60- 𝘚𝘦𝘦 𝘹 𝘠𝘢 𝘹 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

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We sat on the train for a while, talking about other things that would come to mind. Though, it was mainly me and Quinn laughing about our inside jokes as Killua would just kind of scoff. We all arrived in a small town.

"All right, I'll be leaving now." Kurapika smiled.

"Huh?" Gon frowned.

"We all got to see Killua again, so my work here is finished. I'll be needing a lot of money if I'm going to attend the auction." He explained. "So I shall search for a patron willing to employ me as a hunter."

"Really?" Leorio asked.

"Yeah, I should probably head out soon too. I've gotta find a bodyguard job soon so I can accomplish what my dad wanted, y'know? I promised myself to do it as soon as I could." Quinn put their hands in their pockets.

"Awe, do you have to leave?" I whined.

"Sorry, sunshine." They chuckled, grabbing my hands. "But we can meet again soon. In Yorknew!"

"Yeah, In Yorknew." I beamed.

"Keep smiling, starlight." They grinned, just before walking off.

"Hey, Quinn wait!" I yelled after them.

"Yeah?" They turned around.

"I got something I need to give you, I told you I would." I giggled. "Close your eyes."

"Okay...?" They smirked, shutting their optics. I planted a quick kiss on their cheek. Their eyes shot open and they glanced at me. "Y/n!" They chuckled.

"Bye Quinn!" I waved, running back to Gon and Killua.

"What was that all about?" Killua huffed.

"What was what all about?" I replied, picking my backpack up off the ground.

"The whole kissing thing? That was weird." He frowned.

"Not really." I shrugged.

"Wait, are you and Quinn dating or something?" Killua grunted.

"Nope, just good friends I guess." I smiled. "Why?"

"Because you just kissed them!" He shouted.

"Why are you so worked up about it, Killua?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, it was just a kiss." I laughed.

"Well, would you kiss me?" Killua folded his arms across his chest.

"No." I hummed.

"Hey, what kinda answer is that? I'm your best friend!" He shouted.

"What? You want a kiss or something?" I asked jokingly. Killua stayed quiet.

"Oh my god, you do!" Leorio laughed. "You want them to kiss you!"

"Shut up Reolio!" Killua hissed.

"He doesn't want me to kiss him. He just wants to know what the deal is, that's all." I chuckled, feeling myself grow flustered. "Besides, we have more important things to focus on than who kisses who."

"Unless it's illegal." Gon held up a finger.

"Yes, unless it's illegal." I smiled.

"Well, I guess I should be heading home too." Leorio grinned.

"Wait, you too?" Gon frowned.

"I haven't given up on becoming a doctor." He explained. "If I'm accepted to med school, then this," He pulled out his hunter's license. "Will pay for the expenses. I need to get back and start hitting the books."

"Best of luck, Leorio." Gon nodded.

"You're gonna be a really good doctor someday." I beamed.

"What about you? Where are you headed?" Gon asked.

"Hm. I'll probably stay with you guys for a while, if that's okay!"

"All right! We're gonna have so much fun!" Killua cheered. "It'll be just you and me." He grasped my hand.

"And Gon too?" I laughed.

"And him too." He giggled.

The three of us walked over to a small building, hand-in-hand.

"Bye-bye!" Gon waved at a passing airship. "Guess it's just us now, huh?" He smiled.

"Yup! This is gonna be exciting." I jumped up.

"So, what's next?" Gon asked.

"You seriously have to ask me that?" Killua frowned. "We've gotta start training."

"Oh. For what?" The black-haired boy asked. "Why not have fun?"

"Are you kidding?" I giggled a bit. "We've gotta get stronger if we wanna defeat Hisoka. But I'm sure we can find a way to make it fun!"

"If you'd wanna take down Hisoka without training, it'd take about 10 years! Forget about 6 months!" Killua shouted.

"Awe, don't yell at him." I frowned, patting Gon's back. "But Killua is right. We just gotta work hard."

"Here, I'll break it down for you." Killua squatted down on the ground and grabbed a stick, beginning to draw a line in the dirt. "This is Hisoka, and this is Hanzo." The two figures looked cute in contrast to the two people's regular appearance. "If this is the strength gap between Hisoka and Hanzo..." Killua pointed at the line between the two. "The gap between you and Hisoka is..." Killua stood up and began to walk, dragging the line across the ground. He continued walking.

And walking.

And walking.

Until he reached the edge of the grass which was right by the fence. "This wide!" He shouted. "And I'm being generous!"

"That's just mean." Gon grunted. "Okay, then how far apart are you?" He asked once Killua came back.

"Who, me?" Killua turned back to his dirt drawings. "Well, probably here..." He drew a line just behind Hanzo.

"Oh, so Hanzo's the stronger one?" Gon pointed. "Hey, where does Y/n fit?"

"Oh, yeah! I'd like to see that." I grinned.

"Hm...I'd say here." Killua smiled, putting me a bit behind him.

"Woah. You two really are amazing!" Gon encouraged.

"Ah, thank you!" I chuckled.

"Knock it off all right, that's embarrassing!" Killua's cheeks turned a light pink.

"Yeah, Killua's super cool!" I ran up and gave him a tight hug.

"H-Hey! Stop that!" His face grew even redder. "You're embarrassing me." He huffed.

"Oooh, I'm Killua. Stop it, that's embarrassing! Moron, Moron, Moron!" I mocked.

"Hey, I don't sound like that!" He laughed.

"Yeah, your voice is a bit deeper. Speaking of which, your voice has kinda changed since I saw you last." I frowned. "Makes me kinda sad. I can't tease you for your baby mouse voice anymore."

"I did not have a baby mouse voice!" He giggled.

"You totally did! It was cute though." I smiled. "Gon, I'm right, right? He had a baby mouse voice."

"Well, it was kind of high pitched and raspy." He smiled.

"See? That's a baby mouse voice at its finest."

"It is not!" Killua argued.

"Would you prefer baby gremlin?" I offered.

"Okay, fine. Baby mouse voice is all right." He said after a bit of silence.

"Haha, I win." I stuck out my tongue.

"You're lucky you're cu-" He started. "I mean, you're lucky you're a good friend of mine."

"Mhm." I chuckled.

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