51- 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘹 𝘰𝘧 𝘹 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘩

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I sat on the carpeted ground, feeling how soft it felt against my legs. I grinned, overjoyed to get a moment of peace from all the hectic battles we all had been facing. I sat in silence, closing my eyes and inhaling the scent of the hotel, which smelled of lavender and honey.

My peace and quiet were quickly cut off by loud banging noises coming from behind the door. The entryway to my room flung open to reveal a sight I could only see in my worst of nightmares.

Quinn's usual cream sweater had a large bloodstain on their lower abdomen, which they held weakly. They huffed over to me, slumping in my arms. "Hey." They tried their hardest to smile. "The midget got to me. He got me real bad." They winced, chuckling a bit.

"What happened? What did you do?" I gasped, tears beginning to fill my eyes.

"I got stabbed, but the short guy took out the knife. I ran to get here, so I lost a buncha blood. I'm not doing too great, Y/n." They frowned, a few tears spilling out of their own optics. "I'm gonna die tonight."

"What? Don't say stuff like that!" I shouted.

"It's the truth. My final wish is that you cradle me. As childish as that is." They sniffed.

"But what about your mom?" I yelled, gripping onto their body that began to grow limper and limper with every breath they took.

"What about her? Astoro can finally act her age and take care of her." They shuddered. "Hey, you and Killua take good care of each other, all right?" They smiled, bringing their shaky, bloody hands up to my face. "Remember, I love you. I'll always be with you. And who knows? Maybe in our next lives, I can love you all over again." They grinned.

"I'm so tired." They huffed, their voice barely above a whisper.

"Quinn, stay awake. We can...We can get Leorio to fix this until we get to a hospital!" I felt my throat close as tears began to fall down my cheeks. "Don't die on me! Please!"

"That old man? I love him, but I doubt he can do shit for me." They chuckled. "Tell Leorio to take care of himself. Watch his temper and all that."

"Tell him yourself! Live, please!" I gripped them tighter.

"Goodbye, Y/n. Don't blame yourself for anything."

"What about the bodyguard job you landed? You haven't even started yet!" I wailed.

"Goodbye, my sunshine." They began to shut their eyes, but the light of life left them before they could close all the way. I stared at their face, their lips slightly parted and their eyes vacant.

"Wake up!" I screamed, sobbing into their sweater. "Wake up, please Quinn! Don't leave! Don't leave like how you did!" My tears could only continue flowing, my eyes practically beginning to turn into water faucets. "Wake up for me, please." I quietly sniffled. Their eyes remained shut. I walked up and put them on the bed, before leaving and shutting the door behind me.

I glanced at my hands, which had their blood spread all over them.

Their blood



I jolted awake, terrified of the dream I had just been through. I glanced around the dark room we were all allowed to sleep in at the butler's quarters, only to see everyone sleeping soundly. I glanced over at Quinn's bed, which was to the left of mine to see them snoring quietly, hopefully having sweeter dreams than I did. I got up as silently as possible, hearing the gentle pitter-patter of my feet against the cold, wooden ground.

I pushed against the door as silently as I could, letting out a few grunts of frustration. I managed to budge it open and quickly rushed to the kitchen, glancing around. I wasn't sure what I was doing awake, but I think I just wanted something to take my mind off of the terrible nightmare I had. I opened the fridge (which surprisingly wasn't heavy) and pulled out some milk. I pulled out one of my own saucepans, pouring the milk inside and putting it over the stovetop. I let it simmer for a bit, glancing around the room.

"These god damn dreams. First the hunter's exam and now this? God, it's all so scary. The future's potential." I sighed, not speaking to anyone in particular.

"Pretty terrifying, right?" A familiar voice chuckled. I whipped around to see Leorio sitting at the table.

"Oh, it's you," I said, no particular expression in my voice.

"Thanks for that." Leorio frowned.

"Sorry, sorry. I've been...emotionally conflicted if that makes sense. I've been feeling so much to the point where I'm feeling nothing at all." I sighed, pouring some warm milk into a mug. "Want some?" I offered. Leorio shook his head, declining.

"I get what you mean. I've felt like that before. Do you think it's this whole Killua situation that's making you feel that way?" He replied.

"Maybe. But, I've been feeling weird about him since the third to last phase. I had a strange dream is all. And tonight, I had another one." I sat down at the table next to Leorio, taking the occasional sip of milk.

"Well, I don't exactly major in psychology or anything, but I can try and help you maybe figure out what they mean? Google's very helpful." He chuckled.

"Okay, I'll start with the first one. I was standing in a field, and I wasn't sure why. Then, Killua showed up and so I asked him why, and he said we were gonna..." I hesitated before continuing. "Get married," I muttered.

"Wait, really?" Leorio gasped.

"But then, I realized nothing was real, so I just shouted how I wanted to wake up, and everything cracked into tiny, black shards. Then I woke up." I frowned. "The second one happened just now. I was in a hotel room, when the door bursts open."

I glanced at my feet from underneath the table, nervous about what Leorio would say. I chugged down some more milk, hoping to wash away my nerves.

"Quinn's bleeding, really bad. They crawl into my arms and..." I sniffed, watching as a tear silently dripped into my drink. "And they die. I watched the life leave their body and I couldn't do anything. I just sat there, being completely useless." I watched as several more tears followed the first one.

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