Know any good spots for vendors?" Killua smirked.

"Yeah, got a few. How much money do we still have leftover from yesterday?" I asked, trying to remember what we did before that day's horrific events.

"Well, between the three of us we've got 162,600,00." He frowned.

"That's what you get for not sticking to the reputable sites like Gon and I told you to." I scolded.

"Hey, I couldn't help myself!" He replied brashly.

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled. "You reckless little kitty, it's surprising that you're usually Gon's voice of reason." I chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose and gently holding his face with one hand. "Anyway, I'm not so sure if all the places I used to go to to buy and sell are shut down yet, but we can go and check 'em out, just to see." I walked over to the closet and quickly changed before walking towards the door. "Come to the lobby when you guys are all done. Then we can go scope out a few locations." I smiled before walking out of the room.

I waited down on the bottom floor for a little in a chair by the reception desk. My face lit up when I saw the boys who seemed eager and ready to explore my hometown.

"Let's go!" Gon cheered with his usual optimistic grin staying on his face.

"Okay! What I was planning was that we could go to the shopping center and set up a stand where we sell the random things we collected in the plaza. We'll stay there for about three hours, and if nobody buys, we'll head to goodwill, get our money, and then finally, head to the dump and bring in some old cans. We could make a little bit of cash that way." I suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Killua shrugged.

"I like it!" Gon nodded.

"All righty then! Shall we be going, gentlemen?" I laughed, wiggling my eyebrows and leaving the hotel.


We went by the marketplace first, just to look around. "We're lucky it's so busy today. Especially considering that it's usually used to scam auction-goers." I smirked. "This means we'll be able to get our hands on some money."

"Wait, this isn't the auction venue?" Gon asked.

"Nope. It's either used as entertainment for people who attend auctions or a place for vendors to scam." I smiled. "Isn't Yorknew such an honest city?" I said sarcastically.  "Anyway, the so-called dream auction is held once a year in the city's auction house. Which, might I add, is the world's largest." I boasted. "Rich folks go there all the time to blow a couple of bucks. I heard rumors that it's being run by mob bosses. Tens of trillions of jenny get blown within the first ten days. Rich people are crazy. Ah, no offense, Killua."

"None taken." He chuckled.

"Tens of trillions? Really?" Gon gasped.

"Yup." I nodded. "Everyone wants an instant fuckin' fortune," I said coldly. "And to bully others who can't have that instant fortune."

"Hey, you think Kurapika, Quinn, and Leorio are gonna show?" Killua asked.

"Well, maybe Leorio and Quinn, but I'm not so sure about Kurapika. I dunno, he just seems to me to be the type of person to get swamped in his work." I frowned. "It's worrying, but I doubt we could stop it."

"They promise they'd meet us here today, so I'm sure they will." Gon answered.

"Wait, it's the first already?" I exclaimed. "I must've lost track of time. Oh well..." I chuckled nervously. 

"Right." Killua nodded. "They might try to contact us, so..." he opened up his cell phone. "Gon! You really gotta get a phone!" he nagged. "Every hunter needs one!"

"Yeah. I know..." Gon smiled and scratched the back of his neck anxiously. 

"Ah, the stand moved from the last few years." I grinned, looking down at the cellphone booth.

"Hey, welcome! This is one of the hottest new models." The vendor said, holding up a shiny, grey cell phone. "It's ultra-thin and no bigger than a credit card!"

"Meaning you could lose it easier." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"It also has GPS, which is great for finding people!" He continued to advertise.

"Don't bother." A familiar voice called out from behind us. I turned to see the tall old man from the Hunter's exam to who I had taken a liking.

"Leorio!" I cheered, running up to him and hugging him. Well, his legs anyway. I could tell that he had switched to a cologne that was a lot less strong than the other one he wore before. Hell, I'd even stretch out as far as to say it smelled pretty nice.

"Hey, Kid!" He chuckled, patting my head. "Anyway, the range on that phone is terrible and it's not even waterproof. The only thing it's good for is making phone calls. Instead...I would recommend...this Beetle 07."

"But that model's super outdated! Wouldn't it lag?" I asked.

"Nah, it'll work just fine." Leorio shook his head and grabbed one to show us. "It's pretty heavy and expensive, but it can translate over 200 languages from places all over the globe."

"Wait, really? Hey, Gon, get this one and I'll get one too!" Killua smiled. "Y/n, you should also get one of these. It might come in handy."

"Hm...Maybe I will." I scratched the back of my neck in thought.

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