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"I will keep on loving her until my last breath...The end" Mr. Smith read it out loud from his computer before he push his glasses to the bridge of his nose and look at me with full of amazement in his eyes and started to clap his hand slowly but loudly. 

I smiled happily as I watch his reaction after reading the last part of the book I've written for the past 3 months that I'm relaxing in South Korea just to have a beautiful outcome book of the story that was originally made by my mind and wonderful imaginations. 

"Wow...Just wow" He said in disbelief as he shook his head and his eyes glittered in happiness. "This is the best book I've read so far! Lisa, you never let me down since you started working in this publishing company 5 years ago!" He said and stand up from his swivel chair and applaud again. 

I'm really overwhelmed so I just smiled at his compliments. "Thank you, Mr. Smith, but don't throw a joke because we both know that there are a lot of stories that had been published by Cambridge Press than mine" I said but he looked at me and instantly shook his head. 

"Maybe there are but your books are just amazing just like I imagine! The first time I read your first book that was just been published on a website I already fell in love with your works and that's the reason why I didn't hesitate to approach the great Lisa Manoban or known by her pen name 'Yellowelle'" He said and sat down on his swivel chair elegantly and crosses his legs. 

I fix my eyeglasses and wait for him to speak again. I'm currently here at his office on the main publishing building of Cambridge here in New York City. I just landed here in new york from south Korea just last week when I finally finish the last chapter of the story I wrote. 

After I landed one week ago I decided to take a rest for a while in my apartment. I didn't go out of my apartment and just sleep and edit some part of my book and after 3 days I send it to him through email and tell him that I'm already done with the book I told him that I was writing. 

Just after 2 days after I send it to him he called me and make me come here to his office. So here I am early in the morning seating in front of him and watching him read the last two parts until it came to an ending and his eyes are literally teary which is make me feel bad a little but I know I shouldn't because being emotional is part of reading a story. 

If you felt emotional that's mean you understand the story and as well as the sides of the characters. Reading a story was just like entering a relationship. You will smile, laugh and cry but just like a commitment in a will come to an end. 

So seeing Mr. Smith facial reaction every minute passed by...I could tell I did well because I made him feel those emotions that should be felt by readers while reading the stories I made.

Making your readers cry and laugh means you succeed in making a wonderful story that you want to be. 

"I like it, I like it very much" He said and put his elbow on his table. 

"I'm glad you do because if you don't...I wouldn't have a chance to publish it" I jokingly said and we chuckled. 

"As If I wouldn't like your work! You always write the best stories" He said and I just smiled and he smiled back but I can see how he look at me with full of curiosity.

I mean you know the look of the person who's so eager to know something? well, that's how he looked at me and that didn't go unnoticed so I speak on his behalf. "Do you want to ask something else regarding this story Mr. Smith?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows. 

"Can I?" He ask and I chuckled. 

"Of course! You're part of the board member after all! you should ask nor have complaints because you have the capability to tell what goes wrong or it's just fine" I said and he just roll his eyes. 

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