30- 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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We ended up falling asleep next to each other that night. I woke up to see Killua sound asleep in my arms, which was a comforting sight to see. I smiled slightly, looking at the way his white tufts of hair moved up and down along with his soft, rhythm-like snores. I didn't want to wake him up, but we'd have to get a move on soon. "Killua, we gotta get up," I whispered, shaking him lightly. He let out a small groan and turned a bit, but his eyes remained closed. "Killua." I sighed, getting a bit louder. 

The boy let out another groan and sat up, opening his eyes slightly. "Mmm...No." he sighed, closing his eyes and flopping back down on my lap.

"Killua, we gotta take down some targets." I sighed. Killua hadn't budged. "Fine. I didn't wanna have to resort to this, but if I have to I will." I scoffed. I stood up and Killua's head hit the ground.

"Ouch! You moron, that hurt!" He rubbed the back of his head out of pain.

"Sorry, Kil. But if you had just gotten off me I wouldn't have done that." I chuckled.

"Fine, let's go." Killua sighed, looking around.

"So, what's our plan?" I asked, picking up my bag. "I suggest that we make them think we're vulnerable and then go for the attack."

"Yeah, that'd work." He replied, as though we were plotting something as casual as a hang-out. "But I'll need you to act ditzy and weak. Can you do that?"

"I don't need to act like something I already am," I remarked.

"You're not weak, a bit stupid, but not weak," Killua admitted, picking up his skateboard.

"Thanks, but you're much stronger than me. I can only dream of being the way you are." I admitted, looking at my shoes.

"Look, all this 'strength' you're referring to came with years of unresolved family trauma. You should be glad you're not like me. You should be glad that you're you." Killua turned towards me. "Now, stop being a moron, and let's go already!"

"Thanks, Killua." I chuckled. "So, who're we looking for?" I asked, looking around the forest.

"Number 199. I'm not sure who it is because I didn't get enough time to look at everyone's badges though." He sighed.

"Who's the moron now?" I giggled.

"Oh shuddup." He huffed but had a slight smile spread across his face. "Weren't you crying when you had told me I was your target?" Killua teased.

"No!" I said, puffing up my cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say. I do need my badge back for a while if we're really gonna sell this though." He extended his hand.

"Why not? I trust you." I pulled the badge out of my U-haul truck of a bag and handed it to him. "Here ya go, 99."

"Thank you. For my badge and for trusting me." He smiled, pining the badge onto his white overshirt.

"You're my best friend. It'd be weird if I didn't trust you. Now let's go take down some grown men!" I smirked, grabbing his hand and holding it for a while. He tensed up, but quickly went back to normal. However, he did mutter idiot under his breath way more often than usual. "Number 199 is Amori. He's one of the idiots in the beanies." I remarked, trying my best to remember everyone's badge number.

"Oh, this'll be easy." Killua smiled.

We walked for a while before Killua stopped me. He winked a little bit, which I took as a sign that we had to put on our little act. "K-Killua, I'm so scared!" I whimpered, trying my hardest to sound terrified while I latched onto his arm.

"Oh, don't be such a scardey-cat! We'll be fine. I can protect you." He chuckled. 

"Are you sure? I think we should head back now." I sighed, trying my hardest to sound distressed. All of a sudden, a branch snapped and I let out a fake squeal of fear. "Killua, what was that?"

"It was just a tree branch. I'm sure it was something small like a bunny." Killua pat my head. Our act had to have been working pretty well because our opponents seemed to feel more welcome to the idea of taking us down. We trudged through the woods a little farther before stopping where the branch had snapped. I tried my hardest to appear like I was shaking and terrified, even though I knew even someone as weak as me could take these idiots down. One of the brothers appeared in front of us, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Killua seemed to grow tense and afraid and instinctively covered up his badge. Man, he's a good actor. "What do you want from us?" He demanded, keeping me behind him in a defensive position.

"Hand over your badges and we'll let you go." He smirked. I looked at him and he appeared to be our target.

"Killua, this guy is scary!" I faked another whimper, hoping he'd take the hint. 

"I...I'll protect you." He declared, turning back at me and winking again. I nodded, trying to plaster a fearful expression onto my face. Killua glanced back at the man in front of us. 

"We can't do that. We'll fail!" I cried.

"Well, that's too bad." He cackled. I tugged on Killua's sleeve and whispered into his ear.

"Can we get this over with already? This guy's too cocky. It's annoying." 

He nodded and grabbed my hands, taking them off of his sleeve. Killua sighed and closed his eyes. "Man, it's such a pain to act that way. C'mon Y/n, let's finish this."

"Finally!" I cheered, feeling as though a massive weight fell off of my shoulders. Killua jumped over the guy and manipulated his hand so his nails were sharp. Killua held his hand up to our opponent's neck, a small stream of blood flowing through. "How 'bout you hand that badge over so we can be on our merry way?" I smirked.

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