95- 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦

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"Hanahaki? What's that?" Killua investigated.

"Well, it's a disease that comes when you love someone, but you know they don't love you back. Either because they're with someone else, or because they just don't." Quinn explained. "After my father died, she realized no one loved her like he did anymore. She got sick. Flowers came out of her lungs and sprouted from her skin. There's a surgery for it." They sighed. "But, whoever undergoes the surgery will forget their feelings for the person they love."

"Oh, that's awful." Killua frowned.

"Yeah. I had to watch her cough up blood and flowers. It was a constant reminder to be careful." They stared at the ground with tears in their eyes. "But, we got her some medication for it, so she doesn't do that anymore!" They smiled, shaking their head as though they were thinking a bad thought. "But...the Hanahaki is practically genetic in our family. It happened to my Great Grandma, to my Grandma, to my Mom, and maybe...maybe it'll happen to me. I love someone, but I doubt they'll love me." They glanced at me for just a split second.

"Well, how has everything been recently?" I asked.

"Mm..." They shifted in their spot uncomfortably. "I've been vomiting a lot. Sometimes blood will come out. But never flower petals! So far anyway. It's still concerning, so I'm going to the pediatrician on Tuesday."

"What flowers are common in your family?" Killua chimed in. "To sprout, I mean."

"White roses." They replied. "Why?"

All of a sudden, a white petal appeared out of their cheek. They coughed up some blood, and a white rose along with it, causing me to leap forward in concern. They continued coughing and more blood came out, as long, green vines came twirling around their fingers and neck.

"Quinn!" I lept over to the bed. "Are you okay?" I held their face as they spewed out more blood, which got on my shirt, skin, and hands.

"Hey, it's okay!" Killua hopped up and started patting their back. "Uh...should we go ask for a bucket? Would that help?" He asked them. Quinn just nodded. "Okay, Y/n, comfort them. I'll be back." He raced down the stairs in search of a bin for their blood and flowers.

"You're okay, Quinn, you're okay." I comforted, beginning to feel tears rush out of my own eyes.

"Why...don't...they love me?" They sniffed, more fluid coming out of their mouth. "I want them to love me."

"I know, sweetheart, I know," I replied. This only made things worse.

"F-Fuck!" They coughed, throwing their head back. "Mom!" They shouted, crying even more. "Why'd this happen to me? Why? All I wanted to do was love someone." Quinn continued to sob, gripping their sheets.

"퀸? 무슨 일이에요? 병에 걸렸습니까?" Their grandmother came bursting into the room, Killua close behind her.

"그냥 가세요, 할머니. 친구들이 도와주고 있습니다. 엄마를 찾으러 가세요." They cried. "Killua, give me the bucket. Please."

"Right." He made his way into the room and handed them the bucket. "I got you some water too." He put the bottle on Quinn's nightstand. They were now retching into the container, making me grow a bit nauseous. They stopped vomiting, looked down at the bloodied container, and frowned, just before taking a sip of water.

"엄마는 어디있니?" They turned towards their grandmother.

"식료품 쇼핑." She responded.

"전화를 사용해야 합니다." They sighed.

"물론." She nodded, just before moving out of the way. Quinn walked out of the room and made their way downstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?" Killua asked.

"I'm gonna call my mom and tell her I need to go to the emergency room." They sighed.

"Are you gonna get that surgery?" I walked after them, and Killua followed.

"No. I don't wanna forget how I feel." They turned around and smiled at me. "These feelings are way too important for me to forget. I'll just ask if they can get me looked at and then see if they can get me some of the meds my mom uses. I could probably get all those things for free with my license."

"Quinn, are you okay?" Killua gently grabbed their shoulder and their cheeks were turned a light shade of pink. They suddenly began coughing again, but it wasn't as bad as before.

"Quinn, be careful!" I frowned, walking in front of them and holding them.

"S-Stop touching me, both of you. You guys are making it worse." They stammered, holding onto the railing of their stairs.

"What? why?" Killua asked. "Oh." His eyes got wide. "Don't tell me-"

"Yeah, I do. Both of you guys, now let's just get downstairs so I can call my Mom. Please." They sighed.

"Do you need help? We can hold your arms." I offered.

"No." They frowned. "I'm fine. 할머니, 휠체어 좀 사다 주시겠습니까?"

"당연하지. 할아버지가 살아 계셨을 때의 것이 아직 남아 있습니다." Their grandmother replied before pulling out a wheelchair.

"감사합니다." They replied, sitting down. "Lift up the handles and gently bring me down." They instructed. We did as they said, and soon enough, we got to the first floor of their house. They quickly dialed their mom's number on their phone and frowned. "Mom, I got...and it's...꽃 폐. I've got the sick." They sniffled.

"Hanahaki?" I could hear their mom shout on the other line. "We need to get you to the hospital. Can Grandma take you?"

"I'll ask." They coughed, more flowers coming out of their mouth. "할머니?" They shouted. Their grandmother walked in quickly. "병원에 데려다 주실 수 있나요?"

"질병이 얼마나 나쁜가? 우리는 돈을 낭비할 위험이 없습니다." Their grandmother replied. Quinn's response was more flowers erupting from their throat. "괜찮아요. Astoro가 당신을 그곳으로 데려다 줄 것입니다. 더 이상 운전할 수 없습니다."

"할머니! Astoro는 비열합니다." They sighed. "나는 나 자신을 걸을 것이다. 난 당신이나 Astoro가 필요하지 않습니다." Quinn turned their wheelchair around and wheeled out the door. "Let's go. We're gonna go to the hospital to get me checked out."

"Okay." I frowned, rushing to catch up to them. Killua followed close behind, looking as worried as I was.

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