76- 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩

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"Uh, excuse me." Gon cleared his throat, as though nothing had just happened.

"Yes?" The receptionist responded.

"If we don't register for a fight today, how would that affect us?" He asked.

"Well, you two would have to start all over again from the first floor." She explained. "Killua, however, He's been here before and refused to register. So, if he fails to do so again, his commitment will be called into question and he will be banned from participating."

 I glanced at Killua and felt my breath heaving in my chest. I didn't want to lose all of our progress, and I certainly didn't feel like paying for lodging because Hisoka said we had to. To add to my worries, Killua had a potential banishment on the line, which would make our financial desperation even worse.

"Mr.Wing." Killua scoffed, his back turned towards the man. "If we withdraw, will we be able to make it back here by midnight?"

There was quite a bit of silence, right before Wing finally spoke. "That all depends on you three."

"Explain." I huffed.

"It depends on how fast you can learn."


"Simply put, this is Nen." Wing pointed at a really fucked up flower pot with water dripping out.

"I don't...What?" I laughed. "Sorry, I know this is serious." I frowned, once I felt Wing's eyes glare at me. "But why not joke about it in the meantime to try and calm ourselves? We gotta cram in a lot of info in our brains in a short amount of time, may as well try to enjoy it."

"We don't really have time to mess around, though." Killua sighed. "We can goof off later though, I promise." He added once he saw that my face looked a bit sad.

"Okay." I looked back up at Wing, who seemed to grow very impatient.

"As I was saying, Nen refers to the ability to control your aura, which is also known as life energy. Everyone in the world has a small amount of life energy. But in most cases, it simply leaks away." Wing continued. "The ability to build up and store aura is known as Ten. Using this, you can slow the effects of aging and make your body considerably stronger." I nodded, laughing a little about the thought of looking 12 for the rest of my life. "Next is Zetsu, which cuts off the flow of aura. This exercise can help conceal your presence from others and recover from fatigue."

"So it's like an undetectable nap?" I offered.

"I suppose you could say that." Wing replied. "Which brings us to Ren, which enables you to produce more aura." I felt the weight on my shoulders grow heavier, but kept my mouth shut. "Did you feel that?"

"Yeah, it feels like pressure." Killua stepped forward a bit.

"It feels heavy." I smiled.

"But it doesn't feel weird or creepy." Gon joined in.

"That's because I have absolutely no malice." Wing grinned. "Aura is an energy dwelling within all humans. Which makes it very effective against other humans, for better or for worse. If you attack a helpless person with malice, you can kill using aura alone. Only one thing can protect you from a user of Nen."

"A knife!" I chuckled, happily feeling like a little gremlin.

"All right, and we're keeping you out of kitchens." Killua laughed.

"You must learn Nen yourself." Wing continued. "And use Ten for defense. Block the other person's aura with your own. Otherwise..." Aura surrounded his body as he touched the wall, and I grew uncertain of what he was doing. He crushed the wall, barely touching it with his fingertips, making me grow intimidated by the strength of his aura. Though, Killua looked more shocked than both me and Gon. "Your body will be shattered beyond all recognition."

"Maybe we should throw up a rug to cover the wall?" I suggested, trying to break the ice. "I doubt that the landlords would appreciate this."

No one laughed.

"Nen is a power that dwells in everyone. However, only a few are capable of using that power." Wing continued his explanation as Killua patted my back, comforting me for my failed joke. "Because of their ability, they are treated as geniuses, leaders, psychics, sages, and even superhumans."

"A power that dwells within everyone?" Gon repeated.

"Yes." Wing nodded. "And there are means by which to awaken this power. But only two. Either slowly and carefully, or by force. Zushi opted for the slow and careful path. Not only was he a quick learner, but he was tireless in his training, so he was able to master Ten in a short amount of time. About six months."

"That's way too long!" Killua exclaimed.

"We don't have that kinda time!" I huffed.

"We need to learn Ten and pass Hisoka, and before Midnight!" The white-haired boy next to me continued.

"Then it seems force is our only choice." Wing grimaced.

"But is that gonna be fast enough?" Killua grunted.

"Exactly how long it takes is up to you and how well you learn to contain your aura in that time. So, let's get right to it, shall we?" Wing outstretched his hand. "I will begin your training by transmitting my aura in your direction. This is Hatsu, which you saw earlier."

"The wall, right?" I spoke.

"Yes." Wing nodded. "And of course, it goes without saying that because I wish you no harm, I'll go easy on you. But this method is still a drastic one. In other words, I will attempt to shock you into awakening. I will rouse your sleeping bodies with a jolt, making it so you can perform Ten easily. The reason I say sleeping is that your aura nodes are currently closed, preventing the free flow of aura. And so you see, by transmitting my aura through you, I am hoping to jolt these nodes into an open position."

"Will it...Will it hurt?" I frowned, growing a bit fearful.

"You might be a bit stunned, but it should be an overall calm practice." Wing smiled.

"But if it does, I'll be here." Killua whispered, silently grabbing my hand. "I promise."

"Likewise." I chuckled, keeping the same volume he did.

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