91- 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘹 𝘈𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴

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Instead of Gon being sent flying across the arena, it was just a floor tile. It crashed into one of the entrances of the arena with a big bang. I practically lept back in my seat from the loud noise, shutting my eyes. Thankfully, Killua gently rubbed circles on my back to calm me down. 

Hisoka lept down from his high spot in the air in an attempt to attack Gon, but thankfully, our froggy hero dodged it. Hisoka chased Gon around the arena for a bit, making it seem as though the two were doing something as harmless as a game of tag. Concrete shattered to the sound of Hisoka's heavy stomping, but Gon's speed kept the man far away from him.

Hisoka lunged in and punched 

Gon, but he was able to block it with his forearm. The two continued to run, making it look as though they were flying. Hisoka punched Gon square in the face but was met with yet another forearm block. Gon toppled over and rolled across the arena floor, hitting his head several times. Gon got back on his feet and skidded across the floor on his heels, right before running again. Hisoka took both of his fists and slammed them in the middle of Gon's spine, just the spot to make him scream out in pain. The boy landed on the ground, mouth wide open. He closed his mouth and got back up, his hand balled into a fist.

Gon's bruised body hopped farther away from Hisoka, making me grip Killua's hand a little tighter. I looked up at the score on the bright screen, noticing that Hisoka was in the lead with three points, and Gon was behind with two.

Gon seemed confused and stumbled around like a baby deer, clumsily but with an objective. All he did was walk in circles around Hisoka, as though he was sizing him up. He stopped walking to think for a moment, his hand on his chin and his eyebrows furrowed.

Hisoka raised his hand, making me grow weary of what was to come. "You've got to use Gyo!" Killua yelled from beside me, gripping my hand a little tighter than I held his. I used the ability Killua shouted out and noticed a pink string attached to Gon's cheek once Hisoka held up his pointer finger. The string pulled Gon closer to Hisoka, almost as though Gon were a disobedient puppy on a slip leash. The boy tried his best to stay in his place but almost came tumbling over a few times. Eventually, Gon was pulled toward Hisoka, seeming as though he were flying.

The tension in the air was thick, anyone could sense that. And Gon's loud screaming seemed to make things worse for how anxious I was feeling. Once Gon was pulled towards the adult, his cheek was punched once more. Both tears and sweat seemed to fall from Gon, which made me lean forward a bit in my chair. I was on edge, to say the very least.

The back of Gon's head hit the hard ground with a large thud. He clenched his eyes shut and left his mouth open out of pure pain. Hisoka stood above his fallen body and just smiled, looking down at him as the crowd cheered. Hisoka gained three more points, putting him way ahead of Gon. 


Gon quickly stood up, looking more determined than ever, wobbling a bit, but still standing. Hisoka began to speak with Gon, so I just watched, wishing I was close enough to listen. Gon held up a number three, Hisoka said something, and then Gon looked angry. At that moment, I wished I was the one punching Hisoka's ugly face.

"Damn it. It's cuz he didn't use Gyo!" Killua grunted.

"Calm down, Killua. He'll be okay." I comforted, feeling a bit nervous and frustrated as well. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't follow my own advice. I remembered how many times Gon had been thrown down and beaten up during this match. Then I remembered how long he endured the torture with Hanzo. I knew he'd be doing this for a long, long time. So I simply left. I kissed Killua's head and I left the ring.

"Hey, Y/n, where are you going?" He called out, not moving from his spot.

"He's gonna get hurt so much during all of this. As much as I care for Gon, I can't stand to watch him get hurt. When this is all over, tell him I liked his entrance and that he did well." I sighed, getting closer to the exits.

"Hey, you can't just leave." Killua chuckled dryly, chasing after me. "We've gotta watch this part together."

"I can't. It hurts me to watch my friends in pain." I sighed, resting my head on Killua's chest. "What if he dies? I don't want him dying here, if at all."

"Relax, he won't die here." He smiled. "I can cover your eyes if you'd like." Killua offered. "That way you can't see all the bad parts. And I won't do that 'ooh' thingy that people do when stuff gets bad. That way you won't be able to tell."

"Oh, I don't know." I shifted uncomfortably.

"Come on, please? For Gon?" He grinned. "For me?"

"Mm..." I thought about it. "For you." I giggled, kissing the tip of his nose. "Okay, let's go sit down."

"Yes!" He cheered, holding my hand and walking us back to our spots. "Close your eyes," Killua instructed. I did as he said and felt his warm hand covering my eyelids. "There ya go!"


The fight was intense from what I had gathered from the other sounds around me. The audience cheered, winced, and screamed throughout the whole round, making me grow a bit anxious. Thankfully, it felt quicker due to my lack of sight. I smiled, hearing how the round had concluded by the announcer. Gon didn't win. But I knew he tried. He tried really hard. And I was so proud of him.

Now we just need to figure out what to do next.

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