58- 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘈𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯

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"It was in my left hand." He revealed. "Now only two remain."

"All right, let's go." I frowned.

He threw the coin around again and caught it, the same pace as before. "Which hand?"

"Left." I answered.

"Right." Gon spoke.

The butler opened his right hand to reveal the coin. "Only one remains."

"Fuck." I muttered, gripping the couch.

"All right. Here we go." The butler said, preparing to throw the coin once again.

"Wait!" Gon interrupted.

"What is it?" He grasped the coin. "If you're trying to buy time, I will kill one of you."

"Oh my god, please shut up." Quinn groaned.

"Leorio, gimmie your knife." Gon turned to him.

"Hey, as much as I'd like to stab him, we can't do that." I sighed.

"What? No, it's not to hurt anyone!" He frowned. "Don't worry, okay? I'm not gonna use it for anything stupid."

"That's what people usually say when they're about to do something stupid." Quinn chuckled dryly. Gon took off the bandage that was covering his eye, revealing that it was swollen shut. Leorio handed him the knife, and Gon cut his eyelid. "Hey, why'd you do that?" They gritted their teeth.

"It reduces swelling." Kurapika explained.

"Oh. Well, that's good to know." They smiled.

Gon patched up his eyelid, stopping the bleeding. "There. Much better. I can see now. Okay, I'm ready!" 

The butler threw the coin much faster than the last, making it even more challenging for Gon. "Which hand?" He asked quickly.

"The left." Gon pointed.

"Very good." He opened his hands to reveal that the coin was in the left hand. "Now..." He stood up from his chair and two other butlers stood beside him. He threw the coin and all the butlers seemed to flip it around. "Now, which one of us has it?"

A silence filled the room as Gon began to think. "That guy. Right behind me." He smiled, pointing at the servant. He opened his hand to reveal the coin.

"Woah, nice job Gon!" I cheered.

"That was really impressive." Quinn chuckled.

"Splendid. Well done." All the butlers began to clap.

The door behind us opened, but I didn't look. That was until a familiar voice caught my attention. "Gotoh! Is Y/n here yet?"

I turned to see Killua, with scratches all over his face. "Killua!" I shouted, running up and giving him a tight hug. "Oh my god, I thought I lost you!" I smiled, letting a few tears fall.

"Hey, try not to squeeze me so tight, okay? I got some stuff goin' on." He chuckled.

"What? What happened? What'd they do to you?" I frowned.

"It's nothing. I don't want you worried about me." He stroked my hair.

"Was it the solitary confinement?" I whispered. "How badly did they hurt you?"

"It hurt, but I'm all right. We're together now, and that's what matters." He smiled.

"Please don't ever do this to me again!" I whimpered. "Losing you is something that I can't even imagine."

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Wherever you go, I'm gonna follow." He chuckled.

"Hey, I've got a bone to pick with you Killua!" Quinn laughed. "Why'd you leave them alone like that? It hurt them pretty bad y'know."

"I know, but I won't do it again." He smiled. "Oh hey, where'd your eyepatch go?"

"I don't think I'll wear them anymore. There's no point. I like my eyes now." They beamed.

"That's good. I think they look pretty cool." He looked at me. "Can I let go now?"

"No. Never." I chuckled.

"I told you, crowbar." Quinn laughed.

"Crowbar?" Killua asked.

"Ah, Inside joke." I laughed.

"Oh. You guys have inside jokes. That's...nice." He let go of my waist and held my hand, leading me over to the couch. "Anyway, you guys were already here? Gon!" He smiled. "And this guy...um...Kurapika?"

"You remembered." The blonde frowned.

"And Reolio!" Killua pointed.

"It's Leorio!" He shouted.

"It's been so long, but you all made it!" Killua continued. "Wow, your face is a mess." He smiled at Gon.

"Back at ya!" Gon grinned.

"We're all together again!" I giggled.

"Just like how we all should be." Quinn chuckled.

"Hey Gotoh, what happened to telling me as soon as they got here, huh? What were you doing?" Killua pouted.

"Please forgive me." Gotoh bowed. "I had them participate in a little game."

"A game?" He turned to Gon, who just giggled a little.

"A joke, sir." Gotoh explained. "Though, quite a poor one admittedly."

"Well, I definitely didn't find it funny." Quinn muttered.

"I'm sorry for the trouble." Gotoh smiled. "I do hope you enjoyed yourselves."

"If that was a joke, then you sure fooled me." Leorio scratched his head.

"Wait did they try anything?" Killua asked.

"Well, sort of. But it was actually kinda fun." I giggled.

"They were just keeping us entertained." Gon smiled.

"Really? Well, Okay." Killua replied.

"Canary, are you okay?" I turned to her. "Now that you've been let go from knifepoint, I feel a bit better!"

"Yes, I'm doing fine." She smiled. "Thank you."

"Let's go someplace else. Like, anywhere at all." Killua suggested. "If we stay here my mom will chew all of us out."

"Can we go somewhere to eat first? I'm kinda hungry!" I chuckled.

"Sure!" Killua laughed. "God, it's so good to be able to hold you again! I missed you a lot."

"Bet I missed you more." I teased.

"Nuh-uh." He smirked.

"Yuh-huh." I squeezed his hand gently.

"Call it a tie and move on." Quinn laughed, intertwining their hand with the one that Killua wasn't holding.

"Hey Gotoh, listen." Killua grumped. "No matter what mom said, don't follow me."

"Understood sir. Please take care." He bowed.

"C'mon guys, let's go." Killua huffed. "Bye."

"Um...Thank you for not killing us! And for letting us stay for a while." I bowed back.

"It was no trouble." Gotoh chuckled. "Take good care of Master Killua."

"I will. Thank you!" I grinned, running off to catch up to him, but stopping. "Canary, thank you for taking us here. You were very helpful. Take care of yourself, okay? You're a very kind person." I smiled.

"Y/n! You coming?" Killua shouted.

"Sorry!" I yelled back. "See you around!" I waved, before running off to find my albino friend.

We left Killua's estate and arrived in a small town not too far away from it. It seemed so peaceful compared to our hectic venture into Killua's house. He and I held hands after what felt like ages, which made me feel safe.

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