12- 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘓𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘯

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Luckily, Quinn and I were able to catch up to the group pretty quickly. "Gotta catch a pig and cook it, huh? Man, this is way easier than the first phase!" Leorio said, slumping his bag over his shoulder.

"Hey, we don't know that. They could've made traps by where the pigs are. Or maybe the pigs secrete some sort of weird toxin when you touch 'em." Quinn suggested, grinning the entire time. "Isn't that exciting?" Gon's eyes widened a little bit.

"Maybe we should think best-case scenario instead?" Kurapika suggested, albeit a bit nervously. I nodded.

Gon found a small hill and slid down it. Killua and I were quick to follow. "Yahoo!" Killua shouted. Quinn also slid down the small incline and was giggling the entire time. As it turns out, Kurapika and Leorio also slid down. We all crashed into each other.

"Ouch!" I let out, rubbing my back from the effect of the hard impact.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Killua shouted. I could only hope Gon's ears were okay. 

"I think we found 'em." Gon said quietly.

"Pigs!" Leorio shouted. The pigs in front of us were chewing on some bones, which made me slightly uncomfortable because this meant pigs were omnivores. "They're all chewing on bones."

"Don't tell me they're carnivores..." Kurapika said nervously. 

"Well, this could turn out interesting." Quinn smiled. One of the pigs growled loudly. On that note, we began to run. Unfortunately, the pigs chased after us.

Before we knew it, we were running towards the other examinees with a stampede of pigs chasing after us. I was mentally screaming and Leorio was panting. Quinn's eyes were wide, but they were smiling so I guess they were okay. "Isn't this fun?" They shouted over the loud sound of hooves slamming on the ground.

"Not really! I'm actually kinda terrified!" I laughed, sweat dripping down my face. Quinn just laughed along with me. The other examinees in front of us began running. This just made me laugh harder. Some of them got hit by the pigs' large snouts. 

"These pigs are insane!" Leorio shouted, his pace quicker than anyone else's. "How can you be laughing right now?"

"Cuz this is fun!" I replied, my grin somehow getting larger. Killua laughed.

"You guys are all a buncha weirdos." He said, his pace matching mine.

"I could say the same to you!" I continued running out of fear of being crushed by Peppa's entire freaking family and the extra adrenaline filling my body. The stampede was no longer a stampede. The pigs decided to go in different directions and look for a few targets.

The guy in the black shirt who was complaining earlier threw a giant rock at one of the pigs. A bit harsh, but understandable. The pig just continued rushing forward. Someone else tried throwing ninja stars, but they just bounced off of the snout. Gon took a giant jump up and attempted to hit one of the pigs with his fishing hook, letting out a loud yell. 

Unfortunately, Gon's attack was about as successful as taking a fish out of water in an attempt to help them breathe. He fell onto the ground, landing on the grass. Thankfully, he landed while kneeling. The pig rushed towards him. In the nick of time, he jumped out of the way. The pig slammed his snout into the tree. Almost as though it were in a cartoon, the fruits from the tree that the pig slammed into fell onto its forehead and sent shivers down its spine. It let out a loud whine. "Wait a second..." Gon whispered before doing the same attack he did before, only this time, he aimed for the forehead.

The pig once again let out a loud cry but was now killed. Gon landed the same way as he did before, just as the pig flopped over next to him on its back. This caught the group's attention. "That's it! Their foreheads are their weak spot!" Killua grinned.

"Hey, I wanted to say that!" Quinn huffed as Leorio was being chased by one of the pigs.

"Yeah, well I said it first so, get over it!" Killua teased. The two spurred into yet another argument as usual. I laughed at how ridiculous the two were being. 

"They must develop tough snouts to protect their delicate foreheads." Kurapika spoke over all the fighting. Everyone began their own little attacks on the pig's aforementioned soft spot, which meant pigs were getting harder and harder to find.

I finally found a pig that had remained untouched. I waited in some of the bushes nearby, waiting to see if I could attack it without being noticed. I heard some rustling in the shrubbery next to me. Fluffy white hair peeked out from within the bush. "Hi, Killua." I smiled, waiting for him to come to approach me.

"Hey. What're you doing?" He asked, snaking his way towards where I was.

"Trying to catch this pig. I'm trying to stalk it so I don't draw attention to any of the other examinees, but I don't know when to kill it." I sighed, complaining about how unsure I was of what to do.

"Oh, I get it. What you want to do is wait for when the target seems at peace and then just go for it. Do you think you could do it?" Killua suggested. I nodded. We waited for a bit until the pig ate a few apples and took a nap. "Now," Killua whispered and I bolted out of the hedge.

I rushed towards the pig and gave it a good kick to the head. It jolted awake and then died. "I did it Killua! Look!" I grinned and motioned to the pig, my head still on its forehead.

"You did good. Though, your technique was a bit messy. The way you rushed out like that, if the pig woke up, it could've run away which would draw lots of attention." Killua sighed. "I guess you did pretty good for your first time stalking something though."

"Yeah, Yeah whatever. I'm the best and you know it." I teased, the sound of fake confidence evident in my voice. I lifted up the pig letting out small grunts of frustration and struggle. We walked over to where Killua's pig was and walked over to where Menchi and Buhara were waiting.

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