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I was now riding a car along with this Woobin who's sitting beside me while Taehyung is in the passenger seat. They have a driver so I can clearly say they're rich. As in rich base on what uncle told me before about this Woobin.

My eyes are still sending dagger to this old man because I can't just calm myself for a moment even I tried it so many times. My blood is really boiling as my face heated. I will never forgive this old man if he doesn't give me a valid reason.

If I'm a serial killer I already kill this old man since earlier because of madness. I mean how could he do that?! Does she knows that all the properties that he stole from us mean a lot to our family?! That's the only thing that our parents leave for us!

Our house where we build our happy memories with our parents when they're still breathing. hell even all our maids and butlers lose their job because of that! He never thought about them before doing it!

Aish! I'm really mad at this old grumpy man!
"Stop giving me deathly glares. It's h-horrifying" he said which make me scoff.

"Just make sure you have a damn reason because if not? I could ruin your face even you're already old" I said and he glared at me.

"I'm not that old! You little bastard!...annoying is really running in your blood" he whispered the last sentence but I heard it. I choose to just shrug it off.

"Lisa we want you to know something before we arrive there" Taehyung suddenly spoke.

"What?" I coldly ask.

"I'm Jennie Kim's brother" he said which make me gasp. Hell! That's why his name is familiar because seulgi already mention him to me! Oh my freakin God! No wonder he's been telling me to not give up on her.

"You're Kim. No wonder" I plainly said as if I already know.

"And I'm Ki-"

"Didn't ask you" I said and he glares at me once again.

"We arrive Mr. Kim" the driver abruptly spoke and the Kim's nodded.

"I'll prove it to you young lady" Woobin said before smirking at me and I just roll my eyes at him.

"Embarrassed yourself Kim Woobin" I said and laugh in sarcasm before we go out.

My eyes instantly roam in this fucking huge and luxurious house. It's Mansion! Hell did this old man rent this huge house just to play games to me? Wow he's doing great.

I follow these two Kim's at the entrance just to see all butlers and maids forming to two lines and looking at me. What the hell? Taehyung and Woobin stop and let me walk first and once I step my foot inside the butlers and maids bow to me.

"Welcome Ms. Manoban" they said and I just laugh at my thought. They're doing great.

"Still not convince?" Woobin said and I look at him with full of hate.

"In your dreams" I said and he just scoffs at me. Probably losing his cool because of my savage retorted.

The butlers lead us the further way and once I arrive at the living room I saw an old lady already running in my spot and once I see her face...I froze with my eyes widened and mouth agape. This can't be...

"LALISA!" She said as she jumps on me and hugs me tight. I didn't move because hell! I know this woman! I freakin know her! My father shows us their pictures every time he has time and always talks about them.

Even he hates her parents for not agreeing to their marriage he still love them as his parents. He still adores them that's why he kept telling things and showing pictures to us. We really not looking forward of meeting them because we are all aware that they didn't agree with their marriage.

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