53- 𝘗𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘹 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘥

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We had been working for a couple of days, usually keeping the same routine. Breakfast (if you wanted half-cooked eggs and burned toast prepared by Seaquant), Go outside the gate, train by either trying to open the door or moving stuff, and then coming back to the butler's quarters. It was exhausting, but after a few days, I had grown used to it.

I woke up one night, glancing around the room, only to find Gon's bed was empty. I crept outside the room, tiptoeing, as though it made it easier. I didn't see him in the kitchen, the living room, upstairs, or downstairs, and I doubted he was in the bathroom. I carefully opened the door and walked outside in an attempt to find him. I ran around the forest, the leaves crunching beneath my feet. I finally found him, doing a handstand and pushing himself up and down with one hand.

"Gon!" I grunted, feeling angry that he wasn't resting.

"Ah, What?" He shouted, falling flat on his butt. "Oh, it's you!" He chuckled. "Sorry, Y/n. I thought you were one of the other butlers coming to kill me or something!"

"What are you doing awake? I thought we all agreed you need to rest. It's irresponsible to work with a broken arm without damaging it more." I lectured. "You need as much rest as I do, if not more."

"Well, why are you up?" He frowned. "You need as much rest as I do, right?"

"I just woke up out of nowhere, It wasn't like I was pulling an all-nighter. Once I noticed you were out of bed, I got a bit worried is all." I explained. "Is your bandage coming loose?"

"You're nice, y'know that?" He giggled. "But no, I'm okay."

"That's good. You really need to take care of yourself more." I sighed, sitting next to him and looking up at the stars from our spot in the woods Killua called his backyard. "Hey, how have you been doing?"

"What do you mean?" Gon replied.

"Well, you don't really talk much about your feelings, I can see it. You're bottling things up, but it's good to let it out. To be vulnerable sometimes. This is just as much as an emotional journey as it is a physical one." I turned to see his face, which had a sad and sorrowful expression.

"Well, I'm obviously not very happy about all this. But, I'm getting along. I just wish Kurapika and Leorio would let me do more. I really want to help." Gon frowned.

"I get that. But just remember it's because they love you and don't want to see you hurt. I mean, I feel that way too sometimes, I feel like I'm too weak to do anything. But for you it's different, it's way different. You are strong, you really are, but you push yourself so hard to the point it destroys you." I sighed. "That can't be good for you."

"But it helps people, right? So why wouldn't I take up an opportunity to be hospitable?" He sighed.

"Learn to appreciate yourself. I know it's hard, I'm still learning myself, but then you'll be able to help without ruining your body." I sighed. "And as for me, who knows? Maybe I'll find something I like about myself for once."

"Well, there's lots to like about you! I haven't known you for very long, and we haven't spoken to each other much, but I can tell you're a good person." He smiled. "I mean, you were my shoulder to cry on at the airship, and I appreciated that way more than I could express. And the fact you're out here now just proves that you actually care about people. You're a really good friend and a really good person!" He giggled.

"You really think so?" I smiled.

"I know so. Now come on! Race you to the butler's quarters!" He laughed, just before running off.

"Hey, get back here!" I chuckled.


As it turned out, Gon crashed on the couch and I fell asleep on the floor. I got up and walked to the room, my arms aching beyond belief. Everyone was awake, so after waking up Gon, we were all booted outside.

We pushed on the door as we usually did, until Seaquant approached us. "I'm telling you this is never gonna work. You're just kidding yourselves, you know that."

"Well, if you're so sure, quit watching and go do your job!" Leorio yelled.

"Yeah, you tell 'im Leorio!" Quinn cheered. Seaquant just shrugged.

"Y/n and Gon are a part of us," Kurapika explained. "And they've both made it clear that they wish to see their friend. Quite clear. It's only right to help them achieve their goal." I ran up to Kurapika, hugging his lower waist. "H-Hey, what're you-"

"Thank you Kurapika. Thank you for helping me to achieve my goal." I smiled.

"It's no problem, really." He wrapped his arms around me.

"We'd do anything to make you kiddos happy." Leorio sounded happy and calm, which was a nice contrast to his frustrated screeching.

"See? You guys make better parents than our parents." I whispered. "Thank you, father." I laughed, looking up at Kurapika.

"You're welcome, spawn that is completely 100% mine." Kurapika smiled.

"Let's try again!" I grinned.

"Yeah!" Quinn chuckled.

We put our hands on the door again, pushing as hard as we usually did. I took in deep breaths in an attempt to try and ease my pain. We pushed for a few minutes until Seaquant interrupted once more. "Oh give me a break! You can't just keep pushing mindlessly." He began to walk. "You got to get your timing in sync. You have to push both doors, simultaneously while giving it everything you got. Otherwise, it'll never open."

"Did he just?" Quinn gaped.

"I think he did." I smiled.

Zebro chuckled lightly as we all pushed our hands at the door once again. "Get our timing in sync," Leorio repeated.

"Push both doors simultaneously, and with all our might." Kurapika sighed.

"You ready?" Leorio asked, while the rest of us just nodded. "One!"

"Two!" Kurapika continued the countdown.

"Two point five!" Quinn laughed.

"Three!" I cheered.

We all pushed at the same time, using the same amount of force, and eventually...

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