67- 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘹 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘍𝘶𝘯

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Killua finally stopped tickling me, giving me a chance to breathe. "You're an a-hole, y'know that?" I laughed.

"Yeah, but you like me anyway." He chuckled.

"Number 2056, Y/n L/n, and Number 3769, Asami Fujioka to Arena B on the 60th floor." The PA system announced.

"Oh, great. Another fight." I sighed. "Well, wish me luck."

"Number 2054, Killua Zoldyck, and Number 2079, Nao Milano to Arena A on the 60th floor." They stated once again. "And Finally, Number 2055, Gon Freecs, and Number 3369, Amore Kanzaki to Arena C on the 60th floor."

"Well, I guess we've got some luck in our pockets today, huh? I'm glad though. I don't really wanna fight alone." I smiled.

"It'll be quick, so we can waste our time talking about frogs wearing blazers right after." Killua grinned. "Remember, don't get in your own head. I know you doubt yourself, but you've made it far. You're strong. You're independent. And you're important." He leaned his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

"I'm important?" I opened my eyes.

"So important."

"Guys, I think the match is starting!" Gon chuckled.

"Ah, sorry!" I jumped back, laughing a bit.

"L-Let's just go!" Killua marched off to the arena, his face a light pink.


I stood on the matt, gazing at my opponent. She had short, light purple hair with a strand braided and tucked behind her ear, Green eyes, A light navy blue shirt, and some black shorts. She looked at me up and down, seemingly unimpressed with how small I was compared to her.

"I'm supposed to fight you? But you're so little." She scoffed.

"Maybe I'm not little, you're just really tall." I laughed.

"Excuse me?" She frowned.

"You're tall, Ma'am." I chuckled, just before kicking her legs, which made her fall.

"Hey, that was a low blow!" She shouted.

"What? I had to get resourceful since I'm 'So little'." I smirked. I gazed up at the screen, noticing that I had about 2 points. "2 down, 8 to go." I sighed.

"Well, I won't give up any time soon." She grunted.

"I know. Wasn't expecting you to." I grinned, just before hopping up and kicking her across the face, as hard as I possibly could. I watched as she fell to the floor, smiling a bit as she landed. I gazed back up at the screen, looking at how I now had 6 points. "2 left." I grinned. As she got up, I looked over at Killua's ring, only to see his opponent already on the floor.

"You damn brat." She wiped away the blood falling out of her nose.

"Hey, how old are you?" I asked.

"Why do you need to know?" She scrunched her nose.

"Just askin' is all." I shrugged.

"I'm 15." She replied.

"12. How long have you been fighting here?"

"Listen, I don't have time for your stupid questions! I'm trying to fight you." She huffed.

"So hurry up and fight me. You've been a punching bag for me this entire time. You haven't laid a single mark on me." I frowned. She rushed over to lay a punch but I moved my head just in time. I kneed her abdomen, making her wince. "You done?"

"N-No..." She frowned. "I don't wanna..."

"I've got someone waiting for me outside of this ring. Either give up, or I'll keep pummeling you. I'm only a few points away from a victory." I grimaced.

"No." She grunted.

"Fine." I rushed over, using an uppercut to punch her jaw. I glanced at the screen again, seeing that I now had achieved all 10 points. "I won!" I giggled, jumping up from my excitement.


I walked off the matt, proud of my victory, and made my way over to where Killua was. "Did you see that? I won!" I danced a little bit, feeling proud of myself.

"See? I told you you could do it!" Killua cheered, pulling me in for a hug. "You're amazing."

"No, You're amazing." I laughed, leaning my head into his chest. I heard his heartbeat get faster and louder. "Your hearts racing. What are you stressed about?" I frowned.

"Uh...Just thinking." He chuckled nervously.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" I looked up at him, only to see that his attention was turned somewhere else.

"Oh, Gon's done!" He smiled, letting go of me. "You did great!" Killua and Gon high five and laughed.

"Thanks, Killua, but Y/n's was impressive! The way they kicked her like that was really cool." Gon smiled.

"Awe, thank you Gon!" I laughed, growing a bit nervous. "But Killua took that one guy out with one chop! Didja see him? He was like, wa-pwah!" I laughed, chopping the air. "It was so cool!"

"Ah, yeah, yeah." Killua chuckled. "Let's get goin', huh?" He grinned.


It had been a few days, and we had won every single match 'till we got to the 150th floor. We finally won ourselves a room, which made me feel very accomplished.

"Yay! Our very own room!" Gon cheered, hopping onto the bed.

"Hey, wait a second," I grunted.

"What's wrong?" Killua asked.

"There's only one bed." I frowned. "This is straight out of some cringy fanfiction."

"Oh, right. Um..." Killua sighed. "I can sleep on the couch!" He offered.

"No, that's fine. I'll sleep on the couch." I smiled. "You two have been working hard, so I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable when you sleep."

"You've been working hard too." Killua sighed.

"Here, it's okay! You two can sleep on the bed, I'll go on the couch." Gon suggested.

"Th-That's uh..." Killua muttered.

"Sure." I smiled. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom to change into pajamas. I'll be back soon." I took my sleepwear out of my bag and went down the hall to the restroom. I rushed back in my fuzzy slippers to the room, happy to check out of the hotel and into a place closer to where I made money.

"Gon, are you sure about this? I mean, they probably already know that I-" I heard Killua sigh as I opened the door. "Oh, Y/n hi!" He chuckled nervously.

"Hi, Y/n." Gon laughed. "Are you ready for bed?"

"Mhm! What about you two?" I asked, crawling into the fluffy sheets.

"Uh, yeah," Killua muttered.

"All right, well good night." I smiled, shutting off the light.

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