92- 𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘹 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦

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After the match, we all met up with Wing and Zushi by the water fountain.

"About your fight with Hisoka..." Wing started. "There's nothing I can tell you. You understand better than anyone, having faced him yourself."

"Understand?" Killua repeated.

"What he learned during that fight of course." Wing replied.

"Right!" Gon grinned.

"What...exactly did you learn?" Killua turned to Gon.

"It's secret!" The black-haired boy smiled.

"Of course it is." I laughed. Killua just scoffed.

"Gon, Killua, Y/n." Wing recalled our attention towards him. "As you continue on your paths, it will become ever more important to master your very own styles of Nen."



"Okie-Dokie!" I joined Killua and Gon's affirmations.

"I'm really glad I got the chance to meet the three of you." Zushi smiled. "I look forward to training hard, so I can surpass you one day."

"You really think you can surpass us?" Killua smirked.

"Well, with that amount of confidence, I'm sure he'll get there soon." I chuckled, patting Zushi's fuzzy head.

"I promise you, I will!" Zushi's grin grew wider.

"Not gonna happen." Killua tilted his head back.

"Can't wait to see you do it, Zushi!" The other boy to my left encouraged.

"Osu!" Zushi exclaimed, then let out a tiny laugh.

"Well, let's go." Killua grabbed my hand.

"'Kay." Gon nodded.

"Hey, Gon?" I asked, gazing up at the stars on our way to the airport.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can we go to Whale Island?" I offered. "It's just that...Quinn might be there, and I'd really like to see them again."

"Sure!" Gon smiled. "I was actually thinking of going there anyway." He looked up at the sky. "I really wanna show Aunt Mito my hunter's license. It's crazy to think I haven't been home in 6 months."

"Be lucky Aunt Mito doesn't screech at you over the phone." I sighed, pulling onto the straps of my backpack, remembering how my Mom yelled at me.

"Yeah but, it wasn't that bad." Killua nudged my elbow. "Besides, it gave me a little more time to prepare."

"Prepare? For what?" I laughed.

"To tell you..." His face got red. "Y'know what? Forget it!"

"All right, no need to get so flustered, Killua." I chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah." He scoffed. "Anyway, I guess I'm gonna have to come with you two."

"Huh?" Gon asked quietly. 

"Yeah, I really wanna meet Aunt Mito," Killua replied. "And besides, Y/n and Quinn might get into some trouble if I leave them alone."

"Hey, We're not that bad!" I huffed.

"Let's go together!" Gon cheered.

"Yeah, that should be fun." I smiled, looking down at our feet as they stomped against the sidewalk. 

"Sure. I'll just tag along." Killua shut his eyes and grinned. Gon turned around and soon we all did the same.

"Bye-bye, Heaven's Arena!" He waved.


We hopped onto the airship and I glanced at the city below us, smiling when I remembered all that had unfolded there. The lights below looked like twinkling little stars, despite the fact that we were with the actual stars. I glanced at the seat across from me, only to find a snoring Gon. I looked at Killua, who was looking at my face.

"Well, well, well, how the tables have turned." I laughed, remembering how I stared at Killua when we arrived.

"Well, now that we're together, I don't need an excuse to look at you." He smiled. "I can look at your annoyingly cute face without any reason." Killua kissed the top of my head gently. 

"I love you a lot, Killua." I smiled, resting my head on his chest. He placed his hand on the back of my noggin' gently and began stroking my hair and humming.

"I love you to the moon and back, pretty face." He replied. "And I'm kinda nervous to go back and see Quinn."

"Why?" I gazed up at him.

"Well, they like you too. And they've got an awful lot of likable qualities. I don't want them taking you away from me." He sighed, his eyes slanting, a sad and sorrowful expression appearing on his face. Killua glanced out the window, most likely overthinking.

"Hey, that won't happen. Remember what I said before Gon's match? I won't leave you for anybody. I'm here until you don't need or want me anymore." I smiled, cupping his face in my hand.

"I'll always want you." He smiled, holding the hand that was on his face.

"Good. Cuz I probably would've stuck around anyway." I laughed, putting my forehead up against his.

"You're such a dork." He laughed, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"But I'm your dork." I hugged his neck.

"Yup, you're my dork." Killua giggled. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Awe! You two are so cute!" Gon smiled from his spot.

"G-Gon? I thought you were sleeping!" Killua stammered, his face red.

"My cute senses were going off." Gon joked, twitching his nose and pointing at it. Killua moved and I got off of him, laughing at how embarrassed he got. "No, what happened? Why'd you stop?" Gon whined.

"Gon, it's embarrassing," Killua muttered. 

"Here." Gon huffed, taking my hand and putting it on top of Killua's. "Now love each other."

"I love you Killua." I cooed.

"I love you too," Killua said quietly, face still a bright crimson. 

"Killua, you gotta say it louder." Gon huffed.

"But why?" Killua was trembling at this point.

"You just hafta." The other boy continued.

"No, it's okay. I heard you, and that's all that matters." I giggled, kissing Killua's cheek. This only made his face get redder.

"I love you!" He said, his volume growing louder as he tilted his head down. I felt butterflies fill my tummy and I grew embarrassed as well.

"I love you too." I smiled, matching his amplification. 

"Good, good." Gon nodded, proud of himself.

"Are you okay Killua? Do you need some water? Your face is awfully red." I giggled. He didn't respond.

"I think we broke him." Gon joked.

"Hmm...gotta find the power button so we can turn it off and then turn it back on again." I joked. "Is it here?" I laughed, starting to tickle him. Laughter erupted from his throat as I continued to search for the "off button" on him. "How 'bout here?" I asked, tickling his neck.

"Y/n!" He giggled. "Stop!"

"I think I fixed him." I laughed, booping his nose.

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