07- 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘹 𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘹 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴

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We began chasing Mr.Satotz through the dark, sewer-like place. I remained at Killua's side the entire time, mainly out of fear. Quinn followed close behind. Killua was on his skateboard almost the entire time, his silver locks flowing like a Disney princess's. "So Killua. What are you gonna do when the exam's over?" I asked, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"I dunno. But I know I'm definitely not going home. Maybe I'll explore a little bit. What about you?" Killua replied while steering away from a stone on the ground.

"Well, I'll probably figure it out along the way. I don't want to head home either. It's too dull." I sighed. "What about you Quinn?" I continued running.

"Well first, I'm gonna do a couple of jobs, just to get some money. Then, after I gain enough experience I'll be a bodyguard. After a few years of that, I'll probably head home." Quinn grinned and continued running.

We had been running for about an hour now. I had a slight cramp, but overall I was okay enough to keep going. Killua remained on his skateboard and Quinn was a little bit ahead of us. The boy with tube hair from earlier was also in front of us. I was tempted to walk up to him and introduce myself but now was hardly the time.

I continued running, getting used to the pain in my abdomen. Killua continued his little skateboard ride, the wheels making the continuous sound of rolling. Quinn rolled up their sleeves and let out a sigh. A few beads of sweat dripped down their forehead. "You okay?" I hollered, still running.

"I'm fine! Just...Keep going, okay?" Quinn responded. I did as they said, as though I was trying to make them happy. Killua glanced at me for a little bit, then stared at the long path in front of us.

"What? Am I doing something that bugs you?" I asked my legs maintaining the motor-like action of running. He shook his head.

"You just don't look too good right now. Wanna take the skateboard for a little?" Killua asked, doing a kickflip practically in mid-air. I furrowed my eyebrows, a bit upset that he thought I couldn't handle this.

"I'm fine. Even if I wasn't I don't know how to ride one of those so...yeah." I huffed, a little bit defiantly.

"You're a nerd." Killua was running instead of skateboarding now. "But I'm gonna walk now." He ran and carried his skateboard.

"Awe, is the great Killua Zoldyck walking all for me?" I teased.

"Yeah cuz you obviously can't keep up. You're practically out of breath right now." He smiled, his eyes still focused on the path in front of us.

"You're mean." I sighed and tried to run faster than him which (unsurprisingly) didn't work. Killua rushed in front of me after realizing I picked up some speed and got closer to the black-haired boy from earlier.

I raced over to the two boys excitedly, hoping Killua would do the majority of the talking. "Hello~" I greeted.

"And this is the weirdo I was tellin' you about." He pointed his thumb towards me. I let out a fake gasp, pretending I was offended.

"I'm Gon! Gon Freecs." He waved.

"Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you!" I smiled. Gon, Killua, and I continued running together. In all honesty, it was pretty fun now that there were more people I knew. Killua and Gon were talking about more stuff but I was mainly sidetracked on what Quinn was up to. I looked behind me. Sure enough, Quinn was close behind. They held a small thumbs up and smiled a little bit. I nodded and turned my head back around.

"So Gon, where you from?" I asked.

"Whale island. Though, you've probably never heard of it." He laughed a bit. "It's a pretty small island and not a lot of people swing by." I let out a small hum but didn't say anything. We just kept running.

We had been running for about three hours. My legs hurt and sweat was practically all over me. Killua seemed fine, and so did Gon. I looked for Quinn. Thankfully, they were still behind me. However, they looked like they were about to collapse. Next to them was the tall man that showed up with Gon.

"Hey, are you okay?" I shouted, hoping Quinn wasn't too out of breath to respond.

"I...I don't think I can continue!" They shouted, their voice a bit hoarse. I frowned, sad they were going to give up so quickly.

"Yes, you can! You've made it this far, right? If you quit now, that throws everything you've done so far into the garbage! Remember why you're here!" I called out, running back to where Quinn was.

"Right." They said quietly. I reached for their hand and lifted them up. I got out a hair tie from the small bag I had brought with me and pulled their short blue hair into a small ponytail.

"You've got this. Now go kick this exam's butt, for your dad!" I exclaimed and let go of their hair. They ran quicker than before.

"For my dad!" They shouted while zooming past other examinees. I couldn't help but smile. I glanced behind me to see Gon and Killua waiting for the tall man Gon arrived with. I waited for everyone to get pumped up and ready to go again. Much to my surprise, the guy with small glasses got up almost immediately. Gon had his briefcase hooked onto his fishing rod.

Much like Quinn, Leorio dashed off almost immediately. It was kind of inspiring to see, but I maintained the same pace I had before. "Hey Killua, Y/n, Wanna race?" Gon asked eagerly.

"Well, that depends. What is the winner getting?" I grinned. Races were fun, but they were ten times better when there was a bet involved.

"The loser has to buy dinner!" Killua smiled.

"You're on!" I laughed. I rushed in front of the two, grinning the entire time. Fortunately, I was able to catch up to Quinn and the Tall guy that Gon's friends with. Alongside them was the woman from before.

"Hey!" I waved over to Quinn. They waved back at me. "How ya doin' so far?"

"Well, I'm better now. This is Leorio by the way." Quinn smiled and pointed at the tall man next to him. "And this is Kurapika."

"Hello! The name's Y/n! Nice to meet you!" I smiled.

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