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"WAKE UP!" I heard Jisoo yell loudly behind my tent. I grumpily sat up and mess my hair in frustration before yawning and opening my tent with a zipper. I go out just wearing hoodie pants and socks.

"WHAT?!" I ask in annoyance.

"Idiot! It's already 7 in the morning and an hour we will start hiking again that's what Lia said" Jisoo said as I saw the others go out with their annoyed expression while covering their selves by their blankets.

It's really cold this day because Christmas is coming in a month. The weather will be colder than the weather these past few days. That's what the weathercaster said and I believe it is base on what I'm experiencing right now. It's so cold!

"What are we doing?" I ask as I place my palms on my cheek to feel the warmth.

"Lia said the first activity will happen and she also said it's actually fun activity and she's sure we would like it because everyone does enjoy that game" Jisoo explain and we nodded in agreement.

"Where are we going to shower?" Seulgi ask.

"No one will take a shower because that's one of the thrilled in the camping!" Lia has suddenly shown up. Our faces drop on the floor.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Wendy said as she snipped herself.

"You stink?" Lia asks and wendy makes a face but shook her head.

"Of course not! Maybe they are!" Wendy pointed us and we glare at her.

"We're not! My body odors are completely fine then your feet!" I said and look at Seulgi at the last word.

"Hey! My feet are not smelly anymore!" She depends.

"Okay enough! So do you guys understand that no shower for straight 3 days?" Lia strictly asks and we all nodded. Oh God! Is she the long-lost sister of Jennie instead of Yeji?! "Great! Now go change to comfortable clothes and gathered before 8 Am" she added and we all agreed.

We all go back to our tent. I close the tent because I'm going to change and no one should ever see my perfect body because if there are? Well Jennie will gonna kills them and I'm not going to stop her because if I do she will kill me along with them.

Anyways I pull my other set of clothes and wear them. I change my undergarments too if you're all is curious about that matter. I pick my rubber shoes and go out before wearing them. Others are already done too and we're just waiting for Lia to come to here to our spot.

After few minutes we already see Lia going towards us. "Guys you need to brought any necessary thing and leave unnecessary things" She state and we all look at each other.

"What do you mean by necessary and unnecessary? Can you enlighten us?" I voice out our curiousness.

She nodded and spoke. "You need to bring a little bag and in the bag you need to put your emergency kit like medicine or whatsoever. Flashlight and towel should be in there too and you all will leave unnecessary like phone and chips" She finishes her word looking at Jisoo who is holding her chips.

"Argh! Fine!" Jisoo groans and goes back to her tent along with others leaving me here because I want to ask something regarding unnecessary things.

"Do you still have concern Unnie?" Lia ask and for the fire time! She called me Unnie!

I nodded. "Can I bring my phone? I really need this because my wife is pregnant and I need my phone to be always with me so if something happened to her I would know immediately" I plead with my eyes begging and she shook her head.

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