59- 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘙𝘪𝘥𝘦

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"Yeah, he pulled that same old coin trick on me." Killua sighed. "Once you know the secret, you'll kick yourself for not seeing it."

"12-year olds hate him, find out this coin trick to piss off your master's friends instantly!" Quinn said, in an infomercial-like tone.

"I bet this is what he did." Kurapika grabbed the coin from Gon's hand. He flipped the coin and caught it, the same way Gotoh did. "Which hand?"

"It's your left one!" Quinn smiled. Kurapika opened his right hand to reveal the coin.

"What the?" Gon gasped. "But, how'd you do it?"

"Gotoh must've had 2 coins the entire time." Kurapika now had both of his hands open, revealing 2 coins that looked the exact same.

"But it looked like he only had 1." Gon frowned.

"Well, he concealed a coin in his right hand, and then he flipped the other," Kurapika explained. "He let us see him grab the coin using his left hand. Now, this is where the skill comes in." He began to demonstrate. "Before he asked us to choose which hand held the coin, he raised both of his arms like so and slipped the first coin into his sleeve, while keeping his hand balled up in a fist."

"Oh!" Gon smiled.

"Then, he just showed us the coin in his right hand." Kurapika continued.

"Yep, you got it." Killua nodded, closing his eyes.

"That cheater!" Gon grunted, his hands turning into fists.

"Well, not the whole time, probably. I'm sure just on the last turn. Gotoh hates cheating even if it's just a game. Feel better?" Killua smiled.

"That's even worse!" Gon grimaced.

"Can we go eat now?" I whined, holding my stomach, which began to growl.


After stopping somewhere for lunch, we all boarded the train that would take us out of Padokea. I sat next to Killua, which made me feel a lot better after being terrified we wouldn't get him back. "Wait, you came here on a tourist visa?" Killua asked.

"Mhm!" Gon nodded.

"But you passed the hunter exam, didn't you? So why didn't you use your license?" The albino frowned. "You at least used your license, right Y/n?"

"Yeah, I did. But Gon refused to use his for whatever reason." I giggled.

"Yeah, why didn't you use your license?" He continued. "You can use it to get into other countries and stay for as long as you want!"

"We already told him that!" Leorio sighed.

"Not yet. No license." Gon spoke. "Not until I finish what I have to do."

"Which is?" I asked.

"Well...You remember...when Hisoka gave me his number badge!" He frowned, holding up the badge that read '44'.

"Why so angry about it?" Quinn laughed.

"I'll return it whenever I can punch Hisoka right in his stupid, ugly face!" He continued. "Until I can do that, I'm not gonna use my Hunter's license or go back to Whale Island!"

"Wait, hold up, you're from Whale Island?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, why?" Gon replied.

"I'm from there too!" They giggled. "That's so cool!"

"How come I never saw you?" Gon frowned. "It probably would've been fun to hang out with you!"

"Ah, I was either at work or staying inside. In all honesty, I didn't go out much, which is probably why I'm so pale." They chuckled.

"Ah, I get it. You should come to see me sometime! I doubt we live too far from each other." He smiled.

"We could meet up at the docks," Quinn suggested. "Ah, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!" They smiled.

"So, where's Hisoka?" Killua asked.

"Uh...Well." Gon smiled nervously.

"That's what I thought." Leorio sighed.

"I know where he is, Gon." Kurapika shut his eyes.

"Really?" Gon gasped.

"But how?" Leorio investigated.

"I know because he told me," Kurapika explained.

"That's what he said." Leorio muttered.

"No. After the orientation."

"Yeah, but it's related, right?"

"Perhaps." Kurapika sighed. 

"Okay, look, I've been dying to ask." Leorio frowned.

"Oh my god, he's proposing!" Quinn smiled.

"Uhm, no." Leorio frowned. "Hisoka. What did he say to you?"

"All he said was..." Kurapika opened his eyes. "I'll tell you something interesting about spiders."

"He must've meant the phantom troupe, right?" I grimaced. "Is he a part of the spiders?"

"Perhaps." He continued. "It's likely, especially considering I've never mentioned them to Hisoka. If he's not affiliated, He either overheard our conversation during the first phase or heard it from someone else. I was interested in whatever information he had."

"I get it now." Leorio replied.

"I asked him about it after the orientation." Kurapika dipped his head. "He said to meet him in Yorknew city, September first."

"Yorknew?" I repeated. "Looks like we're stopping by everyone's childhood cities."

"But why that date?" Leorio asked.

"That's half a year away." Gon frowned. "You've got plenty of time. So, what's gonna happen in Yorknew city?"

"They're holding the world's largest auction!" Leorio snapped his fingers.

"Auction? Oh no." I scowled.

"What's wrong?" Killua glanced at me.

"My mom likes going to those types of things. If we attend, we might see her." I sighed. "Which is the last thing I want to do right now."

"Ah, I see. I'd like to meet her though." Killua smiled.

"You wanna meet my mom?" I laughed. "Yeah, right. Not even I want to see her. She'd be all up in my face about how I left, even though she never watched me to begin with. Will was more of a parent than she was, and he didn't even birth me!"

"Yeah, it'd be a bit weird if he did." Quinn chuckled. "But it'll be okay. Your mom and my dad were close friends, I'd like to see her someday too."

"Hm...okay, fine." I sighed.

"The auction lasts from September first through September tenth." Kurapika declared. "It will hold rare and unusual items and national treasures from around the world. Of course, the event attracts all manner of tricksters who come looking to satisfy their greed. It's the biggest gathering of wealth on the entire planet." 

"Oh." Gon whispered.

"Do you think that means the troupe's gonna be there?" Leorio pondered.

"I mean, probably." I groaned. "There's a lot of money in one spot, if I were a bandit, that's where I'd go."

"Regardless, on that day, Hisoka will be in Yorknew City." Kurapika stated.

"Okay, then. September the first." Gon voiced.

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