05- 𝘎𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘥!

972 28 39

We sat in silence and just looked around the room. I wasn't sure what I was thinking about, a lot was going on. I looked at Killua who seemed to also have a lot on his mind. I glanced at his features, admiring each of them. I smiled at his eyes, clouded with confusion and his fluffy hair, which seemed to move along with his head. He noticed I was staring at him and just laughed, cheeks a bit pink.

"You're staring." He smiled.

"Mm...I know. I just like to look at you is all." I replied, shutting my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, what's the tape doing?" Killua sat up and got closer to the tape player only to see it was rewinding itself, most likely erasing the audio on both the original audio and the copy.

"Wait a minute, what's happening?" I leaned in closer too. "I'll go get Gon. You try and stop it somehow." I charged down the stairs to look for Gon, only to find he was trying to take up 3 sandwiches. 

"Oh, hey, Y/n! What's up?" He asked.

"The tape is rewinding! We gotta go stop it!" I exclaimed. He put down the sandwiches and rushed up the stairs with me. We burst open the door to find Killua repeatedly hitting the stop button.

"Ahh...Help!" Killua's eyes were wide.

"Um...Shoot!" Gon sat down next to the audio player. "Is that Aura?"

"It's nen, and it's rewinding the tape!" Killua replied.

"Nen? He's close! He's gotta be!" Gon glanced out the window.

"No. Over 10 years ago he imbued it with aura, so it would start rewinding the minute it stopped!" Killua explained.

"But why?" Gon leaned forward.

"I have no idea." Killua huffed. The tape stopped rewinding and began to record instead. "Look, now it's recording!"

"Ah, shit." I cursed.

"Wait, I think I get it, he's erasing his voice!" Killua theorized. 

"What?" Gon tried to hit the stop button, but it didn't work. "It won't stop, damn it!"

"I'll unplug it!" I offered, scrambling over to the outlet. I pulled the plug, but the machine continued to record.

"It's still going!" Killua exclaimed.

"Even when it's unplugged?" Gon looked at the end of the cord.

"I'm breaking it!" The albino picked up the audio player and threw it against Gon's closet door. "Sorry!" He shouted, sending it flying with a single punch. It landed on the floor with a loud clatter and I hopped back, landing on Gon's bed. "Crap!" It was still recording. "It's no use, the Nen's protecting it!" Killua then proceeded to stop on it, which I'm sure garnered Aunt Mito's attention. Killua continued kicking and then toppled over, landing on the floor.

I glanced as the tape stopped recording and just sighed. "It looks like it's finished." Gon frowned.

"That Ging fella is one sneaky bastard." I huffed. "Anyway, should we play the tape back? It might be at least a little bit salvageable."

"Well, we could see." Killua sighed, hitting the play tape button. All we heard was the scene that had just played.

"Ugh, my voice is just...ew." I groaned, covering my ears.

Killua took my hands off of my ears and laughed. "Are you kidding? Your voice is adorable." He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. "I like it a lot."

"You do?" I looked up at him.

"Of course I do, silly!" He grinned.

"Awe. Wait, we gotta focus!" Gon shook his head.

"Right!" Killua shot up. "Um, so the duplicate cassette was also completely wiped."

"I just don't get why he'd go through all this trouble." Gon admitted.

"Well, it's kinda obvious." I chimed in. "He doesn't want you to find him, and that tape could contain a clue. Just based on background noise alone. If we replayed it and heard something, like an animal, we could determine what kind of place he'd be in."

"Mhm. You could also determine how tall the speaker likely is, their weight, their age, diseases, facial features, even a psych profile." Killua nodded. "And Like Y/n said, from the noise in the background you can determine exact location. But that's not what he was worried about. There's something else."

"Wait, for real?" I laid on my stomach, supporting my head with my open palms.

"What are you talking about?" Gon asked.

"His Nen abilities." Killua narrowed his eyes. "There might be a Nen user somewhere who can analyze data better than a machine. I bet there is. They can hear your voice and it would tell them everything they need to know about you." He pointed at Gon.

"Even his favorite color?" I joked.

"Even his favorite color." Killua nodded, using a serious tone. "Gon, Your dad is tough. Like, really tough." He picked up the tape that he had put on the ground. "This is useless." He sighed. "Lucky it wasn't the only clue. We've still got 2 more left. The ring and the memory card. The ring probably won't help, but the memory card might.

"What do we do with the card?" I asked.

"Well, it looks smaller than a normal one." Gon noted. "You think we'll need special hardware for it?"

"Wait- You mean you can't tell?" Killua frowned. 

"That's a videogame memory card, Gon." I chuckled.

"It only works with the JS," Killua added, holding up the card.

"What's a JS?" Gon asked.

"Oh, you poor deprived child." I pat Gon's head.

"It's a gaming console from about 3 generations back called the Joy Station," Killua responded. "Man, don't you know anything?"

"My Mom got one for me for Christmas when I was about 9." I smiled. "I was obsessed with that thing, I'd play it all the time. I really liked playing CraftMine."

"Oh, I remember playing that one! I would set fire to all the villages I spawned by." Killua laughed.

"Oh...That's...Comforting." I joked.

"Hush, I was like...8." He giggled. "Anyway, if this Island still has cassette players, there's gotta be an old console around here somewhere! There a toy store here?"

"I'm pretty sure there is." Gon responded blankly. 

"Okay. Hold on." Killua stood up before leaving the room.

"I'm gonna go with him, that okay?" I asked Gon.

"Go for it, though I'm confused as to what he's doing." He laughed.

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