06- 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘹 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥?

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Killua and I rushed off to the toy store and headed straight over to the video game aisle in search of the outdated system. I found almost every game system except for the JoyStation.

"It's no use! I can't find it." I sighed, going crazy after scanning the aisle for the millionth time. "Any luck on your end, Killua?" I asked. He peered at me through the shelf on the other aisle.

"It's on the top shelf." He sighed. "Can you go get the person at the front to help us out?"

"Sure!" I smiled and went to the counter. "Um, we've found what we need, but it's on the highest shelf and neither of us are tall enough to get to it. Can you help us?"

"Hm? Oh, of course!" The woman at the counter smiled. "Just a moment." She said before scanning candy for two children. "0.02 Jenny." The kids paid and took their candy before leaving. "All right, what aisle would that be?"

"Electronics," I answered.

"Oh, the JoyStation! We've never been able to sell that one." She laughed. "Glad to see we've been able to get rid of the last one." We pranced down the aisles to go find Killua, trying to stretch up to the shelf.

"Oh, Hi." He giggled, standing still.

"Hello there!" The cashier smiled. She reached up and grabbed the box and handed it to Killua. "Do you guys want me to ring that up for you two?"

"Yes please." I nodded.

"Okie Dokie!" She grinned. She scanned the box and found the price. "2.24 Jenny!" I handed her the money and the two of us left the shop to go back to Aunt Mito's house. Once we got the cargo safely transported to Gon's room and unpacked it, he looked at it with awe.

"Woah, so this is a JoyStation." He gasped. 

"This takes me back." Killua picked up the system. "There were a bunch of cult classics made for it."

"Like pocket mon! Oh, and Call of Responsibility!" I laughed. "Those were the best."

"Then is this memory card a cult classic?" Gon asked. "'Cause I don't see a title on it anywhere."

"Well, maybe. Looks like we just gotta put it in and see." I nodded.

"You've never played any video games, have you?" Killua inquired, plugging the cords into the T.V. and getting everything set up. "That's pretty weird."

"Seriously?" Gon was still holding the card.

"Well, it's a little bit strange, but knowing your background a little more, it's not that weird." I justified. "But that isn't a game disc. That's a memory card, so it just shows the save files on the game."

"I guess that means we can't use it to play." Gon frowned.

"Well, no, but we can see what game is on there." I smiled, growing a bit hopeful.

"See, you're supposed to put the disc in here," Killua explained, popping open the disc player. "But if you insert the memory card and power it on without a game inside, well, like how Y/n said, you can see all the games saved on the card."

"Oh okay." Gon stared at the screen.

Killua scrolled through the save files and noticed they were all for a game called Greed Island. "Huh..." He muttered.

"Someone must've really liked this game." I chuckled. "Wonder what it's about."

"Well, anyway, there are a lot of saves on here. It might be pointless, but I'll try to copy the data." Killua sighed. He put in a blank memory file and the system began to copy all the files. "Okay." He walked up to Gon's desk, where a computer sat. He turned it on and quickly began typing.

"What are you doing?" Gon asked from our spot on the floor.

"Searching online." Killua shrugged. "We know what it's called...I'm looking for a store that sells it." He continued searching until the internet browser pulled up no results. "What? No way! Not a single match?"

"Must be a rarer game. Like a collector's item or some vintage game that sold out and never restocked." I offered.

"Yeah, but I can't find any used copies either." Killua continued.

"Wait, really?" I exclaimed, rushing to look at the computer.

"Well...Maybe the game was just never on the market." Killua thought aloud. 

"It's possible." I sighed.

"What does that mean?" Gon asked.

"Maybe it was an indie game or something and it never got distribution." Killua theorized.

"Yeah but, by the save files, the game had to be completed by then. It'd make sense if the company who developed it released it themselves, wouldn't it? Most indie developers do that." I added.

"Well, it's true that most indie companies can release games themselves, they usually collaborate with other gaming developers." Killua closed his eyes. "But it could also be a game that was banned from sale for some reason."

"Ugh, my head hurts from all this thinking!" I whined, holding my head.

"You dumb-dumb." Killua laughed. "But anyway, I'm gonna keep looking and see what I can find." He continued to type, his fingers moving from one key to another in the blink of an eye. "Got it." He said. "Well, it turns out it was actually sold through legitimate channels."

"It says "Greed Island a hunting game exclusively for hunters."" Gon read the information on the screen aloud.  

"For hunters, huh?" Killua repeated. "What the- Look at the price tag!"  He shouted.

"Five hundred and Eighty Million?" Gon and I screamed at the exact same time.

"It's five point eight billion!" Killua corrected, keeping the same volume we did.

"Say what?" Gon yelled.

"So...much...money." I gasped, looking at my hands. "With that, I could go straight to college and then buy a car and a house and...So much stuff!"

"That's crazy!" Killua scoffed. "No game has ever cost that much money!"

"They're 20 bucks, on average!" I whined.

"Only a hundred copies were ever made!" Gon noted. "That's not very many, is it?"

"No, it's practically nothing!" Killua frowned. "Which means the developers were really cocky!"

"Wouldn't it be funny if Ging was one of the developers?" I joked.

"It's possible, but I wouldn't be so sure." Killua laughed. "But it makes sense why the price is so ridiculous. If you're a hunter, you'd be able to afford it, no problem. That explains how they sold out."

"Oh, don't tell me we have to raise money." I sighed.

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