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I woke up without someone beside me. Oh yeah I forgot that I punish Lisa along with the three. Well they deserve it because once I saw the kitchen I literally want to slit their throat! Once I step inside the kitchen. All I can saw is a mess.

Mess every corner and smell like something is burnt out! the water is still on the sink is about to burst out! there's really a broken plate and you know what's make me mad the most?! The plate that they broke is the plate that I personally design and customize when Lisa and I go to the store last year!

I love it and it's really precious to me because that's my first experience and first work from doing it! And it has value because Lisa and I are the ones who made it! Not just me so how could Lisa let that shit happen! I'm really ranging mad yesterday to the point no one dares to disobey me. 

Irene and Chaeng didn't dare to stop me because they know me. If they tried they will end up with them so instead they support me by scolding them. I make them clean all the mess for 3 hours because I told them to don't stop until everything is clean.

I told them if I see a mess even a little they will see what I can do and because I'm so serious at that time they really clean the kitchen that long and make everything clean and even organized things that they ruin earlier.

The whole time they're cleaning lisa is just pouting and quiet and I don't know why because I'm really mad at her too! I told her to not make a mess and she promised but she still made a mess with those three!

After I make them tidy I drag all of them to the wide backyard with the sun fully hitting the spot. I told them to don't do it again so I make them stand there for hours while Irene and Chaeng are just watching if someone will move.

After hours of being under the sun all of them are really crimson red and a bit tan. All their face are just blank as if already killing me inside their head and at the same time swore that they will not do it again. After I told them it's enough Jisoo and Seulgi Instantly drag their woman out of our house and ran away with Moonbyul.

I guess they're afraid that there will be another punishment. Well that's me! If you don't listen to me and do things that I prohibit you to do you will experience hell even you're standing in the ground full of god creation but you will meet lucifer.

I sat up on our bed and stretch my arm and yawn before standing up slowly while holding my belly. My back sometimes aches because of my heavy tummy that's why every night Lisa will massage my back to lessen the pain but she didn't do it last night because I was mad at her.

I was actually a bit guilty about what I did yesterday. I mean not to those three but my wife because she's really silent yesterday and even after I did she still made me dinner and made me drink my vitamins and lastly help me to go up to our room even she's not speaking.

I took a warm shower and brush my teeth before dressing up with her oversized shirt and pants. I go out of our room with my hand still holding my bump. I make my way downstairs with the help of the handrails to support me from any dangerous things.

Once I make it down. I was welcome by my sleeping wife on the couch. She was laying like a ball and I realize I didn't even give her a blanket! I'm worst! I know I just burst out to her because I was really mad and now I feel guilty for making this to Lisa who always takes care of me.

She never really complain about anything and just understand me so how the hell I could do this to her? I pout as I make my way upstairs again and go to our room and took our blanket and make my way to the living room again. My poor baby.

My mood is really hitting me! Just earlier I was mad at her and now here I am being soft to my one and only wife.

I sat on the couch beside her and cover her body with the blanket before stroking her hair and cheeks. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her forehead "I love you" I mumbled before standing up. Okay this is my time to shine and make it up to all she did for me for the whole time I'm pregnant.

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