56- 𝘞𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦

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I glanced in the direction the bang came from to find a woman with an absurdly large hat and a purple dress. Bandages were covering her face, as well as what appeared to be an electronic visor. Next to her, was a small child with a bob and a purple Kimono. "Honestly..." The woman spoke. "What was that servant babbling about? She made it sound like we were being mean to Killua. How rude. She's just a bloody apprentice."

"Why would you-" I gaped.

"You must be Y/n. And you must be Gon." The woman smiled. "Illumi told me all about you two. Killua is aware that you've been on the premises for some time now." I stayed quiet. "Killua has a message he'd like me to relay to you. 'Thank you for coming, I'm happy you did. But I can't see you right now, I'm sorry.'"

"Hey, there's no way that's true," Quinn shouted. "Killua would jump at the chance to see Y/n again. I just know it. What have you actually done with him?"

"She's not gonna tell us, Quinn. That's just how things are." I frowned. "Is she all right?" I asked, handing Canary over to Leorio.

"She's fine. She's just lost consciousness." He replied, feeling her pulse through her neck.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me." The woman spoke. "I am Killua's mother you see, and this is Kalluto."

"Why can't Killua come to see us? Where is he?" Gon frowned.

"In solitary confinement." Mrs. Zoldyck replied, tilting her head slightly.

"Wait, what?" Leorio grimaced.

"Before he ran away from home, Killua stabbed his brother, and me." She explained.

"Yeah, I remember him telling me that." I folded my arms across my chest. "But why does that matter? You didn't let him be who he wanted to be. With all due respect, Killua isn't at fault here, he shouldn't be punished."

"Because he had regretted what he had done," She continued, completely ignoring me. "Our Killua returned to us, and entered solitary confinement, voluntarily. In any case, we don't know when he will choose to leave." She was calm, just before something happened on her headset. She let out a large gasp. "What? What is happening? What are you doing father?" She shouted.

"Hey, I think this bitch has a couple of screws loose," Quinn whispered to me.

"Just a little bit." I whisper-laughed.

"Please don't do anything hasty! He's only just returned!" She continued to yell. "Oh, why must father be this way?" She cried out, sounding incredibly distressed. "Something has come up. Farewell." Her tone was calm again.

"Uh...Okay." Quinn furrowed their eyebrows.

She ran off before Gon called after her. "Wait, hold on!" She whipped back around. "It's just that, we'll be staying in town for a little while. Please let Killua know."

"Yes, very well. I'll be sure to tell him. Good day." She ran off once again, but Kalluto stayed behind, staring at us.

"Who are all of you? Tell me." He asked.

"We're all friends with Killua." Gon responded.

"I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Kalluto. Though, I wish we met under better circumstances." I chuckled lightly.

"You're his friends?" He repeated.

"Kalluto, what are you doing? Come along this instant!" Mrs.Zoldyck shouted.

"Coming! Sorry, mother!" He shouted back, before running over to where she was.

"Well, see ya around, Kalluto." I muttered, a sad smile appearing on my face.

"It goes without saying, but these people really creep me out." Leorio frowned. "And I bet they were lying about Killua not wanting to see us."

"That's a definite." Quinn sighed. "God, infiltrating an assassin's hideout is harder than I expected." They chuckled.

"Gon, we can't go back yet. Maybe we should tail those two." Leorio suggested.

"Yeah, but if we follow them, I'm worried that it would mean trouble for her later on." Gon motioned to Canary.

"Well, no matter what we do, we definitely can't leave her like this." I sighed.

"Yeah, good point." Leorio grimaced.

"I will...take you to the butler's quarters," Canary spoke, opening her eyes.

"Canary!" I smiled. "You're okay!"

"There is a phone that connects directly to the mansion." She continued, sitting up. "If Master Zeno answers it, he might..."

"Who's Master Zeno?" Gon asked.

"Hey, just give her a minute." Quinn frowned.

"I'm all right, really. Master Zeno is Master Killua's grandfather." She explained.

"Are you sure you're okay to get up? I mean, you just got shot." I asked.

"I'll be fine. Thank you for the concern." She smiled.

We began walking for a few hours, and I felt horribly lost, despite our guide.

"Are we there yet?" Leorio whined, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Still a bit farther," Canary replied and Leorio let out a loud exhale.

"Be patient, grandpa, we just started." Quinn frowned.

"Oh, hush. I know you're tired too. You're doing this in a sweater." He huffed.

"Exactly, and I haven't been complaining." They laughed, sticking their tongue out teasingly. We stopped in the middle of the forest at around nightfall.

"There it is." Canary pointed up at a large house up on a hill.

"That's it huh?" Leorio frowned. "It's still a lot farther away than I'd like."

"Right, let's just redo construction on a property that isn't ours." Quinn chuckled.

"Hey, Canary." Gon spoke. "Aren't you going to get in a lot of trouble with your bosses for bringing us here?"

"They are perfectly aware of what I'm doing." She closed her eyes. "I am quite certain of that. I'm prepared for the consequences."

"If there's any trouble, I'll take responsibility." Gon replied.

"Me too! I wouldn't want you getting thrown under the bus for something I did. That wouldn't be fair." I frowned.

"No. I am merely serving as a guide for Master Killua's friends." Canary turned her head to face in front of us. She began to walk again and we all followed, though I felt a bit guilty for making her continue on.

After what felt like hours of walking, we had finally arrived at the top of the hill, where the butler's quarters sat. The lights inside were all turned on, causing a honey-like glow to shine out through the windows.

"We finally made it." Leorio sighed.

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