13- 𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘹 𝘣𝘺 𝘹 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧

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After rushing back to where Menchi and Buhara were waiting for everyone. We fired up the cooking stations where many applicants began roasting their pig. In theory, this would make sense, but I wasn't too sure this would please the judges. I sighed and glanced over to Killua's station, which was right next to mine. He was doing what everyone else was. However, he wasn't paying attention to his pork. Killua was instead talking with Gon, excitement evident in his voice. It was nice to see how delighted he was to be with his friends, but he's going to burn his food.

"Killua, if you're gonna do the set it and forget it thing, I think you should turn the flames a bit lower," I said, making my way to turn down the temperature of his stove. I turned back to my station and began putting the pork on the stick. While it cooked, I walked over to see what Kurapika was doing. "Whatcha up to?" I crept up, holding my hands behind my back.

"I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. Any ideas?" They turned to me. I shook my head.

"Hey, this is gonna sound kinda weird, but are you a girl?" I asked. Kurapika looked a bit confused. Leorio started laughing a little bit from behind them.

"I'm a boy..." Kurapika let out a small chuckle.

"Dangit. I guess I owe Killua 10 bucks. Thanks!" I said, turning to go talk to Killua and Gon. "So, Killua I guess you were right. Kurapika's a boy." I sighed.

"Haha! I knew it!" Killua laughed, placing his hands on his hips. "Gimmie my money." He extended out a hand and flexed his fingers in a grabby motion.

"Can you wait a while? I have 3 dollars." I sighed, not wanting to give anyone my hard-earned money.

"You can buy me my lunch instead," Killua smirked and went to check on his pork. This reminded me to go check on the food I was supposed to cook. The guy in the black shirt who was complaining earlier walked up with his giant plate with the pork on it. It seemed a bit charred but seemed overall okay.

"Here. Now eat the pig and send me onto the next phase." He retorted. Buhara took large bites and said his entry was good enough to pass. Menchi on the other hand, marked his pork as a failure.

"It's overcooked. It's way too tough. That totally ruins the flavor." She sighed.

"Oh come on! You haven't even tried it!" The man in the black shirt argued.

"I don't have to! It's obvious!" Menchi hissed, pointing at him with her buzzer. Up next was the bald guy who was a ninja tryhard. I'm gonna call him Naruto wannabe.

Naruto wannabe walked up and set his dish on the table. He smiled confidently and the sun reflected off his beautiful, bald head. "There! I hope you enjoy it!" He grins. Once again, Buhara gives him a pass, and Menchi gives him a fail. "But why?" He gasped.

"Charred and dry on the outside; raw on the inside. Your fire was way too hot." She scoffed, waving her little buzzer in the air.

Several more applicants submit their pork, all of them failing miserably. I observed this while Quinn and Killua were talking about something. I couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. "Hey, are you okay? You've been less of a loudmouth than usual." Quinn laughed, tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good!" I laughed. I looked at my pig, hoping it wasn't overcooked or undercooked. It seemed okay, but I wasn't too sure. "Why don't we go meet up with Gon. Maybe he can give us some advice or something." I smiled. We all walked over to see what Gon and the others were up to.

"Not one applicant has passed yet," Leorio grumbled.

"And Menchi has yet to take a bite of anyone's entry." Kurapika's hands were on his hips. Gon's hands were also on his hips, but he was wearing a cute little apron.

"Seriously? Can't someone out there make something that will satisfy my taste buds?" Menchi exclaimed, practically enraged.

"That's it!" Kurapika snapped "The second phase is a cooking test, but they're judging us based on originality and observation." Gon and Leorio put their hands up to their chins.

"I see," Leorio said, despite his eyes being closed. It was time for everyone to show off their entries. Leorio went first. His just had a little flag in it. "Tell me how much you love it!"

Menchi seemed calm at first but was soon sent into an outrage. "Is this supposed to be a kid's meal?" She shouted, throwing the plate into the air. 

Gon's was decorated with cute little pink flowers. "Okay, Mine is next!" He said confidently. Unfortunately, this was not good enough for Menchi.

"It's just like the last one!" She shouted, throwing yet another plate.

Kurapika's was a bit different. His was cut up into rows that were stuffed with tomatoes and lettuce. I mean, I think so anyway. He held out his arms. "The next entry's mine," Kurapika said calmly. "All ready to be Judged."

Menchi just stared at it. "Well...Finally, something that resembles an actual dish." She said curtly. This time, she actually grabbed a fork and took a bite. After a bit of silence, she threw the plate yet again. "Gross!" She shouted. Kurapika looked shocked, and in all honesty, I could see why. "Presentation is important, but not at the expense of the flavor. You're basically no better than number 403!" She gave him a fail. Poor Leorio.

 "Better luck next time!" Leorio said after a bit of teasing laughter.

"You do realize she was insulting you too right?" I muttered. Quinn chuckled a little.

I messed around with my dish a little more, even though it was probably bound to go to waste, and walked up. I messed around with some leaves I thought were pretty, some pineapple rings that I had put on the pig, and some flowers on the side. In all honesty, I copied Gon a little bit. I inhaled sharply and put the dish on the table. Menchi looked at it apprehensively. She took a bite, but then threw the plate. "Overcooked!" She hissed. I walked over to Leorio, Gon, Kurapika, and Killua. 

"That was so much food! I couldn't eat another bite!" Buhara smiled, patting his stomach.

"Yeah, I'm pretty stuffed myself." Menchi scoffed. She stood up. "So, none of you pass to the next phase. Exam's over!"

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