19- 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘹 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘹 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘹 𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘴

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Gon excitedly rushed out to where Netero was standing. This is gonna sound terrible, but I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to Gon's match. "Hey, Quinn?" I glanced at their arms, which were wrapped around my waist. They let out a small hum in response. "You grab onto me a lot." I touched their hand.

"Does that bother you?" Quinn asked, making sure they didn't break a boundary.

"No," I responded. Truthfully, it didn't make me uncomfortable or anything. It was just strange to me. I never thought Quinn to be the affectionate type. We remained silent for a little bit until Quinn started to speak again.

"And what about you Killua? Does this bother you?" They asked, turning towards the white-haired boy next to us.

"Does what bother me?"

"The fact that I'm holding onto them, and you're not," Quinn smirked.

"Why would that bother me?" Killua scoffed. Quinn just burst out laughing. "What?" Killua began to grow a bit defensive.

"Nothing. Nothing. I just thought..." Quinn hesitated for a moment.

"You thought what?" I piped up. Quinn seemed to grow tense the minute I said something. They let go of me and sighed. They turned to the door, but I grabbed their hand before they could leave. "Quinn, what did you mean?" The entire room began to disappear and all I could feel was the tension between me and Quinn.

"Look, I said it's nothing so it's nothing. Now let me go." Their eyebrows furrowed and my grip on their sleeve began to tighten. "Why do you care so much about what I think anyway?" They scoffed.

"Cuz you're my friend. Now tell me...what did you mean when you asked Killua if you holding me bothered him?" I sighed. They quickly moved their sleeve back and hit me on the cheek.

"I said it's nothing so just shut up and leave me alone!" They hissed, narrowing their eyes. Those eyes. They were filled with sorrow, anyone could tell.

"Quinn..." I sighed. They just turned around and walked out the door. I glanced at Killua, who seemed bothered by something. My focus was now turned to Gon's round with Netero. There wasn't anything else I could distract myself with.

Apparently, Gon was just stretching this whole time. "Is everything alright? Your friend there seemed upset." Netero asked.

"Umm yeah, we're fine. I think I'll talk to them a little later. Just continue like how you were about to." I chuckled nervously. Netero nodded and Gon went back to stretching.

After getting all warmed up, Gon lept towards Netero. He then went up above Netero's head, which obviously threw the old man off. Gon, unfortunately, hit his head on the hard ceiling. 

"You idiot! We already know how high you can jump, so you don't have to go out! Focus!" Killua huffed while Gon whined in pain. I winced at the sight of Gon rubbing his head in pain. That looked like it hurt. "You had a chance; he dropped his guard for a second." Killua was still lecturing.

Gon got back up and scratched the back of his head. I'd have to ask Leorio to check if he got a concussion later, but for now, all I could do was watch. "Well, that didn't work." Gon put bluntly. Not working was a bit of an understatement.

It had been a few hours now and all three of us had tried to grab the ball by now. Gon had taken off his jacket and Killua had taken off his overshirt. My forehead was covered in sweat and I just really wanted to take a shower and a nap. At the moment, it was Killua's turn again. He ended up bumping into the back of Netero's head.

"Ow. Ow. Ow!" Killua winced, grabbing his face in pain. I furrowed my eyebrows. Maybe it was time to call it quits. Killua was getting beaten, and I was growing tired. The only one who seemed to want to do this anymore was Gon.

"You kids aren't getting anywhere. Why don't you three try attacking me all at once?" Netero suggested, spinning the ball in his hand.

"Why you!" Killua roared in a fit of frustration. All three of us raced towards the old man, ready to take the ball. Gon was pushed down and Killua was kicked. I was the only one who hadn't been caught yet. I frantically reached for the ball, which was still in the air. I touched it with the tip of my finger, but unfortunately, Netero threw me across the room before I could do anything else.

"Damn it," I muttered from the spot on the ground I had landed.

"Not bad! But still not good enough." Netero retorted. I sighed, feeling incredibly angry and frustrated. All I wanted to do was go to bed, but I just had to follow Killua didn't I? Why was I following Killua? Why did I feel so obligated to him? I just sat while watching the boys fly across the room. It really didn't matter what I did, because I was still useless compared to them. Gon and Killua were so amazing, and I was just here. A weak kid who showed up out of boredom and never developed a purpose. A disappointment, if you will.

My attention was brought back when Gon kicked Netero in the face, losing his shoe in the process. Killua then sprouted up behind the old man and kicked him in the back. Netero dropped the ball (literally and figuratively) and Killua reached for it. Netero kicked the ball from out of the Albino's reach just in time but Gon's shoe strikes again (yes pun intended.). 

"Sneaky Kids!" Netero exclaimed.

The ball was now flying, while Killua and Gon lunged for it in unison. Netero pushed in between the two boys and grabbed the ball. Who knew an old man could be so agile? The boys soon landed and Killua seemed to be more pissed off than before. His eyes were narrowed and he was gritting his teeth. In contrast, Gon actually seemed quite happy.

"Excellent teamwork. You get an A for effort." Netero smiled, the ball still in his hand.

"You're amazing Mr.Netero! Amazing!" Gon smiled.

"Ah, forget it." Killua stood up. "I quit. You beat me, alright?" He turned towards the door and began to walk away. 

"Don't quit! We still got lots of time. And besides, We came so close just now. You think so, right Y/n?" Gon pointed at the clock.

"Um yeah but, It's getting late and I'm kinda tired. I think I'm gonna go with Killua on this." I smiled nervously.

"Oh. Okay." Gon seemed disappointed but smiled back at me understandingly.

"C'mon. Let's go. It's really hopeless to continue on anyways." Killua scoffed, picking up his undershirt.

"Goodnight Gon." I walked out the door with Killua.

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