62- 𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥

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"The tickets we bought to get us here left us completely broke. We've gotta make more while we're here! We'll start fresh when we get farther away from the ship." Killua smiled.

"Right! I got it." Gon nodded.

"Okie Dokie!" I grinned.

"All right. Well? Let's go!" Killua rushed off within the blink of an eye.

"Okay!" Gon rushed after him.

"Guys! Wait up!" I laughed.

We ran towards the building and finally made it at the entryway, and my lungs felt like they were on fire. Killua and I stood in line, while Gon wandered a bit out of it, his already short attention span beginning to fade away.

"Gon." Killua nodded his head, refocusing Gon to the line.

"This is a really long line." Gon frowned. "Is everyone going to Heaven's Arena?"

"There aren't any rules to worry about. Not like there were for the hunter exam." Killua explained.

"So we can try and kill people?" I gasped excitedly.

"Well, sure. Dunno why you'd want to, but go for it Y/n." Killua giggled. "All you gotta do is knock your opponent out! The higher you go, the more prize money you'll make. If you want to earn a living with your fists, this is as good as it gets!"

"Let's fuck people up!" I laughed.

We walked inside and met a woman at a desk. "Welcome to Heaven's Arena." She handed us three slips of paper. "Now, if you wouldn't mind filling out this form." We quickly got out pens from the cup and excitedly filled them out, completely skipping over the fact that I didn't know if I had insurance or not. We handed her our papers and she quickly began to type up on her computer. "Killua Zoldyck, you're number 2054. Gon Freeccs, you are 2055. And Y/n L/n, you're 2056. On the first arena floor, they'll be calling you by your number, so try not to forget it. Please, go on ahead!"

"This is more like the hunter's exam than I thought," I muttered.

"Yeah, but we got this." Killua gently nudged my arm with his elbow. "More specifically you. You got this." He chuckled.

"Thanks, Killua, but I know you'll make it through every floor. You're just that strong." I sighed.

"You're strong too." He smiled, grabbing my hand. "Don't doubt yourself like that, Moron. It's not healthy."

"Right, sorry!" I chuckled. "I'm trying to get a better mindset, but I don't know if I'm doing that good of a job." We continued to walk into the building.

"Well, if you need reassurance I'm always here. That's what...That's what friends are for." He squeezed my hand gently, but let go slightly, only our pinkies holding onto each other.

"Yeah...Friends." I smiled, looking down at our shoes.

"And I'm also your guys' friend!" Gon cheered, hopping in front of us.

"Yeah, Gon! You're our friend too!" My smile only seemed to grow.

"But I'm their best friend!" Killua smirked, putting his free hand on his hip. "Oh, we're almost in the arena!" He let go of my pinkie and put his hands in his pockets, which made me feel kind of sad.

"Who do you think we'll meet, Gon?" I asked.

"I dunno. But I hope they're as fun as you guys!" He replied.


We arrived in the small fighting ring, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but I got used to it. I glanced around the sweaty room, as though looking for someone I knew. As I suspected, the only people familiar to me were on my right, which were Gon and Killua.

"Wow." Gon gasped, looking at all the burly men punching each other. You know, as one does.

"It's been a while, but this place hasn't changed." Killua grinned as we took our seats.

"Wait, you mean you've been here before?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, when I was about 6. My dad left me here flat broke. Told me to reach the 200th floor. Took me 2 whole years." Killua beamed, as though this was some pleasant childhood memory. Though, I suppose getting away from your psychotic family of assassins for 2 years would be pleasant.

"Gosh, your family is just awful. Glad we got you out of that stupid place." I smiled, leaning my head on Killua's shoulder.

"Um...yeah, pretty glad we got out of there too. I mean I got out of there. I uh..." He eeped.

"Why so flustered?" I asked, making note of his pink cheeks.

"No reason, just a bit hot I guess!" He chuckled. "But, you should get off me, dummy! I-I'm not a pillow!"

"Fine." I sighed.

"Anyway, there are guys of Hisoka's caliber, but only farther up, so don't waste time. Ya got it?" Killua seemed a bit calmer after a got off of him.

"Uh-huh!" Gon nodded, with his usual enthusiasm.

"Yeah, okay." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Numbers 1973 and 2055 to ring E." The PA system spoke.

"2055! That's me!" Gon stood. "Awe man, I'm gettin' pretty nervous right about now." He began to take off his backpack. 

"Gon, you made it through the testing gate, right?" Killua affirmed. "So relax."

"Go get 'em, I know you got this! You're a pro hunter who made his way through the Zoldyck estate all at the age of 12. You are powerful!" I encouraged.

"Thanks, you guys! I'll keep that in mind." He smiled nervously. "Bye!"

Gon arrived on the matt, and people immediately began to make fun of him.

"Check it out! It's just a kid!" One of the audience members howled.

"Hey! Ya better run while you still can, kid!" Another yelled.

Granted, his opponent was significantly larger than him, I was almost positive that with the right jumps, it'd be a quick match, with Gon coming out on top.

"This ain't a game! Give him a punch and send him flying!" Shouted a spectator next to Killua and me.

"Hey that's-" I stood up, but Killua grabbed my hand and sat me back down.

"Just ignore him, he doesn't know what he's saying. No need to be so feisty, we know this guy's gonna get his ass handed to him by Gon anyway." Killua grinned. "All we gotta do is sit and watch."

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