23- 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘹 𝘈𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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"Oh. That makes sense." He nodded.

"So there's another kind of auctioning." Leorio smirked devilishly. 

"Ugh, shit! I think there was something I had to go and do today." Quinn groaned, rubbing their temples.

"What is it?" Gon asked from behind them.

"Um...Shit! Work!" They sprung up and got over to Gon's room, before walking back out again in their suit. "Um...Love you guys, bye! I'll text you later!"

"Quinn, don't go! I barely got to see you." Gon whined.

"I know, I'm sorry. I can be back later though." They frowned as Gon walked up to them.

"Can I at least get a kiss before you leave?" He pleaded as he hugged them close.

"All right." They sighed and smiled, before giving Gon a quick kiss on the forehead.

"And on my nose too?" He begged. They did as he told them to before smiling once again.

"I'm gonna be late."

"Mm...But I want you to stay." He frowned.

"I know, I know. But I gotta go." They cooed. "Hey, I can be back before dark. Then we can cuddle up again. Would you like that?" Gon just nodded, still obviously a bit upset. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. If I could stay I would, but I gotta. For my dad."

"I know." He pouted, letting go of them. "Stay safe okay?"

"I will. For you." They smiled softly. "Make sure these weirdos stay safe, okay?"

"Mhm. Come back soon, honeybee." He frowned.

"I will, my flower." They giggled. "Love you." They replied, before walking away. 

"I love you too." Gon called out sadly. "Hm. So what were we talking about?" He slumped back over to the counter and sat in Quinn's spot.

"Conditional auctioning." I chuckled a bit. Gon did not lift his head up. "Hey, it's okay. Quinn will be back."

"But it's not the same without them." He whined. "I miss Quinn." He grumped.

"I'm sure Quinn misses you, too." I giggled. "But it's okay. They'll come back. They always do, don't they?"

"Yeah. I guess so." He sighed. "But I miss them."

"Relax, it's not like they're dying." Killua chuckled. "They'll be okay. And they'll make it back to you safely."

"I know. But I just can't help but worry. I had a real nasty nightmare last night. That's why Quinn came in." He sighed. "We were all in a forest with lotsa fire flies, and it was really nice, but then, this scary thing showed up! It looked like a bug but a bunny too, and it just crushed all of us. Except for me. Somehow I was able to take it down, but it had blue blood. And then I exploded!"

"Exploded? Oh my. That doesn't sound very fun. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just really sleepy now." He yawned. "I want Quinn back." He huffed.

"They'll be back, silly. In the mean time, we should figure out a plan." I grinned.

"Yeah, I guess." He upturned his dark, pointy eyebrows. "Be right back." He smiled before walking into Quinn's room.

"Whatcha doin?" Killua called out.

"Looking for something!" Gon shouted out his reply from the distant room before coming back in a familiar cream colored sweater. "It smells like them." He giggled.

"Hey, that's the sweater Quinn wore during the exam!" I noted. "They still have it?"

"Mhm! They kept it because it was when they first met all of us and they like thinking of that moment." He said, messing with the hem. "Cuz it made them really happy! And that makes me happy too!" He giggled.

"You really love them, don't you?" I smiled. 

"Yeah! I love them lots! And I love you guys a lot too!" He chuckled. "Though with Quinn it feels different." He hummed.

"Really?" I scooted forward a bit.

"Yeah! Like with you guys, I feel really relaxed and it's normal. But for some reason, with Quinn, my heart goes like...bad-ump, bad-ump! It goes super fast and my face gets hot!" He explained. "And then I think of what you and Killua have, but with me and Quinn instead, and then my face gets even more hot! It's really weird. But then I try thinking of that with someone else, but then it feels...weird. Like it doesn't fit right."

"Oh?" Killua smirked.

"Ahah, that sounds like how me and Killua were before all of this." I chuckled. "I know everyone is different, but do you think that you might like them romantically?"

"Hm? Oh, Aunt Mito told me about that stuff. I'm not so sure though. Cuz the only reason people date is to get married and have babies, right? And I don't want any babies!" Gon exclaimed.

"That's not why..." I chuckled. "People date because its fun! At least, most times. I know that Killua and I are just doing it for fun. It's just because we both really like each other, and figured why not!"

"Mhm. You don't always have to have an objective when you're dating somebody. It can just be because you like them." Killua nodded.

"Hm..." Gon hummed, steam practically coming out of his ears. "But then...Aunt Mito was wrong?"

"Not wrong! Just traditional!" I giggled. "And that's okay!"

"I thought that way for a while too, cuz my dad told me that." Killua replied. "But then I kinda realized that it's not really always like that. There's more to it than that."

"And the other reason why most people date is one you guys are all way too young for." Leorio chimed in.

"Ew, gross!" I huffed.

"You killed the vibe, old man!" Killua blushed. "No one was saying anything about that until you!"

"About what?"

"Don't worry about it, Gon!" Killua and I shouted at the same time before turning to look at each other and laughing. 

"Never mention that stuff! It's icky." I scrunched up my nose playfully. "And it's like you said, we're way too young! Go talk about that stuff with Kurapika, since you like him so much." I teased.

"Do not!" Leorio blushed profusely. 

"You totally do!" I chuckled. "You looooove him!"

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