94- 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘯

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So, quick warning, there's quite a bit of Korean in this chapter. I recommend using google translate if you can. Enjoy the story, my loves <33

I watched as Killua and Gon devoured their food as though they hadn't eaten in days. I laughed but ate as well. "So, Aunt Mito, do you know the Lovel family?" I asked, swallowing some mashed potatoes.

"The Lovel family? Ah, yes." She nodded.

"Oh! Do you know their kid named Quinn? I'm looking for them. They might be on the island. We planned on meeting up here." I explained.

"I believe they arrived a few days ago. Their mother was ecstatic." Aunt Mito smiled.

"Do you have their address?" I beamed.

"Well, not their exact address, but they live by the pier. You can go after dinner if you'd like." She chuckled.

"Killua, you wanna go with me?" I turned to the boy next to me, who just nodded. He seemed off-put but didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah! Aunt Mito!" Gon piped up. "Look!" He pulled out his hunter's license and showed Aunt Mito from across the table. "This is a Hunter's license."

"Wow." Aunt Mito took the card and stared at it. "It looks pretty ordinary." She noted. "There." She bent it.

"Ah! Come on! What do you think you're doing?" Gon yelped, stretching across the table to get his license back.

"I'm kidding!" Aunt Mito laughed. "You know I wouldn't do that."

"Well...I just hope it still works." Gon pouted.

I silently admired the relationship between the two. How they both cared for each other, and how Aunt Mito took care of Gon without wanting anything in return. I wished my mother was like that. But I was instead forced to clean for basic needs. Though, I suppose it was just my fault. Maybe I was just that much of a bother. Other kids needed to do chores, maybe it was the same way? Though, most kids weren't left home alone 24/7.

We quickly finished our food and I stood up to go wash my plate. I made my way over to the sink until Aunt Mito laughed a little bit.

"Y/n, you're the guest here. You don't need to wash your dish, it's okay." She smiled. "Just leave it in the sink."

"Oh uh, are you sure? I wouldn't want to be rude." I frowned.

"It's all right, really." She chuckled.

"Mm...Okay." I grinned. "Killua, are you all done? Let's go see Quinn!" I laughed taking him by his arms and exiting the house. "By the pier. Hm...Let's check the blue houses first!" I said once we were by the docks.

"Blue?" He laughed.

"Yeah! Cuz of their hair." I smiled.

"I hate to break it to you, starlight, but people don't live in houses based off of their color pallets." A familiar voice laughed. I turned around to see short, navy hair and pale skin.

"Quinn!" I cheered, running and holding them in a tight hug. "How are you? It's been such a long time!"

"I'm pretty okay. Finally put my sister in her place." They chuckled. "Oh, hey, Killua."

"Hey." Killua huffed, putting his hands in his pockets. "Can you let go of them, please?"

"Why?" Quinn stuck their tongue out playfully. "What are you gonna do if I don't?"

"Oh, don't pull this again." I laughed.

"Bite me." They smiled. "Anyway, if you guys wanna come over to my place, I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind."

"Really? I'd love to meet her!" I replied.

"Shouldn't we wait for Gon?" Killua scoffed.

"It's fine. Come on!" I took Quinn's hand as they led us to their house. Killua rushed up to me and took my hand.

"Damn Quinn, thinking that you're theirs." He whispered to himself.

"Calm down Killua," I murmured back.

We walked around for a little until we came across a small, white house with a red roof and some flowers growing wildly by the window. It had a brown door and a cobblestone path in the sand. "Well, here it is." Quinn smiled, walking forward and unlocking the door. They opened it and stepped inside the house.

"퀸, 너야? 아니면 아스토로? Mira는 한동안 집에 없었습니다." A voice of an elderly woman called out.

"Oh, that's my Grandma. She only speaks Korean." Quinn explained. "나야, 할머니! 괜찮으면 친구 몇 명 데려왔어." I simply blinked at the dialog going on around me. "이것은 Y/n이고 백인 소년은 Killua입니다."

"What'd you say?" I asked.

"This one is Y/n, and the white boy is Killua." They replied. "이제 내 방으로 올라갑시다. 괜찮아?"

"예. 안전한. 키스가 없습니다." Their grandmother replied.

"할머니!" Quinn blushed.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

"Nothing, forget about it." They smiled, walking up the stairs. "So, what'd you guys do?" They asked, flopping on their bed. "Don't be afraid to take a seat." Killua slumped in a beanbag chair and I sat down on the gaming chair at the desk.

"We fought clowns. You know, the usual." I smiled.

"We went to Heaven's arena, just to clarify." Killua laughed. "And you'll never guess who I-" I cut off Killua's words with a hand over his mouth.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about." I chuckled nervously.

"Mm...Okay." Quinn had a small smile on their face. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "열려있다!"

"Hey, guess who brought you some snacks! Oh, Quinn, you've got guests!" A tall woman with long, white hair smiled, opening the door. She had green eyes, the same shade as one of Quinn's optics. "I'm Mira Lovel. Pleased to meet you. And you are?"

"Y/n L/n! And this is Killua Zoldyck!" I introduced.

"Ah, Quinn, so this is Y/n?" She sat on the bed. "Will used to talk about how badly he wanted Quinn and Astoro to meet you. I miss him." Mira frowned. "정말 예쁘네요, 퀸. 당신은 그들과 데이트해야합니다."

"Ma!" Quinn blushed. "나는 그들이 지금 그것을 원한다고 생각하지 않습니다."

"Just throwing it out there." She laughed. "Anyway, I'll get out of here so you kiddos can catch up. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Thanks, Mom." Quinn waved.

"She's nice," Killua noted, shoving a chip in his mouth.

"Mhm. She never stopped thanking me after she was sick." They frowned.

"Sick? What'd she have?"

"Hanahaki. It was shortly after my father died."

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