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"I'm sorry my dear daughter. I think I'm not able to accompany you to go to the mall" Mom said as I sat on her bed.

She unexpectedly caught fever last night. We actually plan yesterday that we will go to the mall to shop for some things for my unborn daughter that I still haven't bought. I mean I already bought it but it's not enough because I want more! I want more than that so I'm going to the mall without Lisa knowing.

"It's fine Mom. You can just rest for the whole day and I'll go by my self" I said and smiled but she instantly shook her head.

"If you're going then you're not allowed to go by yourself. I will ask one of our personnel to come wi-" I cut her off.

"Mom I can manage by my self" I said but it did lessen her worries. I hate it when they're all thinking me and my baby would be in danger! I I that careless mother to let that happen?

"Lisa wouldn't like this"

"Will she ever know?" I ask as I smiled evilly. "Mom please don't worry anymore because I will take care of myself and I want to have alone time" I pleaded desperately.

Before she could reply someone suddenly bang the door open and follow with a loud voice.
"GRANDMA!" I saw Lincoln crying while running towards us before he jump onto Mom's bed and hug Mom.

"Lincoln what happen?" I worriedly ask as my mom look at him for an answer too.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim. His father dropped him off and once he found out that you're sick he started to cry and run to your room and I couldn't able to stop her" The maid shown up at the door with an apologetic look.

"It's fine. You can go now" Mom said and the maid now before leaving us alone. "Lincoln Grandma is fine" Mom said as she caressed Lincoln's head.

This is too much to handle! It's so cute to watch the affection of grandson and grandmother!

"Are you dying?" Lincoln said that cause Mom and I laugh hard and he looks at us full of curiosity.

"Mom is not dying Lincoln. She just caught the fever and will be alright after she takes her medicine" I said and he smiled and wipe his tears.

"So I'm going to have you forever?" He happily asks.

"Forever!" Mom said in high pitched and kiss Lincoln's head.

I stand up from the bed because it's already 10:12 and I want to go to the mall as early as I can so I can go back instantly. "I'm going Mom" I said and she raises her brows.

"Take someone with you" she said but I stubbornly shook my head.

"Not gonna happen mom. I want to go without personnel behind me!" I said and stomped my feet like a kid.

"Where are you going Auntie?! I wanna go with you!" Lincoln said as he jump out of the bed and took my hand and make me held her hand.

Mom laughs and looks at me and I just frown. "If you don't want personnel then Lincoln will come with you!" She said na dI widened my eyes.

Mom! Didn't you the last thing that you make it harder for me?!

"But Lin-"

"No buts! Lincoln here's grandma's spare phone! You know how to use a phone right?" Mom asks the guy who is just turning 3 but knows how to used gadgets. Lincoln nodded. "Call grandma if something happens okay?"

"Aye! Aye! Grandma!" Lincoln said and took the phone before putting it inside his little bag and held my hand again.

I just sigh and bid my goodbye to mom with this little cutie beside me. We make our way out of the house and were surprised when I see my Mom's personal driver is waiting for me to get in the car.
I groan! I just tell her that I want to be alone even Lincoln is with me so I don't need a driver too!

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