57- 𝘈𝘯 𝘹 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘹 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦

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5 butlers stood outside of the house, making me grow even more anxious than I was before. "Welcome everyone." One who sounded eerily similar to the butler on the phone spoke, bowing along with the other servants. We all entered the building and Quinn, Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon sat on the couch as I stood behind them. "We apologize for our previous discourtesy." Tea had been placed down on the table. "We have been informed by the lady of the house that from now on you are to be treated as official guests."

A butler walked up and began healing the injuries that I had sustained from Canary's staff, and they did the same for Gon. "How're you feeling now?" The butler asked once they finished bandaging me up.

"Much better! Thank you." I smiled. "If I may ask, why the sudden change in attitude? Before you were desperate to kick us out, and now you're serving us tea and tending to our wounds."

"Our orders have simply changed." He explained.

"Wait a moment, this isn't the main residence?" Kurapika asked.

"No, this is the butler's quarters." Canary replied.

"As she's explained." Quinn frowned.

"Now, please make yourselves comfortable." The phone butler smiled, which made shivers run down my spine.

"Look, thanks for the hospitality, but we only came here to see Killua." Leorio explained. "So, can you take us to him? Like, now?"

"That won't be necessary sir." The butler had terrible posture. "Master Killua is on his way this very moment."

"So we're gonna see him again? And soon?" I gasped, my eyes widening.

"That's right. So please, be patient."

"Oh my god, finally!" I chuckled, wanting to hop around like how I usually did, but I fought the urge.

"Great news, huh?" Leorio smiled.

"Yup!" Gon cheered.

"Now then, it would be so tedious just to sit and wait. I propose we pass the time with a game." The butler smirked.

"Okay." Quinn smiled. "Y/n, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I grinned.

"Kiss me already!" They laughed.

"Hmm." I glanced around the room. "Maybe later." I whispered, winking to them. Their face turned red and they let out a few giggles. "But seriously, what game?"

He pulled out a coin and began to hide it in his sleeve and all around his arm. He flicked it using his thumb into the air, as it spun around. He caught it, both of his hands crossing over each other. "Which hand holds the coin?" He asked.

"The left hand!" All of us said.

He opened his palm to reveal the coin. "That is correct. Now, I'll move more quickly this time." He repeated his motion, only faster. "Now, which hand?"

"It's the left again!" Gon guessed pointing at the man's hand.

"What? No way, it's gotta be the right!" Quinn huffed.

"Gon was correct." The butler opened his hand to reveal the coin. "How marvelous." 

"Awe man." They frowned.

"It's okay! You did good." I smiled, patting their shoulder gently.

"Well, I shall have to try harder this time." The butler smiled, hiding the coin again. He repeated the motions, just faster. "So, which hand?"

"I'm not sure but...I'd say right." Leorio answered.

"You see..." The butler interrupted. "I've known Master Killua has entire life and I care for him as I would my own son." His grip grew tighter on the coin. "In all honesty, I despise you for attempting to take him away."

"But one could argue that you took him away from us too," I spoke, feeling small in comparison to the large man. "Killua means everything to me, and by him coming back to a place where he could never see anyone, that would be removing him from my life. And I don't want that. I feel the exact same way about you."

"Well, which hand? Answer?" He asked, his voice more gravelly than before. "Answer."

"The left hand." Kurapika spoke, his voice seemingly angry. The butler opened his hand to reveal the coin, which had been bent beyond belief.

"The lady's voice was a bare whisper." He spoke, readjusting his glasses. "Her son is leaving and it's breaking her heart." He glanced up at us. "I can't forgive you."

"No, her son is choosing what he wants to do with the life she's given him and she's upset she can't control him anymore." I huffed.

"Before Master Killua arrives," He continued, completely ignoring me. "I shall test each of you by my own methods. You have no choice." The other butlers surrounding us pulled out knives, and one of them held up the weapon to Canary's throat.

"Canary!" Gon shouted.

"This is her punishment for defying orders and bringing you here." The head butler frowned.

"That's not fair! We told her to do it anyway!" I grunted. "If anything, it was my fault. The knife should be held up to my throat, not hers."

"That won't be necessary. Now then, allow me to explain the rules." He sighed. "If you answer incorrectly, you are out. Should you all be disqualified, which is quite possible, then I shall tell Master Killua that you left and that he will never see any of you again."

"There's no way in hell I'm gonna-" I shouted, but got cut off.

"Silence." He demanded. "Your very lives hang by the most delicate thread. Answer my question. I will not ask again." He threw the coin up. "Now, which hand?" He asked, both of his hands steaming. We all stayed quiet. "And time is of the essence. You only have three seconds." I glanced at the man, worry beginning to fill my body. "You!" He motioned towards one of the butlers. "When three seconds have passed, slit her throat."

"Yes sir." The other butler replied.

"Hold on! I pick the left hand!" Leorio shouted.

"I pick the right!" Gon declared.

"Yes, me too!" Kurapika joined in.

"I pick right as well." I frowned.

"Left." Quinn furrowed their brow, a bead of sweat spilling down their forehead.

He opened his left hand to reveal the coin. "Two have been disqualified." His expression stayed the same. He spun the coin around, catching it. "Which hand?"

"I pick the right hand." Kurapika decided.

"And I pick the left." Gon grunted.

"I'll pick left." I sighed, my nerves only growing.

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