43- 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘹 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭

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Gon went back to staring out the window, but he seemed better than before. "Killua..." He sighed, leaving his mouth open a bit. Leorio shoved a french fry in his mouth, snapping Gon back to reality.

"What's the deal with the long faces, guys?" Leorio smiled, a french fry sticking out of his mouth. Kurapika held one drink and Quinn held another.

"By tomorrow, we'll be in Padokea." Kurapika grinned. "You'll see Killua soon."

"Right! We just gotta be optimistic. That's your specialty too, Gon! We've got this." I smiled, playfully punching his arm.

"Yup!" Gon smiled, quickly munching the french fry.

"Ah man, I can't wait!" I cheered, raising my arms in the air. "Hey, Gon, when we all get together again, what should we do first?" I asked, leaning in closer to the boy. I tried to keep a brave face for him, just to make him feel better. I felt the same way he was feeling, but there was no way I could show that. It'd be too much to put on him.

"Hm. I dunno! But I know that whatever we'll do, we'll do it together! And that's more than enough for me." Gon's smile grew wider and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"I'm gonna give him the biggest lecture of his life." Quinn laughed, taking a seat next to Gon. "I mean, he can't just leave us outta nowhere like that. We gotta go with him too. Well, maybe not all of us, but you and Y/n for sure." 

"Yeah! I guess when this part gets hard, we'll just have to look forward to the hugs or the lectures or even just being beside him, Y'know? Let's all keep that in mind." I smiled, staring out my window.

We finally arrived in Padokea, which was quite a beautiful place. The sky was a pretty shade of blue and all the trees and other greenery seemed to flourish. We were all shoved onto a train where we stuck our heads out the window.

"Shit!" Quinn shouted, reaching backward.

"What happened?" I turned to them.

"I guess my eyepatch was tied too loose because it flew off." They sighed. "And I doubt I have another one."

"Well, let's check your bag just in case." I waved my hand, motioning for them to come inside. We sat back down and I watched as they rummaged through their backpack. They took out a small notebook, a pen, a water bottle, a sticker of Carl wheezer, some granola bars, but no eyepatch. 

"I must have left my other one at home." They sighed, rubbing their temples.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing at their notebook.

"Hm? Oh, it's just my journal. I usually write about my day or how I'm feeling. It was one of the last things my dad got for me." They smiled, gently touching the worn, brown, leather cover.

"Is it all right if I look through it?" I asked, laying my hand over theirs. 

"No!" They shouted, their face red. "Ah, sorry! I mean, not now. We've got a mission; Look for an eyepatch! Besides, I've got some pretty embarrassing entries about you." They chuckled.

"All right, let me check my bag." I dug through the bottomless pit I call a backpack to look for an eyepatch. "Hey, so is there any like, power that comes with your eye or something? Like an anime character?"

"Nope! Just regular heterochromia. My sister, her friends, and some kids from school would make fun of me for it though, so I decided to hide it. That's why, when you finally took it off, I reacted the way I did. I didn't want you to hate me either." They sighed.

"Quinn, I could never hate you." I smiled.

"And I know that now! Thank you." They giggled.

"Ah, here you are!" I pulled out a light pink eyepatch with a small bunny on it. They took it and began to laugh.

"This is cute! Thanks, Y/n." They put on the eyepatch, tying it a bit tighter than the other one.

"I think you should keep it. It's better than that white one, don't ya think?"

"Hm. Yeah! And I'll like it even more because it's from you." They patted their eye.

The other three quickly went back inside and took their seats. We all stared out the window and I felt my nerves grow. "I can almost see it. So, that's where the assassin's base is." Leorio seemed both sad and fearful. "Looks kinda creepy, doesn't it?"

"It does." Kurapika sighed.

"Well, we should've expected this. It's not like his mom will be there at the door with milk and cookies. Unless they're laced with cyanide." Quinn joked.

"Once we arrive, we should gather information," Kurapika suggested.

"Okay!" Leorio replied.

Almost as if on cue, our train came to a complete stop. We arrived in a small town, where we saw a tour of the mountain. The five of us walked up and got ourselves some tickets.

"I'd like to thank all of you for choosing lamination tours!" A woman with curly, peach hair and a uniform smiled. "It's an honor to have you here. Now, get ready, because we'll be making our way up to Kukuroo mountain! Home to the Zoldyck family of assassins." My ears perked up at the mention of Killua's last name.

"Check it out," Leorio whispered to me and Kurapika, nodding his head to a group of people in the back. "No way those guys are tourists."

"True," Kurapika replied, maintaining Leorio's volume.

"Hey, we don't know that! They could just look a bit threatening, but are really sweet guys deep down." I whispered back.

"You're way too optimistic." Quinn replied, staying quiet.

"Now, everyone!" Our tour guide continued. "If you'll all look out the window to your right, you'll see Kukuroo mountain! Where the Zoldyck family lives." I glanced at the brown mountain with a dark black cloud surrounding the top. "It's 3,722 meters high and it's surrounded by forest. The Zoldyck estate is rumored to be somewhere on the mountain."

"She's just telling us stuff we already know. How's that gonna help?" I sighed quietly.

"Just be patient Y/n. We're almost there." Kurapika smiled.

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