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40 minutes passed and we're already done eating and they're just drinking soju but I refuse to drink because I don't want to be drunk in front of my employees. They will look down on me once they saw who I am when I'm drunk.

I know myself when I'm drunk. They're already in their 5th bottle and they have each bottle. Nancy is drinking too and I felt gross because she's starting to get touchy to seulgi! I mean what the heck?!

Just earlier she's flirting with Lisa and now with seulgi?! But seulgi is kept shoving her away because she's not that drunk and I'm sure even she's drunk she will not entertain this bitch.

"Ms. Kim! It's been months but I'm still your secretary! I'm really thankful you're still not firing me! Hehe!" Jisoo started to drunken talk.

This girl has a low alcohol tolerance just like this Manoban beside me! She's been resting her head on my shoulder and I kept pushing it away but I get tired and just let her!

"Why? Are you complaining? Do you want me to fire you tomorrow?" I said as I raise my eyebrow.

"Of course not! I'm just happy Ms. Kim! Even you're such a brat woman you're still nice to me and I won't get tired of your yells and endlessly scolding" she said that caused my eyes to widen.

Why is she so straight to the point?! Did she remember I'm her boss and if I got offended I can fire her right away! She should be thankful because I am already used to hearing those things because If not she'll be dead!

When I was about to respond to her I heard a shout coming from the entrance. "Yah! Kang Seulgi!" She said I look at the girl intently until she arrives at our table. She's quite familiar.

She didn't mind us as she makes Jisoo go out of her seat and she pulls Seulgi in Nancy's touch. Seulgi's eyes widened and fear is visible in her eyes. The girl gritted her teeth and push seulgi aside and step forwards and pull nancy's hair that made me a shock.

There are just a few people inside and they don't seem to mind what is going on at our table. The girl angrily pulls nancy's hair and throws her on the floor. "You ugly ass flirty stinky bitch! How dare you to touch my girlfriend!" The girl said that earned gasp from me, Jisoo.

Seulgi has a girlfriend?! She's a girl who seems to be chill and doesn't care about people around her! She's a lowkey type of girl! Well, we don't have the right to know her private life either.

"Babe stop it please...let's go I'll take you home" Seulgi said as she held the girl's arm and the girl's face softened and hug Seulgi that earn awe from Jisoo.

The girl pulls out the hug and looks at Jisoo and that's when she noticed us. Her eyes widened and Instantly bow to me and I look at her. Confused.

"Good evening Ms. Kim and I'm very sorry if you had to witness what happened earlier" she said and continuously bow to me.

To be honest she doesn't have to say sorry to me because what she did earlier just give me contentment. This girl is the type of girl I want to befriend. If I can..."No, it's fine...did I know you? You're quite familiar" I said.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Irene bae and I'm your employee too except that I'm working from home because I'm still a student" Irene said.

"I remember you now...Ms. Bae" I said and nodded at her and she smiles at me.

"We are going now Ms. Kim" Irene said as she looks at Lisa then back to seulgi.

"Let's go" Seulgi said and drag Jisoo out too.

I kick Manoban's foot to wake her up because unfortunately, she fell asleep on my shoulder. "Yah! Let's go! I'll drop you off!" Irritatedly said.

If not just because of Nancy being here I will literally not be here and suffer from this! Nancy already walkout earlier "What about my bike?" She asks.

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