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"What a very tiring day!" I groaned as I slumped my body onto my bed.

Jisoo and I had just arrived at our hotel after finishing a meeting with an old man interested in investing in our company. The meeting dragged on for too long because he kept asking endless questions, and I couldn't blame him.

Anyway, I scolded Jisoo earlier because she took so long to buy my iced coffee. When she finally returned, she didn't have one for me. What the heck, right? But she had excuses, saying she helped a girl she accidentally bumped into. Why should I care about the girl she bumped into? I was waiting for my drink, and the one they served me was the orange juice I hate. I despise orange juice, and nothing can change that. It's the most disgusting juice I've ever tasted.

Jisoo and I had separate suites, with hers next to mine and Kwangsoo's next to hers. Anyway, I'm so sleepy right now, and we really need to sleep early because we're heading back to Seoul tomorrow morning.

I was about to turn off the lamp when my phone started ringing. What the heck? I was just about to sleep, and now someone's calling me? Ugh! I grumpily took my phone from the nightstand and saw Nayeon's caller ID.

"The heck, Nayeon?" I hissed.

"The heck to you too, Jen!"

"Tell me what you need! I'm sleepy."

"I need you, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim!" She shouted.

"Huh? Are you drunk?"

"No! But we will be later! I'm in Daegu!"

"What?! What are you doing here? Are you following me?" I asked.

"In your dreams! I'm here because I'm visiting my grandma and grandpa," she said.

"Oh, right... So what do you really want?"

"Go out to that hotel building, and we will go to the bar!" She said.

"I don't want to drink!" I groaned.

"You're no fun, Jen! Just for tonight. It's been a long time since we went to the bar."

"And it ends up being a mess. You know what I can do when I'm drunk!"

"Don't you want it? Don't you want to get laid again? Seductive drunk Jennie is the best, you know?" She said before laughing.

"But guys are no good," I said.

"Then try it with girls," she suggested as if that's the greatest thing.

"Are you kidding me, Nayeon?"

"No! I once had sex with a girl, and her fingers were more amazing than those dorky guys'," she said.

"I don't know! Argh! You're getting on my nerves, Nayeon!" I wailed.

"Whatever! Just go out to your suite, and let's find out," she said before dropping the phone.

The heck?! That girl! I'm sleepy, but my friend won't leave me in peace until I agree with her. I grumpily stood up from my bed and walked toward the cabinet. I'm thankful the maids put so many clothes there.

I picked my black short dress that would hug my waist and reveal my gorgeous back. Yeah, I will wear this because it's a bar. What do you want me to wear? Pajamas? Lol.

I stripped off my pajamas right where I was standing because I'm the only one in my room, so why go to the bathroom if I can walk naked inside my room? Anyway, I wore the dress and got my heels before going in front of the mirror.

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