74- 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘹 𝘌𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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"Hey, who was that blonde guy?" Killua asked once I got up to where he and Gon were sitting and watching me finish up my match.

"I dunno. He was nice though. A bit...what's the word? Eccentric."  I smiled. "His name was Tamaki I'm pretty sure. Anyway, let's go get our stuff. We're going to the 200th floor!"

"Yeah!" Gon cheered, racing out of the stands. I chased after him and Killua followed, catching up to us quickly.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure that on this floor, we get our own rooms." Killua grinned once we slowed down.

"Oh. So no more sharing, I guess." I tried my best to wear a smile, despite feeling a little sad that Killua and I couldn't share, for whatever reason. "But I'm sure our rooms will be close to each other, so that's good!"

We arrived at the elevator and quickly hopped inside. The guide standing in front simply bowed as we were on our way. I watched the floor numbers on the screen of the elevator slowly go up, as I bounced around in anticipation and excitement.

"The 200th floor!" Gon beamed, holding onto his backpack straps happily. "So, what's it like?"

"Beats me. Never actually been there." Killua responded, shrugging his shoulders. "But I guess we're gonna find out."

"I like this. Going on adventures with you two. It's really fun!" I laughed, appreciating the moment we were all sharing.

"Yeah. I'm kinda gonna miss bunking with you though." Killua frowned. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"

"What? No way, no I don't!" I put my hands on my hips and leaned forward.

"Do too! And I heard you calling out my name." He shut his eyes and I could feel the cockiness radiating off of him. "I think you were looking for me." This reminded me of the dream I had the other night, which made me frown.

"Yeah, well, stuff happened is all." I sighed.

"What kinda stuff?" Gon asked. "Did something bad happen in your dream?"

"Well, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But you don't need to know all that, Gon. And Killua definitely doesn't either." I replied.

"If you say so. Well, anyway, we're here!" Gon cheered once the elevator let out a 'ding!'. We all stepped out to reveal a fancy-pants hallway, which made me feel a bit intimidated.

"Woah. I'm not even in the room yet, but this is super nice!" I exclaimed, looking around a little bit. "Killua, I know you haven't made it to this floor yet, but did you stay in places like this often?"

"Well, yeah. Being an assassin kinda puts you pretty high up in the world." He kept close to me, as though I'd get lost. "I didn't really like it though. It was usually for longer jobs, and Illumi was always with me."

"Well, now you've got us with you! So naturally, it'll be better than just having your big brother for company." I took his hand and Gon's hand and marched forward, feeling happiness course through my veins. "Eh...Where's the reception?" I asked nervously. Gon pointed at a sign with his free hand that appeared to be the way to the sign-in desk. We all marched that way, sure it would lead us to our lodging.

"We finally made it!" Gon wore a bright-eyed grin.

"Yeah," Killua's hand felt softer than usual, for whatever reason.

"I can't believe I got this far. I definitely couldn't have done it without your guy's encouragement. Thank you." I smiled, looking down at the ground. "Without you two, I probably would've given up a while ago."

"Hey, don't thank us for anything. Your determination got us here too, take that into account!" Gon grinned, encouraging me.

"It's true. You're really, really strong. In lots of ways. Whenever I felt bad, you were always there to pick me right back up again. You've been right by my side since we first met." Killua nudged my shoulder.

"When you were hiding in those bushes like a little weirdo." I chuckled, reminiscing on our first encounter. "Then I heard your name and the family profession and I immediately figured out who you were."

"Mhm. And yet you were still so chill about it." Killua smiled. "Though, I wasn't really planning on hurting you. I was just curious about you."

"Curious huh?" I repeated.

"Yup. That's why I let you see me." He laughed.

"Well, If that is true, I'm glad that you came out and talked to me. We wouldn't be here today if you just waited for me to leave." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, I uh...suddenly became hungry! Look at that. Well, I'll sign myself in after I get food. Looks like it'll just be you and Y/n all alone, Killua." Gon sounded like he was just making an excuse to leave, just before whispering in Killua's ear.

"Gon!" Killua's face grew bright red. "I'm not sure I'm ready."

"Well, just think about it." The other boy waved, running off.

"What'd he say?" I asked, lifting up my head.

"Don't worry about it. He was just being a dummy." Killua replied. "We should probably go get something to eat too though."

"Okay! Where do you wanna go?" I grinned. "I can pay if you want me to."

"Nah, it's fine. If I pick, I wanna at least cover for the food. You can pay for the bus or taxi if you want though." He offered.

"Okay. Let's go!" I cheered, pulling him over to the elevator.

"Wait, shouldn't we check in first?" He giggled, sending tiny butterflies through my stomach. His laugh was adorable, that was something undebatable to me. I didn't know why I felt a bit differently about him than I usually did. He seemed way more important to me than he did before. Not that Killua wasn't important, obviously he was. I mean, I planned a home invasion to get to him. But why?

Why did I care so much about him? About this boy who randomly appeared in my life one day and stayed? Why did he stay? What these feelings were made me feel lost and confused, and yet it was so wonderful.

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