89- 𝘎𝘰𝘯'𝘴 𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩

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Once Killua was all done getting ready, the three of us headed towards the arena as both mine and Gon's legs began to wobble from anxiety. I held Killua's hand and took in deep breaths as we went through the door.

"Well, uh...see ya guys!" Gon smiled as a bead of sweat dripped down his face.

"Hey, don't worry about your match. You'll be all right." I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Just beat him so we can get some ice cream, okay?"

"Right!" He smiled, determination in his grin.

"You've got this, man. Just get it done, I know you can do it." Killua affirmed. "Y/n and I will be watching, so just stay confidant. We're rooting for you!"

"Got it!" He nodded.

"Good luck! Not that you'll need it though." I giggled, pulling him into a side hug. "Killua, get in here! Group hug." I cheered. He jumped over to the two of us and gripped my back gently. We broke apart the hug. "Go get 'em, Buddy!" I laughed, lightly punching his arm. He rushed off to go and get his match started.

Killua grabbed my hand and smiled, walking inside the arena. "Are you excited?" He asked once we sat in our spots.

"Kinda." I smiled.

"Hey, are you okay?" He frowned, gently kissing my hand.

"Yeah, I just had a pretty good dream last night." I giggled, remembering how I technically met Alluka.

"You relived our first kiss, I assume?" He teased.

"You wish." I laughed. "But no. I technically got to meet Alluka. And my goodness, she was beautiful."

"How'd you see her? I can tell you if you were right or not." He offered. 

"Well, she had long, black hair, the same skin tone as you, and wide, blue eyes. Like yours, just a bit lighter in color! And she wore a pink and green dress with some purple boots." I answered. I turned to see Killua's face, only to find his mouth was open in the shape of an O.

"That was a little on the nose." He chuckled. "That's how she looks. I mean, last I saw her, anyway. Did she have a little headband with smiley faces on it?"

"Yup." I nodded.

"It's funny how accurate that is." Killua giggled. "It's like you're some sort of oracle or something." He remarked, planting light kisses all over my face. "Are you my little oracle?"

"Killua!" I laughed, pushing him off of me. "You're such a dork." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but I'm your dork." He grinned.

"Shush. Oh, I think the match's starting!" I remarked once the lights dimmed.

"Hello, everyone!" The announcer, Coco, started. "In the arena today, we have a match between Gon and Hisoka!" I let out a loud cheer and stood up, as Killua just glanced at me from his seat. He calmly clapped and then pulled me back down.

"Awe, is somebody jealous?" I teased. Killua simply blushed and turned his face away from mine. "Oh my god, you are! You're jealous of Gon!" I laughed.

"Am not!" He exclaimed, shutting his eyes.

"Are too." I giggled. "It's okay, Killua. I wouldn't leave you for Gon." I smiled, gently holding onto his upper arm. "Or anyone else, for that matter."

"Really?" He had a small grin appear on his face.

"Really, really." I gently kissed his cheek. "Now come on, I wanna see how this goes!"

"The battle you've all been waiting for is about to begin! And as you can see, all the stands are packed!" The announcer continued. "The fight hasn't even started and the tension in the air is palpable!"

"Who do you think'll win?" Killua asked, not looking away from the stage.

"Well, I dunno. Hisoka is a grown man and everything, but Gon's been getting in more training since the hunter's exam. Besides, he's an emitter, right? Seems like a powerful Nen type." I replied, remembering the water divination we had to do.

"Mm...I can see that." He agreed.

"So we've got an enhancer, a transmuter, and a manipulator." I sighed, acknowledging my Nen category. "Two powerful people, and one who can't do anything."

"Hey, the hell are you saying?" Killua frowned. "You're plenty powerful. I mean, you can make people do stuff whenever you'd like. And if you don't like it, you can always train to change it."

"Yeah, but, I'm lazy." I groaned, flopping over so my head was in his lap. "Maybe manipulation won't be that bad." I looked up at the ceiling. "Hey, when do you think we'll be able to see Dr.Boyfriend again?"

"Who?" Killua smiled.

"Leorio. I kinda miss the old man. And I miss Quinn a lot too." I grinned, thinking of all our friends. "And Kurapika. I wonder what he looks like now. He said he was getting a job, so do you think he's gotta wear suits and stuff now?"

"Mm...Maybe. I'd probably die if I had to wear a suit all the time though." He sighed.

"You've worn one before?" I asked as he played with my hair.

"Yeah. My mom constantly wanted family pictures, so I'd get a new one fitted pretty much every year. It was so aggravating." Killua frowned, recalling the memories. "Even Kalluto, who's a mama's boy, would whine about it in private."

"Well, in all fairness, your mother's insufferable." I laughed. "Did you know she shot Canary?"

"Wait, seriously?" He gasped.

"Mhm. But Canary got right back up and led us to the butler's quarters. Where I found you again." I grinned, remembering how tightly we held each other. "Oh yeah, how are the scars?"

"The scars?" He repeated.

"From the torture," I whispered, a frown appearing on my face.

"Oh. I'm doing better now. I'd show you, but they're under my shirt, and we're surrounded by people at the moment." Killua chuckled. "Thank you for worrying about me, Y/n." He planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"Can I...C-Can I check on them later?" I asked, my face heating up from slight embarrassment. Killua's face got a bit red too. "Just cuz I wanna make sure they healed properly! Not cuz of any other reasons!"

"Uh...Y-Yeah, I'd be okay with that." He blushed. "Now, let's uh...Let's focus on the match!"

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