97- 𝘏𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘹 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵

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I jolted awake to see Killua sleeping next to me peacefully. We had been moved to Gon's bed, and Gon was sleeping on a makeshift bed on the floor. I chuckled a bit just before looking at the alarm clock, which read 6:49. The sun was rising high in the sky, casting a red overlay on the room. I hopped out of bed and tried to wake up Killua.

"Mmm...Gon, go away." He whined. "I'm dreaming of Y/n, you know."

"I'm sure they'd appreciate the sentiment." I grinned.

"Ah, Y/n!" Killua sat up, face bright red.

"Your ears are pink!" I giggled, kissing his helix lightly.

"Y/n! That tickles, stop it!" He laughed, trying to push me off of him. "You're a weirdo." He beamed.

"Shush." I put my pointer finger up against his lips. "Froggy's asleep." I tilted my head towards where Gon was resting, making Killua pay attention to the sleeping boy.

Killua raised a brow before throwing a pillow at Gon's face. Gon, being the heavy sleeper he is, didn't wake up. I just laughed and turned back to Killua. "So...are we gonna tell Quinn? Y'know, about us? Our new relationship?"

"Maybe not now." He frowned. "They're going through a lot. I don't wanna hurt them even more."

"We could always be polyamorous," I replied.

"But..." Killua frowned. "I don't feel that for them. I'd like to if it'll make you happy, but I don't think I can. I just want you all to myself. Do you like them like that?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "I like Quinn. I like Quinn a lot, but I don't think it's that kind of love. It's not the same love I have for you. It's...It's different. It's like the love I have for Gon!" I snapped my fingers when I found an answer I was satisfied with. "I love them, but not love-love. Family love. Storge, I guess."

"Storge?" Killua repeated. 

"Mhm. The greek word for love between family." I replied. "They're sweet and all, but I just don't see them that way."

"Then why suggest being poly?" Killua asked.

"I thought that you would like it." I fiddled with my fingers. "And it'd make Quinn happy too, so if it makes others happy, why not go with it?"

"Because you need to be happy too." Killua lifted my face up by my chin.

"But it's not only my happiness that matters." I smiled sadly, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, look at me." He said softly, getting a bit closer so that we were inches apart. "Your happiness is the most important thing to me. Fuck all these other people, as long as I get to see you smile, everything that's shitty about this world disappears. You make my world brighter, Y/n."

"What am I supposed to say to this?" I laughed, growing flustered, burying my face into Killua's warm chest.

"Mm...You say..." He thought for a moment before putting on the worst impression of my voice he could manage. ""I love you, Kil. I want to marry you and I will block Quinn out of my life forever!" Is what you say." He giggled.

"Killua." I frowned, looking up at him, arms still wrapped around his waist. "They're coughing up flowers, be nicer."

"I know, I know. I was kidding." He laughed. "I don't think you should cut them out of your life. They're good to you, y'know? But they need to know their place." His grasp on me grew a bit tighter.

"Killua, watch your grip." I groaned. "You're so overprotective." I laughed, kissing his nose once he let me go.

"Don't wanna lose you." He replied. "You're just so cute, anybody could steal you away." Killua sighed.

"I've got good judgment," I smirked.

"Y/n, you found me in a bush and traveled with me almost immediately." He chuckled.

"Well, you looked fuzzy." I reasoned, getting up and walking towards the door. "I'm gonna go see if anyone else is awake. Since we're hiding all this from Quinn, you can only really be lovey-dovey with me in here or when we're alone in other places."

"Awe, no dates?" He pouted.

"No dates." I walked out the door and closed it behind me.


"할머니, 괜찮아요! 진짜." I heard Quinn say from down the hospital's hallway. "할머니, 그만하세요. 도움이 필요하지 않습니다." They went quiet as Korean was being shouted at them from the other line. "예." They nodded. "안녕." They continued speaking. "나도 할머니 사랑해."

"Hey, Quinn." I smiled, nervously approaching them.

"Hi." They smiled after hanging up the phone. "Been a bit."

"Mhm." I nodded. "Oh! I got you some food if you want it! It's pizza, cheese, cuz I'm not too sure if you can have pepperoni or not. I read that people with Hanahaki can't have certain types of meat, cuz it might kill the flower and crush your lungs in the process."

"Thanks, Y/n." They laughed, taking the pizza out of the container and eating it. "Um, I'm getting discharged soon, so I'll be able to get outta here."

"Oh, that's good." I replied, not used to the awkward tension.

"Hey, I'm sorry about how I yelled at you yesterday." They scratched the back of their head nervously. "I didn't mean to get mad, but that was a lot to go through."

"No, I get it. I shouldn't have tried to fight your decision. Your body, your choice, you know? If you want to take the pills, go for it. If you'd like the surgery, I support that too." I put my hands in my pockets. "It isn't my decision to make."

"Yeah. Thanks." They smiled warmly, a white rose popping out of their cheek.

"Oh, you've got a..." I pointed at the flower.

"Oh. Thank you." They chuckled, taking a deep breath and taking the flower out of their skin. They got out a bandaid with Hello kitty on it and put it over the blood that trickled out of their face. "Y'know, the meds are supposed to help with them growing out of my skin, but it doesn't work all that well. It's not that bad though. I actually kind of like it."

"Quinn Haru Lovel, get your ass over here!" I heard Quinn's mother shout.

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