44- 𝘒𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰 𝘹 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯

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The bus drove around a different summit close to Kukuroo mountain, which made me feel a bit uneasy.

"The Zoldyck family consists of 10 members. Mother and Father, 5 siblings, grandparents, and great-grandfather. All of whom are assassins." The tour guide explained.

"Geeze, Killua has to deal with 4 other kids? No wonder he ran away." Quinn joked. I let out a choking sound that was supposed to be a laugh, but I'm not sure anyone could tell. As we got closer to the mountain my anxiety only grew, and all I felt was absolute dread. I smiled through it though of course. What else was I supposed to do? Everyone else was panicking and grieving, it'd be selfish of me to show how distraught I truly was.

"All right, now hold on while we get a little closer to the mountain!" The tour guide smiled, which seemed as though it were an attempt to taunt me.

We finally arrived at the base, where we were met with a large gate that had dragons decorating the very top. I stumbled out of the bus, not being used to walking. "I think my legs fell asleep!" I chuckled.

"I could carry you!" Quinn offered.

"I can't tell if you're joking right now or not." I laughed. "But I'll be okay, thank you."

"Would ya look at that," Leorio said in awe as he peered at the humongous gate.

"This is the front gate of the Zoldyck estate." Our tour guide continued to smile. I put on a small grin and ran up to it, gently touching the cold, metal material. I shivered a bit out of fear and took a few steps back. "No one who's entered this gate has ever come back out alive, which has earned this gate the nickname 'the door to Hades!'"

"Seems kinda unfair to Hades." I sighed. "He's actually a really chill guy."

"Oh my god, finally! Someone says it!" Quinn ran up to me, smiling. "Just because he's emo doesn't mean he's a dick. He just happened to get the underworld, he's not angry or upset because of it!"

"And he genuinely loves Persephone too! He doesn't hate anyone!" I smiled.

"Exactly! Let's normalize being edgy but being good." They grinned, folding their arms over their chest.

"To enter, you have to go through the door by the security checkpoint." Our travel guide explained. "But, beyond that is private property, so beyond that, this is as far as we can go!"

"Hold on, this is the front gate?" Leorio shouted. "But the mountain is all the way over there."

"It's probably to keep out intruders. Smart, but not very good in our situation." I sighed.

"That's right! The Zoldyck family owns Kukuroo mountain, every inch of it." The woman continued. "Not to mention, all of the surrounding land."

"Ah fuck, he's rich." Quinn sighed.

"So what you're telling me is this is their front yard?" Leorio asked dejectedly. 

"Miss Tour guide?" Gon turned to her.

"Yes?" She replied.

"What're we gonna do to have to get inside?" He pointed at the gate, an almost blank but innocent expression painted on his face.

"Hmm. Oh dear, you were paying attention right?" Her mouth twisted into a sarcastic smirk. 

"Yeah, but you didn't say-"

"If you go inside, you'll never come out again! It's an assassin's hideout."

"Ah, sweet. So we'll get adopted?" Quinn chuckled, teasing the lady.

"No! You will die!" The tour guide grew angrier.

"It's a sham." One of the suspicious-looking men from the bus walked up to the gate, his voice deep and gruff.

"A family of assassins no one's seen?" The other man spoke, his voice was condescending.

"If we could just snap a picture of him, we're gonna get 100 million in reward money."

"Are you kidding me?" Both Quinn and Leorio said at the same time.

"Y/n you've had to have had a camera in your bag somewhere, and you didn't even bother to get a good picture of him?" Quinn sighed.

"Hey, lay off you guys." Gon frowned.

"Wouldn't that be child exploitation?" I chuckled nervously.

"They probably rely on the gate to protect him." The smaller man grunted. "Bet the truth is a whole lot less interesting." I couldn't help but let out small laughs. "Hey, what's so funny Kid?" He whipped around.

"Ah, nothing. Nothing." I smiled. "I know the truth, but I'm not gonna tell you whether you're right or wrong. Think of it like a guessing game!"

"Tch, whatever." He turned, continuing on his little ramble. The two walked up to the security booth where an elderly man was waiting inside. The two broke the door down and grabbed the man roughly, to which he responded with fearful whimpers.

"Open up the gate!" The bigger one held him by the collar.

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't!" He frowned, seemingly terrified. "The master of the house would not approve of such a thing!"

"Don't worry about that, we kinda figured we'd kill your master anyway." grunted the small one.

"Hey!" Quinn shouted, stepping forward. "You get your kicks picking on the elderly like this?" The two just ignored them. "I'm talking to you two!"

"Hey, don't waste your energy on these bozos, kid. I'm sure that guy's got a few tricks up his sleeve." Leorio smiled, putting his hand on their shoulder.

The old man sighed and handed the two a key. The one holding him threw him on the ground and ran off. 

"Are you okay?" Gon asked as we all ran up to the man.

"Yes, I'll be all right." He frowned. We glared as the two went inside, slamming the door shut behind them. "Oh, darn. The master hates it when Mike snacks between meals!"

"Mike?" I repeated. Two loud screams erupted from behind the gate and I quickly turned my head, opening my mouth slightly. The screams stopped and the rest of the tour group was shrouded with silence. The gate opened and two skeletons popped out wearing the clothes of the men from earlier. A giant claw stretched out and plopped the two on the ground, the bones making a rattling sound against each other. The tour guide screamed and ran back to the bus as did the rest of the group. Except for me and my friends, we just stood.

"Was that Mike?" I looked at the man on the ground.

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