08- 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥

877 23 59

"Kinda," Killua smirked, answering his brother on the phone. "Oh? You had to admit defeat cuz it was too much for you to handle?"

"Killua, it's not nice to tease people." I huffed.

"So...what were those leads you talked about?" Killua continued, ignoring my comment on his behavior. "If I had a Greed Island memory card...would you reconsider? I just happened to get my hands on a memory card, that's all. I figured with your skills, you could analyze the data and reverse engineer the game itself, right?" Piggy murmured something over the other line. "I never lie." Killua grinned smugly. "Not when I'm making deals." He answered honestly. Piggy said something, causing Killua to furrow his brow. "Wait a minute! Not over the phone."

"Estupido culo." I sighed, slapping my forehead.

"Yeah. Yeah, I see." Killua nodded along. "Okay, got it. I'll send it to you in the usual way." He hung up the phone.

"So, Is Piggy Kalluto or Illumi?" I smiled.

"Neither, actually. I've got another brother. His real name is Milluki, but I call him Piggy." He chuckled, putting his phone away. "He's kind of a creep. He reads ecchi, I'm sure. Don't go near 'im."

"Ecchi? What's that?" Gon asked.

"Nothing!" Killua and I both shouted at the same time.

"Anyway, I had to promise him a copy of the memory card in exchange. Sorry." The albino next to me sighed.

"Sure! It's just a copy anyway, so I don't mind." Gon replied.

"Well, In return, I got 2 leads that sound pretty promising." Killua held up the number 2.

"Go on and tell us, pasty!" I laughed.

"Well, one's a website. It's only accessible to Hunters, which is no problem for you two. I'm almost positive we can find information about Greed Island on there." Killua smiled.

"Really?" Gon gasped. "That means I get to use my Hunter's license!"

"Stupid!" Killua frowned, grabbing Gon by the arms. "If you use your home computer, they'll know your address!"

"We gotta go to a library or an internet cafe!" I smiled.

"You really want bad guys showin' up on this island to steal your Hunter's license?" Killua lectured.

"Oh. Yeah, I forgot." Gon shrugged.

"It's like Y/n said! Only public computers." He continued to scold, while Gon just stuck out his tongue and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well, there's no rush. I still don't even know the address. Once my brother gets the memory card, he said he'd send it to me."

"Ugh, but snail mail takes forever!" I whined.

"Snail mail?" Killua snorted. "We use a falcon."

"What? Damned rich people!" I frowned.

"Hah! Broke ass bitch!" Killua laughed. "Just kidding, I love you." He kissed my forehead. "But anyway, if that doesn't work out, we gotta use lead 2. The Yorknew city auction." My heart jolted at the word Yorknew.

"I don't want to go back there!" I moved away from him and sat on the bed, eyes wide.

"Wait, hold on! Isn't Yorknew city-?" Gon started.

"Yeah." Killua nodded. "We're supposed to meet Kurapika, Leorio, and Quinn there."

"I...I can't go. I can't do it." I winced. "Don't hate me for this, but with everything that's happened, especially with Quinn, I can't go."

"Y/n-" Killua tried to interject, but I just gazed up at him.

"I can't. And there's no way in hell I want to see my mom again." I curled my toes. "Besides, I've already had one of those weird dreams I've been having come true. I had one where Quinn died. What if that happens?"

"Quinn won't die. They're far too stubborn." Killua smiled warmly, walking over to the bed and rubbing circles on my back with his open palm.

"I'm stubborn too, but I'll go someday." I frowned. "We all will."

"Well, we'll be like Quinn's bodyguards for the next few months that we're in Yorknew." Gon joined in, sitting with us. "Would that make you feel a little bit better?"

"A bit..." I sighed. "I just don't know what to do here. I know that everyone dies someday, but I could've done something to stop it."

"Well, that was the dream. This is reality. We won't let that happen. No, I won't let that happen." Killua gently gripped my shoulder. "I know you like Quinn, I like them too, and I don't want them dying. Especially not if you have to hold their body like that. It isn't right."

"Thanks, Morally-ambiguous Cat boy." I smiled.

"You're very welcome, my light." He giggled. 

"And Quinn's my friend too, so I don't want them dying either!" Gon laughed. "I'll protect them alongside you guys. You shouldn't have to hold this burden alone."

"Yeah, he's right, you know." Killua cooed. "I'm your support system, sweetheart. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. But what if I let you down?"

"You won't."


We all boarded the boat after sending the card to Milluki, and I cautiously walked across the planks of the steps, not wanting to drop anything. Gon got on first, I was on second, and Killua was on third.

"Aunt Mito! So long!" Gon waved from the ship.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, Miss Aunt Mito! It was very nice to meet you! I hope we see each other again!" I shouted, waving goodbye.

"Ah, thank you, Y/n!" She grinned, waving back. "I hope to see you again too! Come over whenever you'd like, it was a pleasure having you!"

I smiled and turned towards Killua, who seemed distracted by something. He was staring in my general direction. I looked behind me, only to find nothing there. I whipped back around to see Killua's red face. I then realized what was happening. 

"Awee, Killua, were you starin' at little old me?" I teased, getting closer to him. "How cute."

"Oh shut up!" He giggled.

"Make me." I smirked.

"Fine." He leaned in and planted a soft, chaste kiss on my lips. Once we pulled apart he just began to laugh. "I learned that from you, ya know."

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