41- 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘹 𝘐𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘪

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"And do they feel the same way?" Illumi asked. I turned to see Leorio, Quinn, and Kurapika walking towards us.

"You bet we do," Leorio said, determination ever so prevalent in his voice.

"Killua's a pretty cool guy. Besides, he seems to make Y/n feel pretty happy." Quinn smirked. Kurapika just nodded. Illumi let out a big sigh, his pointer finger on his chin.

"Fine then. I doubt you'll be able to get there anyway. I'm sure Kil just went back home." Illumi admitted.

"Where's that?" Gon asked.

"On Kukuroo mountain. you can find our family's house at the summit."

"Kukuroo mountain?" Leorio asked.

"We got it. Thanks a lot." Gon said before walking away with the others.

"Illumi." I stayed, holding my fists tightly.

"Oh my god, what?" He replied, seemingly annoyed.

"You're an asshole." I said angrily.

"That's nice sweetheart, now go run off with your useless friends." Illumi waved his hand dismissively.

"Dick." I muttered, walking off to meet up with Quinn and the others. I caught up to see that Gon was in the front and had a big smile on his face. Quinn was at the very end, as though making sure I would stay on track. I still felt really bad about everything, even if we were able to get Killua back.

"Hey, what's with the long face?" Quinn asked, lightly touching my shoulder. "We're gonna get him back, I promise. We're getting where this mountain is now, and we're gonna go save him! So just relax, okay?" 

I stayed silent for a little bit, before smiling a bit. "Okay. Thank you, Quinn."

"What're friends for?" They grinned.

The five of us stopped in front of a small bench where Kurapika and I decided to sit. "So, Kukuroo mountain, huh? Never heard of it." Leorio thought out loud. "Do you know where it is Kurapika?" Kurapika remained silent. "Hey, Kurapika!"

"Huh? Oh! What's that?" His attention was finally refocused on the rest of us.

"Hey, Pay attention! Illumi mentioned Kukuroo mountain. Do you have any idea where it is?" Leorio asked again.

"No, I'm afraid I don't." Kurapika sighed. "What about you, Y/n?" He turned to me.

"No. But I think I've heard of it before. It's in the republic of...something, I can't remember." I tried to think but wasn't too sure what the right answer was. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's all right! This actually helps us out a lot. Now we can narrow it down to a specific location. Nice job, Y/n!" Gon held a thumbs up.

"Ah, thank you, Gon." I giggled at his sudden positivity.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Hanzo waving at us. 

"Oh, Hey Hanzo!" Gon waved back. 

"I'm heading home." Hanzo walked closer to us. "We all went through a lot in a short time, but I had a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, me too!" Gon grinned. I just stayed quiet and glared. Every little thing seemed to upset me, I wasn't sure why, but everything made me sad or angry, and Hanzo certainly wasn't helping. 

"If you ever visit my country, let me know! I'll give you a real tour, no tourist traps." Hanzo gave Kurapika a small pamphlet and walked off. "Later!"

"Bye! See ya!" Gon smiled. Kurapika gasped slightly when looking at the small pamphlet. Turns out, they were actually five business cards.

"That is one self-assured ninja." Kurapika sighed. 

"Gon." Mr.Satotz walked up.

"Mr.Satotz!" Gon cheered, running up to the man.

"It appears that you forgot something." He handed Gon a small folder with the hunter's association symbol on it. 

"Oh, that's right! Thanks a lot." Gon took the folder. 

"Also, do you have a brief moment?"

"We'll be waiting for you in the lobby." Kurapika smiled as Leorio waved. I just nodded and looked at Quinn. We all walked away, leaving Gon to discuss whatever he needed to with Satotz. I glanced at Kurapika, who walked in front and just stared, not sure what to do. He seemed to have the most control of this situation, and yet he seemed so confused. It was such a weird thing to see. Someone taking initiative despite being so lost. I took a seat in between Quinn and Kurapika in the lobby and just sighed.

"Hey, Kurapika?" I looked at the blonde, who simply hummed in response. "How do you stay so calm, even when something bad has happened? You seem so collected and strong, I don't think I could ever be like that."

"Calm? Well, I dunno. I'm usually panicking on the inside, I suppose I'm just better at hiding it. And don't worry, I don't think you should be like me. I'd rather you just be you." He smiled.

"Hm. That sounds like something Killua would say to me." I muttered. "Thank you, Kurapika." I brought my volume back up so he could hear me.

When Gon came back, we all rushed to the nearest library and powered on the computer. "First, Let's look up Kukuroo mountain!" Leorio smiled.

"Right!" Kurapika opened the web browser and typed in the name of the mountain. "Here it is!" Slowly, pictures of the mountain and more information popped up. "Kukuroo mountain in the Dentora region in the republic of Padokea-"

"See, you were really close, Y/n!" Gon cheered.

"In the republic of Padokea is 3,722 meters high." Kurapika continued.

"Republic of Padokea? Never heard of the place. So where is it?" Leorio asked.

"Hold on. I'll bring up a map." Kurapika continued searching. A map of the world showed up with a small x on it. "This is the republic of Padokea. It appears to be a stable country so we should be fine. This country's open to tourists."

"That's where Killua is?" Gon asked, bending over a bit to look at the screen better. 

"It'll take three days to take by airship." Kurapika put his hand up to his chin.

"So? Let's go! What are we waiting for?" I huffed, not caring how long it would take.

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