55- 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺

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We began to walk in the direction Zebro had told us to, and I felt overwhelmed with joy. Quinn and I skipped while holding hands, taking the front of the line. "We did it! We're so amazing! We're so cool!" They cheered.

"We're the best!" I giggled, maintaining our pinkie lock.

We continued walking until we arrived at two pillars. In front of the pillars was a girl who looked to be about our age. Her grey eyes seemed almost bored, and she had a tired expression written on her face. "Please leave now. You're trespassing on private property." She spoke. "I can't allow you to pass without permission."

"But we called ahead, and went through the testing gate." Gon pouted.

"The butler's quarters did not give you permission to enter." She responded. I wanted to say something about how Zebro let us in, but I knew his head would be served on a platter if that happened.

"What the heck do we need to do to get permission?" Gon grunted.

"We're friends of Killua's! Even the butler we spoke to on the phone knows that. Granted, he wasn't very agreeable..." I frowned.

"Who knows. No one has ever received permission." Her eyebrows upturned slightly. 

"Then I guess we're gonna have to trespass." He grunted.

"Wait, but-" Quinn started.

"I suppose so." The girl's expression didn't change. "In any case, this is where I draw the line." She, quite literally, drew a line in the dirt with her staff. "Take one step past it and I will remove you by force if necessary."

Kurapika and Leorio tensed up, before Gon dismissed them, holding his hand in the air. He walked forward, just until half of his foot went past the line. The girl hit him with her staff, sending him flying backward.

"Gon!" I shouted, rushing over to where he was laying on the ground. He had a pretty bad nosebleed, which made me wonder if he had broken it.

"I'm all right." He winced, one of his eyes closing. "Just gotta keep trying, right? For Killua."

"Just...Just rest. I can do this for you!" I held his hand.

"No, I wanna do more. Let me help." He replied. "You know I'm not gonna take no as an answer."

I glanced over at Leorio and Kurapika, who had gotten out their weapons.

"You guys are really going to fight a child?" Quinn sighed. "I mean, she looks to be the same age us. Would you fight Gon?"

"Well...No." Leorio put his knife away as Kurapika silently put away his swords.

"Look, we didn't come here to fight anyone." Gon wiped away a bit of blood. "We just want to see Killua."

"Your motives don't matter." The girl continued. "I have my orders, and it is my duty to follow them." She began to spin her staff around.

Gon got up and walked over again, just before getting hit and sent flying like last time.

"Try all you like. I'll never let you pass." She frowned.

He got hit again.

"I will pass." He got up, his legs shaky. "I'm gonna see Killua!"

"Gon." I scowled, walking up to him. "I don't know what you're doing, I doubt even you know what you're doing, but you rest for a bit. I'll take over for you." I held his shoulder gently.

"But I can't do that to you!" He whined.

"Remember what we talked about? You need to start taking care of yourself." I glanced at his green shoes. "Besides, I need a turn too, right?" I turned towards the girl, admiring her outfit choice for just a moment before getting back to the topic at hand. "What's your name?"

"I am Canary. Who might you be?" She replied.

"My name is Y/n L/n. I'm one of Killua's friends, as we've made incredibly apparent." I chuckled. "Killua's talked about you a bit. I'm glad I get to finally meet you."

"Master Killua's talked about you as well," Canary responded.

"He has?" I gasped. "Is he doing okay?"

"He's doing...well." She smiled a bit. I knew she was lying, he was probably doing awful. I frowned at this but didn't say anything. I ran towards the line but was sent flying back with a loud 'thwack'. I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration and pain, and I glanced at Gon, who was laying down next to me.

"Hey, how are you?" I laughed.

"Urgh." He responded.

"Yup. I'm feeling pretty Urgh myself." I sighed. I sat up and ran over to the line again, just before getting hit once more. I got hit again, and again, and again, and again, until I could barely take it anymore. "You're real strong." I chuckled lightly, rolling my shoulder a bit. I glanced up at the sky, noticing that it was sundown already. I walked forward once again, feeling terribly woozy.

"Stop right there." Canary frowned. "Please go away!" She shouted.

"No, I don't think I will." I grimaced. I walked over the line before being thrown once more.

"Why don't you just give up? You know it's pointless!" She yelled. "Please stop them! You're their friends! Why...?" I glanced back to see Leorio, staring awkwardly at the girl for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"What's the big deal?" Gon groaned. "We just came here to see our friend." He walked forward. "The only reason we're here is to see Killua!" Canary let out a small gasp. "So why are you making us go through all this?" He shouted, punching one of the pillars, making it collapse. "Hey." Gon's voice seemed so frail. "I crossed the line. Shouldn't you hit me?" 

Canary seemed to tremble, holding her staff tightly.

"I know you're different from Mike. You may be trying to cover up your feelings, but you still have a heart. When I mentioned Killua's name, your eyes softened, just for a moment." Gon frowned.

A tear began to shed from the female butler's eye, hitting her staff. "Please..." She sniffled. "Help him. Help Master-" Her words were cut off by a loud gunshot.

"Canary!" I shouted, rushing to her falling body.

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