83- 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘹 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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Hey, it's me, Ghost, I'm the author! So before this chapter begins my friend, Rihana (@Waterisprettycool ) asked if I'd do a Q and A! So feel free to ask about the fic, or me, in the comments here >>

I also changed my user from @Dragonsky101 to @--ghostmilk-- so, that's why it changed.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, loves!


I stood in front of my chair, waiting for Killua to enter one of the rings, making me grow nervous. I watched as almost every match was almost over, but the boy I was looking for had yet to go against an opponent. "Where is he?" I whimpered.

"Y/n, relax. He'll be out there in just a second." Gon smiled from the seat next to me. "Then he'll come right back to you. In the meantime, let's just sit and chat."

"Ah, okay." I sat down and started to fidget with my fingers, which Gon seemed to notice.

"Here." He grinned, taking a bucket of slime out of his backpack. "Sometimes I'd pick at my skin cuz I'd get anxious or wanted to do something with my hands, so Aunt Mito would get slime for me! I brought some with me if you wanted to use it. I noticed you were picking at your fingernails." I took the yellow and squishy substance from its bucket and messed around with it in my hands. It certainly helped overcome a little bit of my anxiety.

"Thank you." I smiled, continuing to mess around with the slime. "Squishy, Squishy, squish." I giggled, poking holes into it.

"It helps, doesn't it?" He grinned. "It really helps whenever I feel freaked out, anyway."

"Ah, my hands feel all clammy now." I chuckled, putting the substance back into its container. "I kinda like it though."

"Just rub 'em together. Like this!" He rubbed his palms against each other to create friction, as though he were out in the freezing cold. I did as he said and smiled as my hands went back tomorrow. "See? All better!"

"Yeah, all better," I repeated. "Oh, there's Killua!" I grinned, pointing at ring B. He waved to me and I excitedly waved back. "I just can't believe you broke your arm again." I sighed, turning to Gon.

"Well, I'm all better now." He laughed.

"You still need to be careful though." I chuckled. "I'm actually kinda angry at Killua at the moment though."

"What? Why?" Gon asked.

"He snuck out. I caught him when he was coming back. He was scoping out that one guy's room. The one with the yellow cape."

"The one who tore off Hisoka's arm?" Gon replied.

"Yup, that's the guy." I nodded. "He could've at least told me he was about to commit a felony! And I know for sure he threatened that one guy in the dress type thing. How else would he have won by default? Still kinda proud though."

"Are you guys gonna...break up?" Gon asked sadly.

"Break up?" I repeated. "Absolutely not! I love Killua. Just because we might get a little angry at each other sometimes doesn't change that fact." I looked down at the rings below us. "In fact, I doubt I could ever stop loving him."

"Awe, that's so cute." He grinned. "Do you think you two will get married someday?"

"Ah! M-Maybe!" I giggled, my face burning up from embarrassment. "I actually kinda hope so. But, we're far too young right now!"

"Ooh, you wanna marry Killua!" Gon teased, flipping over in his seat.

"Shh, not so loud!" I laughed, feeling butterflies grow in my stomach.

"And now for the main event of the day..." The announcer started. "Killua versus Riehlvelt!"

"Wooh! Go Killua!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "That's my boyfriend." I excitedly whispered to myself as a stranger slowly scooted away from me.

"Since Sadaso forfeited the previous match, this will technically be Killua's 200th-floor debut! What kind of strategy are we about to see now?" The woman on the mic continued. Killua began to speak, but unfortunately for me, I couldn't hear his voice.

"Go, Killua, you can do it!" Zushi shouted from one side of the arena. 

I watched as Killua jumped high into the air, seemingly vanishing. He did a flip mid-air, earning a gasp that escaped from my throat. Just before Killua could put his hands on him, the other guy's wheelchair began to veer away from the boy. Killua landed and stuck his tongue out.

The man in the wheelchair pulled whips from out of the handles and began flinging them around rapidly. Killua sighed and walked toward the man. My breath hitched in my throat and I grew a bit nervous. He caught both of the whips without even blinking an eye and pulled them back, smirking while saying something that was most likely witty. The whips then looked like snakes and bit into Killua's arms as the man sent shocks towards Killua's body.

"Killua!" I shouted, standing up out of sheer shock (pun unintended), watching Killua tilt his head back in pain. "No, no, no! Please be okay." I muttered, putting my hand over my mouth.

Killua then lifted up the whips, sending the man flying from out of his wheelchair. I felt immediate relief and sat back down.

"There's no way you could survive a fall from that height!" Killua shouted, just loud enough for me to hear. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Catch me, please! Don't let me die!" The man falling from the sky shouted.

"Okay then!" Killua smiled, holding out his arms. "Don't worry, I'm right here for you." He caught the man and electrocuted him, earning loud claps from the audience.

"Woo, Go Kitty, Go!" I cheered as Killua stretched his shoulders. He walked back to the stands, an annoyed expression on his face. I rushed down to the bottom steps and squeezed him in a tight hug.

"Hey, hey, careful! I think some of the static might've clung." He laughed.

"You scared the absolute shit out of me!" I huffed. "Forget about static or whatever, I need to know you're okay!"

"I'm fine." He giggled.

"You're stupid." I frowned, kissing the tip of his nose.

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