49- 𝘞𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘐𝘯!

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"Look, everyone needs to calm down!" Kurapika chimed. 

"I'm perfectly calm." Leorio huffed. Gon continued to climb the wall, not making any note of the several arguments happening around him. "C'mon get down! And Y/n, there's no way in hell you're doing that!"

"He's right, don't be stupid!" Kurapika shouted.

"Oh, hush You two. You guys sort this out, I need to go make things better." I sighed, rushing to the security shack. I found Quinn sitting on the ground, sniffing as a few tears continued to fall from their eyes. "Quinn?" I inched closer to them, not too sure what to do.

"What do you want?" They sniffled.

"I want to help you feel better. What can I do to help?" I frowned, taking a seat next to them. "Do you need me to just listen?"

"I'm terrified. I want to leave. I want to take you with me, but you want Killua back. That'd just be selfish. I don't want to be selfish, but it's just...so hard when it comes to you." They cried, taking off their eyepatch and wiping some tears.

"Awe, Quinn. Come 'ere." I opened my arms, inviting them for a hug, which they gladly accepted. "It's okay, I'm here." We stayed quiet for a while. "Quinn, you can leave if you want, but I can't go with you. I need to make sure Killua is okay. You are one of my priorities, but Killua could be being beaten into a pulp right now."

"Yeah, I know. I don't really have a way back anyway, so I should stay. You can climb the wall, I feel better now, just don't get eaten. I've kinda grown emotionally attached to you." They giggled.

"Hm, if you insist." I laughed. "Come on, we got a wall to climb." They began to put on their eyepatch but I quickly stopped them, putting my hand on theirs. "I think your eyes look really cool. You should show them more often."

"Ah...Th-Thanks!" They put the eyepatch in their pocket and walked out the door.

"Here Gon, I'll give you the key." Zebro walked up, the key in hand. "You can go through the door, all right?"

"Really?" I gasped, a big smile appearing on my face.

"Yes." He replied.

"Hold on a second pops!" Leorio shouted. "We can convince him to stop this!"

"Yeah, I don't think you can." Quinn giggled.

"To make amends, I've decided to accompany you through the door," Zebro explained. Gon gasped, his attention finally turning to the rest of us. "Mike knows me well enough to recognize me, and it's possible he might not attack when he sees I'm with you. Though, I'm almost a hundred percent certain he'll just kill us all."

Gon hopped down and let out a small grunt as he landed. "I can't let you do that. I don't want to cause any trouble for you!"

"Too late. I'm coming. There'd be trouble even if I stayed. If I sent young Master Killua's friends to their deaths. I'd never be able to look him in the eye again!" He sighed. "If you die, well, then I'll die alongside you."

"There's no need for such extremes! We're gonna make it." I giggled. Gon thought for a bit, before bringing down his fishing line.

"I understand sir." Gon said, holding his rod. "I guess I didn't stop to think about your situation. Sorry." Everyone (myself included) let out sighs of relief.

"You and Y/n like animals, don't you?" Zebro asked.

"Huh? Yeah." Gon replied.

"I sure do!" I smiled. "And I love puppies! I'm so excited." I jumped up and down with excitement.

"I thought you might." Zebro smiled. "Gon, did you grow up in the countryside?" Gon nodded.

"Yeah. How did you know that?" He replied.

"All right, in just a moment, I'm going to open the testing gate again. I want you to see Mike with your own eyes."

He opened the gates, and we all stepped inside carefully.

"Hey, are you sure it's okay for us to come in?" Leorio whispered.

"Of course! You entered through the testing gate so you'll be fine." Zebro explained. "Mike, Come here!" He called out. A loud roar escaped from some creature's throat as the sound of falling trees began to fill my ears. I assumed the beast was coming closer, which made my knees weak. A large claw emerged from the forest and soon after came, who I presumed to be, Mike. I gasped, before closing my eyes and shaking my head, trying to shake off any fear. He laid down in front of us, seemingly calm. "So, do you understand? This is a hunting beast. A highly trained one at that! It's like no animal you've encountered in the wild. No, not by a long shot. You believed you could communicate with him until you looked in his eyes, right?"

"Can I pet him?" I asked, glancing at Zeboro.

"Y/n, seriously? You could lose an arm!" Quinn shouted.

"I'll be fine." I chuckled.

"You can certainly try." Zeboro frowned.

I slowly brought my hand up to the dog, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. "Hi, Mike." I smiled. I gently pat his muzzle, my hand shaking nervously. Surprisingly enough, he didn't bite me or growl at me, making me feel like a Disney protagonist. "There's a good boy." I chuckled. I pulled my hand away and turned to the others.

"As we speak, Mike is memorizing the appearances and scents of all of you. There isn't anything else on his mind at the moment." Zeboro had his hands held behind his back. "He's just like a machine. So, do you think you could fight him?"

"I think I could pet him!" I smiled.

"I'd be too scared! I don't ever want to fight him!" Gon frowned.

"Well, how long will you be staying here?" Zebro asked.

"Until we see Killua!" Gon and I shouted at the same time.

"Well, that's trippy." I laughed.

"Looks like we've got really similar priorities, huh?" He laughed.

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