34- 𝘛𝘳𝘺 𝘹 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘹 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵

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The first match was between Gon and Naruto try-hard, later to be revealed as Hanzo. The two walked up to each other, and no one seemed phased that Gon was up against a grown-ass man. Gon kept his eyes glued to Hanzo, focusing on the way he walked. I felt it was nerve-wracking, to say the least. The two walked closer to each other, and I felt my heart race even faster. They turned and got their stances ready for battle. "He's gonna get his ass handed to him, isn't he?" Quinn whispered, pointing at Gon.

"Well, let's just hope he doesn't," I whispered back as Kurapika gave us a stern look. The referee quickly introduced himself and wished the pair who took the spotlight good luck. After some brief conversation, the round finally started. Everyone stood in silence, and Killua looked especially bothered. "Hey, he's gonna be alright." I smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled and nodded back at me reassuringly. 

Gon blasted off towards Hanzo's left, but Hanzo was quick to follow him. "You must think you're pretty quick on your feet, don't ya?" Hanzo said, his expression almost unreadable. Gon, on the other hand, seemed petrified. Hanzo quickly chopped Gon in the neck, which could've potentially paralyzed him. I think. Gon let out choked sounds of pain and shock and all I could do was wince. "Not half bad for a little kid," Hanzo said, his palm still raised as Gon fell to the ground. Leorio, Kurapika, and I let out gasps of shock while Quinn stayed quiet. Killua appeared visibly upset, as his teeth were gritted and his eyebrows were furrowed. He was definitely furious. Quinn didn't seem fazed at all. "Now, if this was a regular match, I'd already be declared the winner." Hanzo now had Gon prepped up on his knees, his hands on Gon's shoulders while he kneed the boy's back.

"Now, come on. Pull yourself together." He said, applying more pressure into Gon's back, bending it backward a bit. "You must feel awful. I hit you hard enough to bounce your brain around your skull. You get it? You don't stand a chance; just give up and spare yourself the trouble." He said.

"Okay, this definitely has to be breaking some child safety laws," I muttered. 

"No...way..." Gon said hoarsely, right before Hanzo smacked his head. Gon let out small coughs and seemed to gasp for air. I couldn't even imagine what this kind of suffering felt like.

"Think hard about it. Surrender now and you'll have another chance, but being stubborn isn't gonna get you anywhere so just give up." He continued, in an attempt to break Gon's almost everlasting determination.

"That's never gonna happen!" Gon shouted before Hanzo hit him again, this time much harder than the last. Kurapika and Leorio winced, but I stepped forward slightly.

"Say it," Hanzo demanded, glancing at Gon, who was now curled up on the floor. Gon slowly, but surely stood up again. His posture was incredibly stiff and there was no doubt his spine had taken a lot of damage. He stood up for less than a second right before being kicked by Hanzo again. Gon collapsed on the floor once more. 

"Gon, don't push it! You still have other fights so just-" Leorio shouted.

"Leorio!" Kurapika intervened. "If you were in Gon's position, would you give up?"

"Hell no, I wouldn't!" Leorio grunted. 

"Gon feels the same," Kurapika said, his tone angry.

"C'mon, I know that! But it doesn't look like he has much of a choice." Leorio grumbled.

"My point exactly, but I understand," Kurapika replied. The two men winced as Gon got kicked again.

I just glanced at the scene unraveling in front of me. I felt many things. I was scared for Gon, I was angry at Hanzo, I was nervous for Killua. The feelings made me confused.

"Get up. Get up, please." I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper. "If you don't get through this what else are we gonna do?" My hands clenched into fists as my frustration grew. "Gon, please get up." My arms began to shake as my knuckles began to turn pale. Other people began speaking, but I was far too terrified to pay attention. I lunged forward a bit once more, desperately wanting to step in. But I couldn't. 

Hanzo continued to pummel him, which only made me feel more uneasy. Gon had obtained several scratches, scars, and bruises. Everyone seemed so on edge. Apparently, this had gone on for 3 hours, but it had felt like an eternity. "Now get up," Hanzo demanded again.

"Can't you see he's in pain? Give him a damn minute!" I shouted.

"Enough already! I'm gonna kill you, ya hear me? Pick on someone your own size!" Leorio shouted, his volume much louder than mine was. 

"If you can't handle it, you two had better leave." Hanzo frowned, turning around. "It's only going to get worse."

"The hell did you say?" Leorio scowled, walking closer, just before men in suits stopped him.

"Shuddup you Mr.Clean knock off! He's our friend and he's important to us!" I screamed again, trying to match how loud Leorio was.

"It's okay." Gon said, bending over to catch his breath. "Leorio, Y/n, this is...this is nothing! Really." He trembled, looking up at us. "I...Can still...Fight him." I just stayed silent and looked at Gon, feeling the concerned expression creep up to my face. Hanzo grunted and swept his leg, knocking Gon down once again. He walked over and pined Gon's arm to his back.

"I'll break your arm." Hanzo declared. "I'm not kidding. Now say it!" He threatened. "Say you surrender."

"Never!" Gon screamed. And with an unsettling pop, Gon's arm had been broken. He was sweating, but not a single tear fell from his face.

"There. Now you won't be able to use your left arm anymore." Hanzo just stood there, not showing any visible signs of feeling remorse.

"Don't try and stop me Kurapika," Leorio grunted, grinding his teeth. "If that bastard does anything else, Gon will fail the exam, 'cause I won't be able to stop myself!"

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