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"Thank you for coming with me byul and I'm sorry If I disturb you" I said to Moonbyul as we walk out of the hospital.

She held my shoulder to make me stop and I stop and face her. "Tsk! It's nothing lis! You don't need to thank me because I'm your friend and I must help my best friend and don't be sorry because you didn't disturb me" she said as she gave me a tap on my shoulder.

I smile at her "You're really the best" I said and hug her.

"I know! You don't need to remind me that every day!" She said that makes me laugh.

I pull out the hug and smack her shoulder. "Your so full of your self man" I said.

"Yah! You just thank me earlier then you hit me just now? What kind of friend are you?" She jokingly said and act as if she was hurt.

"Don't pout. You're an ugly ass" I said and laugh hard causing her to glare.

"But seriously Lisa. Since I'm already living here in the city too if you need help you can also call me. I'm always here to help my best buddy so don't forget that" she said and my heart melts at her kindness.

"And vice versa" I said and she nodded.

We walk towards her car and we climb in. My ankle and arm are already fine so I can move freely now and there's nothing to worry about. She started the car and drive away.

"You're starting your job this Monday right?" I ask.

"Uhuh! I'm very excited but also sad because you're not there with me" She said.

"Oh come on! Don't worry about me! You should enjoy your job there and try to not think about 'what about me' this is my faith and our faith is different" I said.

"I'm just sad because this is our dream and yet I'm just the one who is here. If you just accept my offer to help you"

"You don't mention that to me. I can't just receive money from you like that If I graduated that you're the one who is paying for my tuition I'll still be sad because I graduated by just relying on you. I want to be graduated using my own money that came from my own sweat" I said and she just shrugs.

"Just enjoy your job there and I'm happy for you! What is important is you're there making our dreams come true except that I'm not there with you but make it come true to you and I'm so proud of you Byul" I said and smile at her.

"Thank you. I'll promise to enjoy this for you" She said and I nodded.

"Let's eat lunch" she said and but I shook my head in disagreement.

"No I'm fine and full" I said, "just drop me off at the JRJ Corp," I said and she glances at me.

"Why? You visiting your...girl?" She said and wiggles her brows.

"Shut up byul" I said and glance at my phone and saw she was still not replying to me. It's been 4 hours passed.

"Remember what I told you careful" Moonbyul said and I didn't respond to her again.

It's been a week since the incident in the zoo and since that day I haven't come to her company and see her but I always text but she's not replying to me and she just reply today but it's too short and I'm not satisfied so I want to come there and see her.

I know it's being dramatic but Kim really doesn't reply to me and that's odd because if I tease her in the text she would always reply like some savage reply but even it's savagely I'm still happy because at least she replied right?

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