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"I can't understand why you two need to hide this thing from us!" Jisoo said and dramatically bite the Italian Roasted Chicken that Moonbyul and I serve for her.

"Yeah! How do you guys hide this from us for months?!" Chaeng second motion with her dramatic girlfriend.

"Right! We don't like people hiding something from us! Tsk! Tsk!" Seulgi said and Moonbyul and I just sigh in disbelief.

"Come on guys! You're already here and eating what's the difference there?" Moonbyul said and I nodded in agreement.

"BUT JENNIE ALREADY SEE THIS BEFORE THE OPENING!" They all said in Unison causing Jennie, Moonbyul and I to cover our ears.

"Jennie is special" I said but receive a glare from them.

"AND WE'RE NOT?!" I groan because we've been talking about this since earlier when they arrive! and they kept shouting!

"Guys can you please calm the fuck down?! We're not just the only people here! If you forgot this is a restaurant. A newly opened restaurant and if you continue shouting so loud the customer might get annoyed and leave and spread a bad impression about our Restaurant! We don't want that. Don't we?" I whisper yelled and ask. They all nodded their head and behave like a child.

"Fine! but we're still mad" Jisoo said and munch her chicken. Seriously? When is the time that I can talk to Jisoo properly at mealtime without her holding her chicken?

"Okay then! If you all kept whining about this and stay mad for a nonsense reason you might as well pay for your food. No free foods for whinny people" Moonbyul declared that cause them to look at her and widened their eyes except for one.

"So what? We can pay to our fo-" she didn't finish her sentence when a waitress came and put five classics of the desert. "Okay forgiven" she said and took her spoon and brought a spoonful Ice cream in her mouth.

All of them just watch her with amazement. "That fast?" Ryujin said as she watch Rosé took the bowl and eat the Ice cream by herself. Not wanting to share with others.

"Come on! We all know that we can't resist food!" Jisoo said and they all divert their attention to Jisoo who is keep munching. "You're forgiven Byul and Lisa. Just make sure we always get free food" she said and I scoff.

"Ha! Today is free because it's our opening but to the next time that you came no free foods anymore! Our restaurant might go bankrupt if you and chaeng came here for free food! Your tummy can eat a whole human being" I said in disbelief and Jisoo smirk at me.

"It's fine. We have our Rich kid Mandu here" she said and smiled brightly at Jennie and but drop when Jennie spoke.

"In your dreams" Jennie said and I laugh with her.

Apparently it's Wednesday today and we opened our Restaurant publicly. They are not here this morning when we cut the ribbon because Moonbyul and I didn't want them to leave their work so we just invited them this lunch but didn't tell them that this is ours.

We just told them to go to this restaurant and have lunch and they did but once Moonbyul and I came out with our Chef's Uniforms their eyes went wide and start to bombarded us with those questions before getting dramatically annoyed.

I don't get them! I mean we have a reason why we hide this because Moonbyul and I thought this will not end up good that's why we keep it secret for a while and we didn't expect it will end up good. According to Jennie. I brought her here because I want Jennie to be the one to first saw the place before them.

They're special too along with my sister's but Jennie should be the one to saw it first because Jennie is the one who knows about businesses and I actually brought her here not just because of it. I ask for her Idea too about the place and she request something's to that really helped a lot. I already explain it to them and they just like being more dramatic.

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