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"For fuck's sake, Neun! I told you to do your work properly and not be a dumbshit!" I angrily shout and slam my hands on my table.

"I-I'm very sorry, Ms. Kim," she said and looked down.

"Sorry?! You gave me the wrong paper that I almost signed! It's only been a month since you started working here, and you already make mistakes?! Did you even go to school? Can't you read the right paper?" I yell again.

I'm so angry with this stupid secretary of mine! I thought she was different from my other secretaries, but they are all pieces of shit! I almost signed the paper that she gave me!

If I didn't read it again, for sure my company would lose 11.5 million! And now she's just saying sorry?! That's ridiculous! She risked my company's money because of her foolishness, and she will just say sorry?!

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kim. I promise to double-check the papers you need to sign before giving them to you," she said and looked at me with her pleading eyes.

My eyes darken at her. "There's no next time! Go pack your things and get the hell out of my company! You're fired!" I shout at her and gesture for her to leave my office.

She didn't try to answer back because they all know what would happen if they answered back to an angry Jennie. They can't disobey me, and mostly, once I say they're fired, there's no turning back.

I frustratedly mess my hair before sitting on my swivel chair. Aish! I just arrived in this building, and this is what my ex-secretary welcomes me with? A nasty move!

I heard my office door crack open again, and I saw my brother walking towards me with a disappointed expression, but I don't care. He doesn't affect me at all.

"I see... you fired your secretary again," Taehyung said as he sat across from my table.

Taehyung is my older brother and stands as a father for me and my mom. He's very protective of us but also annoying at the same time. He doesn't want us to get hurt, so he will do anything just to protect us.

He's the COO of the Company while I'm the CEO. I don't know, but I really thought he would be the CEO and not me. But, in the end, my grandfather wanted me to be the one.

My grandfather said Taehyung is not suited for the position, and Taehyung agreed with him too. So I couldn't do anything but accept this stressful position. Since the day I stepped here, which was last year, I've always been stressed.

But it never affects the company. I'm managing it well because I'm Jennie Kim, and I'm wise, and people know that. I graduated last year as valedictorian with many high awards.

My grandfather is happy with what he gave me, and I'm happy too because I'm really suited for this position, but I just dislike the idea of dealing with stressful and stupid business partners.

Yeah, most of my business partners are businessmen, and they all try to hit on me. Hell, I would never let them. They're just stupid maniacs or mainly addicts who want to get into my pants.

I can't blame them either because I know I'm beautiful and hot, but I'm not kind, caring, or sweet. I do not talk to strangers unless it's related to business. But if it's not, I'll just shoo them away.

They're all not worth my time. They're all foolish to try to approach me. Crazy dumb guys.

"It's none of your business," I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Can't you be kind to your elders sometimes?" he said and shook his head.

"Whatever," I said and opened my computer because I still needed to check those emails.

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