48- 𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘹 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭

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"All communication with the mansion has to go through the butler first. It's not easy to reach the family members directly." Zebro explained.

"Could you get him on the phone again?" Gon asked. "I'd like to talk to him this time."

"Well, I suppose I can. I guarantee you're not going to enjoy it." He frowned, telephoning the butler's quarters again. Gon put the phone up to his ear, listening to the sound of the phone dialing.

"My name's Gon and I'm one of Killua's friends that came to visit. Is Killua there? Can I speak to him?" He asked. I stepped a bit closer to better hear the conversation.

"Master Killua does not have friends." The butler said coldly just before hanging up.

"Y/n. Your turn." Gon frowned before putting the phone down and dialing the number.

"Thanks." I picked up the phone, listening to the dial tone patiently. 

"You've reached the butler's quarters." He sighed.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, another friend of Killua's. We're here to see him, so please let us in." I placed my hand on my hip.

"As I said before, Master Killua does not have friends." He scoffed. "If that's all, I will be going now."

"Wait, don't hang up yet!" I shouted, probably hurting the man's ear. "How do you know Killua doesn't have friends, huh? He's an amazing person, I wouldn't be surprised if he was friends with the whole wide world! Now please put him on the phone so I know he's safe!" I yelled.

"I believe your name is Y/n?" He asked.

"That's correct." I sighed.

"Let us pretend that Master Killua does have friends named Gon and Y/n. There is no proof that you are them."

"Please put Killua on the phone. He and I talked to each other all the time, he'd know my voice! I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to my friend! So stop standing in my way." I grunted. The man on the other line stayed silent. "Well, go get him so you can try and prove your point!"

"That is no guarantee." The man replied just before playing a clip of me speaking. "That was a simple recording. But there are many other ways to mimic someone's voice. Next, you'll say he'd recognize you by sight. There aren't as many methods by which you could perfectly replicate someone's appearance, but it isn't impossible."

"I don't have some sort of stupid ability like Illumi. I'm just a regular kid trying to see their friend." I huffed in annoyance.

"Okay. Perhaps you are who you say you are, but someone has coerced you to approach Master Killua with some sinister motive." He replied. "As long as that threat exists, I can not let you meet with him."

"Do you realize how irrational you're being?" I shouted. "Hurting Killua is the last thing I ever want to do! Why would I pretend to like him? That's pointless!"

"The Zoldyck family are in the assassination business. They have their enemies of course and it is a butler's responsibility to guard them from those enemies." He sighed.

"Okay, you're not Sebastian from black butler. You're just being difficult." Quinn sighed, stepping closer to the phone. I handed it to them, and they took it. 

"Y/n just wants to see their friend again. There isn't anything wrong with that." They frowned. "Oh shut up with that conspiracy theory bullshit!" They hissed. "I'm Quinn. Quinn Lovel. Yeah, I'm a friend of Y/n's but not so much with Killua. Yeah, that's right. Well, I definitely don't want to harm him! We just don't get along all that well. Ugh, fuck you. Here's Y/n again." They sighed, handing me the phone.

"Your friend has a foul mouth." He spoke.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about them. They mean well. But they were right. None of us want to hurt Killua. So please, let us in. That's all we ask of." I frowned.

"Apologies, you will have to leave." The butler hung up the phone before I could even get a word in.

"Shit." I frowned, listening to the disconnected tone. I put the device back on its stand and sighed. Gon walked out the door angrily and quickly, not saying anything as he left the small hut. "Gon, where are you going?" I yelled. He didn't reply. 

I quickly left the security checkpoint to go following him, listening to his small, angry grunts. I didn't make any noise, simply because I didn't know what to feel because I felt so much. I felt angry, sad, frustrated, confused. I was exhausted from the emotional strain put on me. I didn't know if what I was feeling was even right.

Gon used the hook of his fishing pole and swung it over the wall, gripping the line tightly. He leaned his legs against the gate, preparing to climb.

"Gon, what about me? How will I get over?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"You can just climb after me. We can remove the hook once we've made it." He smiled. "We're gonna save Killua, and if this is the fastest option, we should go for it, right?"

"Right!" I grinned.

"Hey, knock it off you two!" Leorio shouted.

"We'll be fine, old man!" I yelled back at him. "You're just upset that we thought of this first!" I chuckled.

"Y/n, that's really not safe!" Kurapika shouted.

"So is taking the hunter exam at 12 and I did that! And I passed!" I grinned.

"It's okay. You three can wait here!" Gon began his ascent over the wall. "We're going in alone!"

"I can't let you do that!" Leorio ran up to us.

"And why not? You're not our parent, Leorio." I grunted.

"Because you could break several bones! We may not be your parents, but we still care for your general well-being!" Kurapika exclaimed.

"Think about it Y/n. If you hurt yourself for Killua, how would you think he'd feel? Knowing him, he'd probably think he was being super selfish! And is that how you want him to feel? Especially when you reunite with him?" Quinn frowned.

"Quinn, stop being so worried about me! I can take care of myself! I'm not some helpless little baby." I grunted.

"But you could die!" They yelled. "You could die, and then I'd be all alone, and no one would care about me anymore!" Their tears dripped onto the ground. "No one would love me anymore."

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