22- 𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘹 𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺

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After going to Chuck-E-Cheese and getting our silly straws, we went back to the apartment.

"Okay, we're gonna have a little race. Whoever finishes their water first wins and gets a prize!" Killua chuckled, bringing out his pink straw and handing me my green one. He also placed the giant teddy bear that I won for him on the counter.

"Okay!" I nodded.

"Three...Two...One!" Killua smirked before both of us quickly drank all of our water.

"I won!" I giggled, pumping my fist in the air. "Sooo, what does the winner get?"

"Hmm...Well, whatever the winner wants." He smirked. "It could be anything. From ice cream to, oh I dunno...a kiss...maybe. Or maybe some cookies or a kiss or 10 bucks or a kiss."

"Does somebody want a kiss?" I laughed.

"Well only if somebody else wants a kiss." He leaned against the counter. "Yeah but um it could be anything. Like breakfast or a kiss. Or pizza or a kiss or a cat or a kiss, or a kiss."

"We can kiss, Killua." I laughed, holding his face.

"Yes, finally." He whispered.

"You've been waiting?" I giggled.

"I need kisses every day, all day." He pouted. "You've been neglecting me Y/n."

"Awe, I'm sorry, pretty boy. Here." I cooed, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Can I have another one?" He pleaded.

"Mmm...Well, I don't know." I hummed. "Have you earned it?"

"Please?" Killua whined. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Please? Where'd you learn manners from, Killua?" I teased. "Have you finally been learning how to be a gentleman?" I laughed.

"What, you want me in a suit and tie for you now?" He laughed.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't mind." I giggled, squishing his cheeks and kissing his nose.

"Fine, but you gotta wear one too, okay? We gotta look dapper together." He smiled.

"Sounds like a deal, kitty." I laughed.

"Can you love birds shut up? Some of us are tryin' to sleep over here." Quinn yelled from Gon's room.

"Quinn, why are you not in your room?" Killua asked.

"Well...I uh I um...yeah...Gon said that he-you-I! Shut up!" I could practically hear their blushing. "Gon had a nightmare is all! Dummy! Dumb little dummy idiots!" They walked out, wearing their undershirt and some shorts. "Anyway, what are you guys up to? Aside from flirting, I mean." They scoffed, running their hand through their hair. A very sleepy Gon came after them, wrapping his arms around their waist and resting his chin on their shoulder.

"Gah! Uh Gon!" They stiffened, their face getting redder than it was before.

"Why'd you leave?" The tan boy behind them pouted. "We were cuddling."

"These two were being loud, and I couldn't go back to sleep." Quinn pointed at us. "Sorry, sunshine." they patted his head.

"It's okay." He sighed.

"Damn. Everyone's lovin' up on each other today, huh?" Leorio walked in as well.

"Good morning, Leorio." I smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty okay. Just not used to sleeping in." He sighed, stretching a bit.

"Sleeping in?" I laughed. "It's still pretty early."

"Not compared to how early I had to wake up before. Just to study up." He sighed. "Anyway, let's talk financials. Gon, how much did you say you guys all had?"

"About 5 million..." Gon chuckled sheepishly.

"Not enough to even get to the lowest bid." I sighed. "All because a certain someone made some bad decisions." I smirked, glaring at Killua. He just frowned and shrugged. 

"Okay guys, listen up!" Leorio smiled warmly. "This event is being held at Southernbees, the world's finest auction house, so that much money won't even cost the entry fee, forget about the bid."

"We're well aware." I sighed, resting my palms on the counter.

"But the acquisition rank was listed as easy on the Hunter's website." Gon chirped. 

"Really?" Leorio gasped. 

"Because to get your hands on a copy, all you need is money." Gon continued.

"It's like I always say, money makes the world go round!" Leorio shouted cockily. 

"You said it." I sighed. 

"Well..." Killua piped up. "All that really means...is that a real treasure can't just be purchased. If you can't get one, and pretty easily too, you're not much of a hunter. Right, you guys?"

"Killua, that's mean!" I huffed gently hitting his arm.

"Sorry, but it's just the truth." He shrugged.

"Gon worked really, really hard to be here. Don't just invalidate him like that." I scoffed.

"Shh, I'm trying to motivate him." He whispered.

"You're being mean though." I murmured back.

"He's fine. Gon's a tough cookie." He replied. 

"I don't need you to tell me that, Killua!" Leorio scoffed, pulling up a search engine on his computer. "First things first, we need some seed money."

"Seed money? Like cu-" Quinn started, but I quickly covered their mouth before they could finish their sentence.

"Don't be dirty." I smiled. They just nodded. 

"Let's search for ways we can make fast cash in Yorknew." Leorio decided.

"Well...I know a few ways...but I dunno if I'm gonna like it very much." I scratched the back of my neck. "We gotta...We gotta scam people." I tilted my head down.

"Scamming? But that's lying!" Gon cried out.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "But...it's kinda all we got right now. Well actually, there is another thing we could do."

"Well, do tell." Quinn smiled as Gon let go of their waist and they sat down on the counter.

"We go to a swap meet. I know some buddies up there. They could give us good deals and they might be able to let us sell some of their stuff back to them." I tilted my head back.

"Why not lead with that?" Killua wore an irritated smirk.

"Because conditional auctioning isn't exactly my favourite, either." I replied. "So full of scams."

"What's a conditional auction?" Gon asked.

"It's when the seller specifies a non monetary condition and hands the item over to the first buyer who follows that condition. I got put into...a lot of weird situations with that." I shuddered, remembering when I had to give up toenail clippings for whatever reason when I was about Nine. It was...odd to say the least. "So weird."

"What does that mean?" Killua asked.

"Well it's like you gotta do stuff for whoever your buying from. For example, say I wanted...to buy this cup from you." I picked up a glass that was sitting on the counter. "But you didn't want money for it, instead you wanted uh...this role of paper towels!" I picked up the aforementioned item sitting on the other side of the counter. "To get your cup, I'd give you my paper towels. Make sense?"

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