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I open my eyes and rapidly blink once the light from the bulb hits my eyes. After a minute of adjusting I open my eyes again and look around. All I can see is white walls and a plain living room. I roam my eyes again and that's when I spot the Jisoo, Seulgi, Wendy, and Moonbyul having a hard time sleeping on a couch.

The four of them are seating on the couch as their eyes are closed. I was about to ask myself what the hell I'm doing here and why the hell I'm wearing this hospital dress when I remember what happened today. I fell to a freakin' tall tree!

And that wouldn't happen if...if...Mina. Mina! Fuck! I fucking saw her with my own two eyes before I close my eyes! She's looking at me in my eyes full of worries before I close my eyes! Is she the one who brought me here? But...wait!

"JENNIE!" I suddenly voice out so loud that causes the four to jump on the couch and ready to fight to anyone who will beat them.

But when they look in my spot their eyes soften and all of them hurriedly ran towards my bed and rambled. "Are you okay Lisa?" Seulgi said.

"What's hurt? Should I call the doctor?" Jisoo said.

"Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Oh yes! I'll get you water!" Wendy said before she run out of the room.

"Are you cold Lis? Here I will let you borrow my hoo-" I cut off Moonbyul.

"Can you all calm down?!" I said in annoyance. They all look down and fidgets their fingers as if they commit a terrible crime.

"I'm sorry Lisa" I heard them said in unison. I look at them and raise my brows.

Why they're sorry? They didn't do anything bad to me! It was my fault that I fell from the tree and not them. It's my stupidity and they're not there with me so they shouldn't apologize to me because this is my fault.

"There's nothing to be sorry of," I said but they argued.

"It's my Idea to split up! If I didn't suggest it maybe we're all safe!" Jisoo said.

"It's fine. Why are you guys even doing here? Aren't you suppose to continue the camp?" I ask them but they shook their head.

"We decided to not join anymore. We took all of our things earlier before coming here. We can't continue the game without our Limario" Moonbyul said and I don't know but I suddenly felt flattered.

"Since when do you became sweet?" I jokingly ask and chuckled but they just pout and jump on top of me to hug me but I groan badly because I felt a sting on my back.

"OUCH! ARGH! GET OFF!" I shout in pain as I arch my back and make a face of pain.

"I'm sorry!" Seulgi said as she caressed my hand but I yank it!

"Don't touch me! It's gross!" I said and she just pout. "My back is so hurt badly" I said.

"The Doctor said it's nothing serious. You just need to drink the medicine to lessen the pain and put ointment on the swollen part of your back and it will heal for only days but to your ankle..." Moonbyul lift the duvet and it reveals my ankle with the thick cast. "It will take a month before they will remove your cast. They said your ankles slam badly to a hard object. The cast will help your broken bones to form to normal shaped again"  she explain and I sadly nodded.

"Jennie's birth month is next m- wait! Where's Jennie?!" I ask them as nervousness eat me alive

If Mina is the one who brought me here....then Jennie? I know I already sleep for hours so there's no way Jennie is still not going here! "She runs out of the room once she saw the girl earlier" Wendy spoke as she put down the water on the table.

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